
Language = {}

Language = {
    -- Targets:
    registerVehicle = "Registration Vehicle",
    insuranceVehicle = "Insurance Vehicle",
    checkVehicles = "Check Vehicles",
    healthInsurance = "Health Insurance",
    homeInsurance = "Home Insurance",

    -- Progressbars:
    registeringVehicleProg = "Registering the vehicle...",
    insurancingVehicleProg = "Insurance the vehicle...",
    healthInsuranceProg = "Apply health insurance...",
    homeInsuranceProg = "Apply home insurance...",

    -- Notifications / Menu:
    insideVehicle = "You must be inside a vehicle.",
    headerInsurance = "Insurance",
    months = "Months",
    insuranceCost = "This insurance will cost: $",
    alreadyCarRegister = "This vehicle is already registered.",
    alreadyCarInsurance = "This vehicle already has insurance!",
    alreadyHealthInsurance = "You already have health insurance!",
    alreadyHomeInsurance = "You already have home insurance!",
    vehInfos = "Vehicle Information",
    vehicle = "Vehicle:",
    registration = "Registration:",
    insurance = "Insurance:",
    registerYes = "✅ Registered",
    registerNo = "❌ Not registered",
    insuranceYes = "✅ Insured",
    insuranceNo = "❌ Not Insured",
    noMoney = "You don't have enough money.",
    noVehicles = "You don't have any registered / insured vehicles.",

    -- Commands:
    checkInsuranceSuccess = "The plate: %s has insurance!",
    checkInsuranceFailure = "The plate: %s doesn't have insurance!",
    checkInsurancePlateMissing = "You need to write a plate number after the command",
    removeInsuranceSuccess = "Insurance removed for plate: %s",
    removeInsuranceFailure = "Failed to remove insurance for plate: %s",
    removeInsuranceNoInsurance = "The plate: %s doesn't have insurance!",

    checkHealthInsuranceSuccess = "The citizen ID: %s has health insurance!",
    checkHealthInsuranceFailure = "The citizen ID: %s doesn't have health insurance!",
    checkHealthInsuranceIDMissing = "You need to write a citizen ID number after the command",
    removeHealthInsuranceSuccess = "Insurance removed for citizen ID: %s",
    removeHealthInsuranceFailure = "Failed to remove insurance for citizen ID: %s",
    removeHealthInsuranceNoInsurance = "The citizen ID: %s doesn't have insurance!",

    checkHomeInsuranceSuccess = "The citizen ID: %s has home insurance!",
    checkHomeInsuranceFailure = "The citizen ID: %s doesn't have home insurance!",
    checkHomeInsuranceIDMissing = "You need to write a citizen ID number after the command",
    removeHomeInsuranceSuccess = "Insurance removed for citizen ID: %s",
    removeHomeInsuranceFailure = "Failed to remove insurance for citizen ID: %s",
    removeHomeInsuranceNoInsurance = "The citizen ID: %s doesn't have insurance!",

    noPermissions = "You don't have permissions.",

Last updated