
Config = {}

Config.Core = "qb-core" -- Your qb-core folder name
Config.Notify = "qb" -- "qb", "okok" or "ox"
Config.Menus = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.Inventory = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.Dispatch = 'ps' -- "ps", "cd" or "qs"

Config.Props = {
    Weed = "prop_weed_01", -- Props: https://gtahash.ru/
    Coke = "prop_plant_fern_02b", -- Props: https://gtahash.ru/
    Meth = "prop_plant_01a", -- Props: https://gtahash.ru/

Config.Drugs = {
    ["Weed"] = {
        gang = "", -- Gang needed?
        SpawnLocations = { -- List of locations to spawn props
            [1] = {coords = vector3(3687.33, 4597.62, 21.30), prop = Config.Props.Weed},
            [2] = {coords = vector3(3694.26, 4592.44, 22.21), prop = Config.Props.Weed},
            [3] = {coords = vector3(3701.77, 4595.96, 20.63), prop = Config.Props.Weed},
            [4] = {coords = vector3(3696.55, 4609.48, 18.74), prop = Config.Props.Weed},
            [5] = {coords = vector3(3686.51, 4615.27, 18.89), prop = Config.Props.Weed},
        Harvest = {
            alertCops = { enable = false, chance = 30 }, -- Settings to calling the cops
            minigame = { enable = true, NumberOfCircles = 2, MS = 10 }, -- https://github.com/Project-Sloth/ps-ui
            item = nil, -- Need item to pick up? If yes, make: item = "phone"
            time = 5000, -- Time of progressbar
            animDict = "amb@prop_human_bum_bin@idle_a", -- Animation of progressbar
            anim = "idle_a", -- Animation of progressbar
            drops = {
                -- @param item = Item the player will receive
                -- @param amount = Amount of item the player will receive
                -- @param chance = 0-100 chance of dropping the item
                [1] = { item = "weed-bad-ql", amount = math.random(5,9), chance = 100}, 
                [2] = { item = "weed-med-ql", amount = math.random(3,6), chance = 50},
                [3] = { item = "weed-max-ql", amount = math.random(1,3), chance = 15},
        Cut = {
            alertCops = { enable = false, chance = 30 }, -- Settings to calling the cops
            minigame = { enable = true, NumberOfCircles = 2, MS = 10 }, -- https://github.com/Project-Sloth/ps-ui
            Locations = { -- List of loaction to cut weed
                [1] = { coords = vector3(-1160.48, -1386.27, -1.8) },
            time = 5000, -- Time of progressbar
            animDict = "mp_arresting", -- Animation of progressbar
            anim = "a_uncuff", -- Animation of progressbar
            drops = {
                -- @param itemRemove = Item that will be removed from the player
                -- @param removeAmount = Amount of item that will be removed from the player
                -- @param itemReward = Item the player will receive
                -- @param rewardAmount = Amount of item the player will receive
                ["badql"] = { itemRemove = "weed-bad-ql", removeAmount = 5, itemReward = "leaves-weed-bad-ql", rewardAmount = math.random(5,9) },
                ["medql"] = { itemRemove = "weed-med-ql", removeAmount = 5, itemReward = "leaves-weed-med-ql", rewardAmount = math.random(3,6) },
                ["maxql"] = { itemRemove = "weed-max-ql", removeAmount = 5, itemReward = "leaves-weed-max-ql", rewardAmount = math.random(1,3) },
        Packaging = {
            alertCops = { enable = false, chance = 30 }, -- Settings to calling the cops
            minigame = { enable = true, NumberOfCircles = 2, MS = 10 }, -- https://github.com/Project-Sloth/ps-ui
            Locations = { -- List of loaction to process weed
                [1] = { coords = vector3(-1151.66, -1378.44, -1.8) },
            time = 5000, -- Time of progressbar
            animDict = "mp_arresting", -- Animation of progressbar
            anim = "a_uncuff", -- Animation of progressbar
            drops = {
                -- @param itemRemove = Item that will be removed from the player
                -- @param removeAmount = Amount of item that will be removed from the player
                -- @param itemReward = Item the player will receive
                -- @param rewardAmount = Amount of item the player will receive
                ["badql"] = { itemRemove = "leaves-weed-bad-ql", removeAmount = 5, itemReward = "package-weed-bad-ql", rewardAmount = math.random(5,9) },
                ["medql"] = { itemRemove = "leaves-weed-med-ql", removeAmount = 5, itemReward = "package-weed-med-ql", rewardAmount = math.random(3,6) },
                ["maxql"] = { itemRemove = "leaves-weed-max-ql", removeAmount = 5, itemReward = "package-weed-max-ql", rewardAmount = math.random(1,3) },
