City Guide
Last updated
Last updated
Highly Optimized
Many Features
Full and easy customization
Modern UI
General Settings:
Config.Framework: Defines the server framework, which can be "standalone," "qb-core," or "esx."
Config.Notify: Specifies the notification system to be used, such as "standalone," "qb," "okok," "ox," or "esx."
Config.EmoteMenu: Chooses the emote menu, with options like "rp," "dp," or "scully."
Config.Command: Specifies the command to open the guide or menu.
Job Descriptions in the City:
Each job (Police, Ambulance, Mechanic, etc.) has a description, a representative image, and a location on the map. This suggests the existence of job or profession mechanics in the RP server.
City Information:
Details about specific activities in the city, such as involvement with drugs, planning heists, organizing weddings, and participating in vehicle customization events.
Server Rules:
A set of rules defines the expected behavior of players to ensure a healthy RP environment. It includes concepts such as Power Gaming, Metagaming, Fail RP, Fear RP, RDM/VDM, and Cop Baiting.
Staff Team:
An administrative team section highlights team members, providing their names, roles, descriptions, and images. This showcases the presence of developers and designers dedicated to the server.
This script configures the fundamental features of an RP server, outlining available jobs, specific city activities, rules for players to follow, and administrative team members responsible for server development and design. It provides a framework for player interactions and gameplay in a virtual role-playing environment.