    ["Coke"] = {
        gang = "", -- Gang needed?
        SpawnLocations = { -- List of locations to spawn props
            [1] = {coords = vector3(66.15, 7152.57, 18.66), prop = Config.Props.Coke}, -- Props: https://gtahash.ru/
            [2] = {coords = vector3(72.00, 7150.50, 21.48), prop = Config.Props.Coke}, -- Props: https://gtahash.ru/
            [3] = {coords = vector3(78.95, 7155.95, 20.45), prop = Config.Props.Coke}, -- Props: https://gtahash.ru/
            [4] = {coords = vector3(79.85, 7148.93, 22.80), prop = Config.Props.Coke}, -- Props: https://gtahash.ru/
            [5] = {coords = vector3(72.90, 7143.35, 22.39), prop = Config.Props.Coke}, -- Props: https://gtahash.ru/
        Harvest = {
            alertCops = { enable = false, chance = 30 }, -- Settings to calling the cops
            minigame = { enable = true, NumberOfCircles = 2, MS = 10 }, -- https://github.com/Project-Sloth/ps-ui
            item = nil, -- Need item to pick up? If yes, make: item = "phone"
            time = 5000, -- Time of progressbar
            animDict = "amb@prop_human_bum_bin@idle_a", -- Animation of progressbar
            anim = "idle_a", -- Animation of progressbar
            drops = {
                -- @param item = Item the player will receive
                -- @param amount = Amount of item the player will receive
                -- @param chance = 0-100 chance of dropping the item
                [1] = { item = "coke-bad-ql", amount = math.random(5,9), chance = 100}, 
                [2] = { item = "coke-med-ql", amount = math.random(3,6), chance = 50},
                [3] = { item = "coke-max-ql", amount = math.random(1,3), chance = 15},
        Cut = {
            alertCops = { enable = false, chance = 30 }, -- Settings to calling the cops
            minigame = { enable = true, NumberOfCircles = 2, MS = 10 }, -- https://github.com/Project-Sloth/ps-ui
            Locations = { -- List of loaction to cut weed
                [1] = { coords = vector3(-1063.99, 4588.6, 113.85) },
            time = 5000, -- Time of progressbar
            animDict = "mp_arresting", -- Animation of progressbar
            anim = "a_uncuff", -- Animation of progressbar
            drops = {
                -- @param itemRemove = Item that will be removed from the player
                -- @param removeAmount = Amount of item that will be removed from the player
                -- @param itemReward = Item the player will receive
                -- @param rewardAmount = Amount of item the player will receive
                ["badql"] = { itemRemove = "coke-bad-ql", removeAmount = 5, itemReward = "leaves-coke-bad-ql", rewardAmount = math.random(5,9) },
                ["medql"] = { itemRemove = "coke-med-ql", removeAmount = 5, itemReward = "leaves-coke-med-ql", rewardAmount = math.random(3,6) },
                ["maxql"] = { itemRemove = "coke-max-ql", removeAmount = 5, itemReward = "leaves-coke-max-ql", rewardAmount = math.random(1,3) },
        Packaging = {
            alertCops = { enable = false, chance = 30 }, -- Settings to calling the cops
            minigame = { enable = true, NumberOfCircles = 2, MS = 10 }, -- https://github.com/Project-Sloth/ps-ui
            Locations = { -- List of loaction to process coke
                [1] = { coords = vector3(-1061.54, 4585.96, 113.73) },
            time = 5000, -- Time of progressbar
            animDict = "mp_arresting", -- Animation of progressbar
            anim = "a_uncuff", -- Animation of progressbar
            drops = {
                -- @param itemRemove = Item that will be removed from the player
                -- @param removeAmount = Amount of item that will be removed from the player
                -- @param itemReward = Item the player will receive
                -- @param rewardAmount = Amount of item the player will receive
                ["badql"] = { itemRemove = "leaves-coke-bad-ql", removeAmount = 5, itemReward = "package-coke-bad-ql", rewardAmount = math.random(5,9) },
                ["medql"] = { itemRemove = "leaves-coke-med-ql", removeAmount = 5, itemReward = "package-coke-med-ql", rewardAmount = math.random(3,6) },
                ["maxql"] = { itemRemove = "leaves-coke-max-ql", removeAmount = 5, itemReward = "package-coke-max-ql", rewardAmount = math.random(1,3) },
    ["Meth"] = {
        gang = "", -- Gang needed?
        SpawnLocations = { -- List of locations to spawn props
            [1] = {coords = vector3(-2344.53, 2389.43, 4.37), prop = Config.Props.Meth}, -- Props: https://gtahash.ru/
            [2] = {coords = vector3(-2338.23, 2388.30, 4.13), prop = Config.Props.Meth}, -- Props: https://gtahash.ru/
            [3] = {coords = vector3(-2336.03, 2381.91, 4.12), prop = Config.Props.Meth}, -- Props: https://gtahash.ru/
            [4] = {coords = vector3(-2341.28, 2376.10, 4.40), prop = Config.Props.Meth}, -- Props: https://gtahash.ru/
            [5] = {coords = vector3(-2345.53, 2379.75, 4.24), prop = Config.Props.Meth}, -- Props: https://gtahash.ru/
        Harvest = {
            alertCops = { enable = false, chance = 30 }, -- Settings to calling the cops
            minigame = { enable = true, NumberOfCircles = 2, MS = 10 }, -- https://github.com/Project-Sloth/ps-ui
            item = nil, -- Need item to pick up? If yes, make: item = "phone"
            time = 5000, -- Time of progressbar
            animDict = "amb@prop_human_bum_bin@idle_a", -- Animation of progressbar
            anim = "idle_a", -- Animation of progressbar
            drops = {
                -- @param item = Item the player will receive
                -- @param amount = Amount of item the player will receive
                -- @param chance = 0-100 chance of dropping the item
                [1] = { item = "meth-bad-ql", amount = math.random(5,9), chance = 100}, 
                [2] = { item = "meth-med-ql", amount = math.random(3,6), chance = 50},
                [3] = { item = "meth-max-ql", amount = math.random(1,3), chance = 15},
        Cut = {
            alertCops = { enable = false, chance = 30 }, -- Settings to calling the cops
            minigame = { enable = true, NumberOfCircles = 2, MS = 10 }, -- https://github.com/Project-Sloth/ps-ui
            Locations = { -- List of loaction to cut weed
                [1] = { coords = vector3(586.94, -430.26, 17.94) },
            time = 5000, -- Time of progressbar
            animDict = "mp_arresting", -- Animation of progressbar
            anim = "a_uncuff", -- Animation of progressbar
            drops = {
                -- @param itemRemove = Item that will be removed from the player
                -- @param removeAmount = Amount of item that will be removed from the player
                -- @param itemReward = Item the player will receive
                -- @param rewardAmount = Amount of item the player will receive
                ["badql"] = { itemRemove = "meth-bad-ql", removeAmount = 5, itemReward = "leaves-meth-bad-ql", rewardAmount = math.random(5,9) },
                ["medql"] = { itemRemove = "meth-med-ql", removeAmount = 5, itemReward = "leaves-meth-med-ql", rewardAmount = math.random(3,6) },
                ["maxql"] = { itemRemove = "meth-max-ql", removeAmount = 5, itemReward = "leaves-meth-max-ql", rewardAmount = math.random(1,3) },
        Packaging = {
            alertCops = { enable = false, chance = 30 }, -- Settings to calling the cops
            minigame = { enable = true, NumberOfCircles = 2, MS = 10 }, -- https://github.com/Project-Sloth/ps-ui
            Locations = { -- List of loaction to process meth
                [1] = { coords = vector3(595.43, -441.71, 17.94) },
            time = 5000, -- Time of progressbar
            animDict = "mp_arresting", -- Animation of progressbar
            anim = "a_uncuff", -- Animation of progressbar
            drops = {
                -- @param itemRemove = Item that will be removed from the player
                -- @param removeAmount = Amount of item that will be removed from the player
                -- @param itemReward = Item the player will receive
                -- @param rewardAmount = Amount of item the player will receive
                ["badql"] = { itemRemove = "leaves-meth-bad-ql", removeAmount = 5, itemReward = "package-meth-bad-ql", rewardAmount = math.random(5,9) },
                ["medql"] = { itemRemove = "leaves-meth-med-ql", removeAmount = 5, itemReward = "package-meth-med-ql", rewardAmount = math.random(3,6) },
                ["maxql"] = { itemRemove = "leaves-meth-max-ql", removeAmount = 5, itemReward = "package-meth-max-ql", rewardAmount = math.random(1,3) },

Config.Consumables = {
    ["Weed"] = {
        enable = true, -- Enable smoking weed?
        time = 10000, -- 10 Seconds with effects
        items = { -- List of possible items to smoke
    ["Coke"] = {
        enable = true, -- Enable smoking coke?
        time = 10000, -- 10 Seconds with effects
        items = { -- List of possible items to smoke
    ["Meth"] = {
        enable = true, -- Enable smoking meth?
        time = 10000, -- 10 Seconds with effects
        items = { -- List of possible items to smoke

Last updated