Config = {}
-- General Settings --
Config.Core = "qb-core" -- Your qb-core folder name
Config.Target = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.Inventory = "oldqb" -- "oldqb" or "newqb" or "ox" or "qs" ( open code on s_utils.lua )
Config.EmoteMenu = "rp" -- "rp" or "dp" or "scully" or "aty_emote" or "cylex_animmenuv2" or "r_animations" ( open code on config_functions.lua )
Config.Notify = "ox" -- "standalone", "qb" or "okok" or "ox" ( open code on config_functions.lua )
Config.Society = "qb-management" -- "qb-management" or "qb-banking" or "okokBanking" or "renewed-banking" ( open code on s_utils.lua )
Config.AutoDatabase = true -- If you set this to true, all the database tables to DB will be done automatically
Config.Language = "pt" -- "pt" or "en"
-- General Settings --
-- Commands --
Config.Commands = { -- All of this commands are open code on server/s_commands.lua
["general"] = {
[1] = { command = "carinsurance", description = "Open the insurance menu", enable = true, jobs = {"police"} }, -- This command only works if you use needJob = true
[2] = { command = "healthinsurance", description = "Open the health insurance menu", enable = true, jobs = {"ambulance"} }, -- This command only works if you use needJob = true
[3] = { command = "homeinsurance", description = "Open the home insurance menu", enable = true, jobs = {"realestate"} }, -- This command only works if you use needJob = true
[4] = { command = "myinsurances", description = "Check your insurances", enable = true }, -- This is a general command for all users
["police"] = {
[1] = { command = "checkvehicle", description = "Check vehicle information with plate", enable = true, jobs = {"police"} }, -- This is a command for police check informations about a vehicle
-- Commands --
-- Car Insurance Settings --
Config.carInsurance = { -- This is the settings for the car insurance and registration
needJob = false, -- If you want to use this script with a job, set it to true. If you want to use it without a job, set it to false
menuZone = vector3(-37.27, -231.46, 45.83), -- This is the settings for the insurance menu if you use needJob = true
blipSettings = { enable = true, sprite = 225, color = 1, scale = 0.7, name = "Car Insurance" }, -- This is the settings for the blip
job = "police", -- If you want to use this script with a job, add the job name here
society = {
enable = false, -- If you want to use this script with a job, set it to true
name = "society_police", -- If you want to use this script with a job, add the society name here
pedSettings = { pedModel = "s_m_y_dealer_01", pedCoords = vector4(-37.15, -232.1, 45.83, 69.09) }, -- Only spawn if you use without job
stash = { weight = 25000, slots = 20, name = "Car Insurance" },
recoverDocumentation = { -- This is the settings for the recover documentation
registration = 500, -- This is the price for the registration documentation
insurance = 500, -- This is the price for the insurance documentation
insuranceTypes = { -- This is the settings for the insurance types
[1] = { type = "registration", price = 500, days = { 30, 60, 90 } },
[2] = { type = "insurance", price = 1000, days = { 30, 60, 90 } },
vehicleClassPrices = { --
enable = true, -- If you want to use this feature, set it to true
prices = { -- This is the prices for each vehicle class
[0] = 1.2, -- Compacts: price x 1.2
[1] = 1.2, -- Sedans: price x 1.2
[2] = 1.2, -- SUV's: price x 1.2
[3] = 1.2, -- Coupes: price x1.2
[4] = 1.2, -- Muscle: price x 1.2
[5] = 1.2, -- Sports Classics: price x 1.2
[6] = 1.2, -- Sports: price x 1.2
[7] = 1.2, -- Super: price x 1.2
[8] = 1.2, -- Motorcycles: price x 1.2
[9] = 1.2, -- Off-road: price x 1.2
[10] = 1.2, -- Industrial: price x 1.2
[11] = 1.2, -- Utility: price x 1.2
[12] = 1.2, -- Vans: price x 1.2
[13] = 1.2, -- Cycles: price x 1.2
[14] = 1.2, -- Boats: price x 1.2
[15] = 1.2, -- Helicopters: price x 1.2
[16] = 1.2, -- Planes: price x 1.2
[17] = 1.2, -- Service: price x 1.2
[18] = 1.2, -- Emergency: price x 1.2
[19] = 1.2, -- Military: price x 1.2
[20] = 1.2, -- Commercial: price x 1.2
[21] = 1.2, -- Trains: price x 1.2
[22] = 1.2, -- Open Wheel: price x 1.2
-- Car Insurance Settings --
-- Health Insurance Settings --
Config.healthInsurance = { -- This is the settings for the health insurance
needJob = false, -- If you want to use this script with a job, set it to true. If you want to use it without a job, set it to false
menuZone = vector3(311.47, -594.05, 43.28), -- This is the settings for the insurance menu if you use needJob = true
blipSettings = { enable = true, sprite = 153, color = 1, scale = 0.7, name = "Health Insurance" }, -- This is the settings for the blip
job = "ambulance", -- If you want to use this script with a job, add the job name here
society = {
enable = false, -- If you want to use this script with a job, set it to true
name = "society_ambulance", -- If you want to use this script with a job, add the society name here
pedSettings = { pedModel = "s_m_y_dealer_01", pedCoords = vector4(311.47, -594.05, 43.28, 341.52) }, -- Only spawn if you use without job
stash = { weight = 25000, slots = 20, name = "Health Insurance" },
recoverDocumentation = { -- This is the settings for the recover documentation
insurance = 500, -- This is the price for the insurance documentation
insuranceTypes = { -- This is the settings for the insurance types
[1] = { type = "health", price = 500, days = { 30, 60, 90 } },
-- Health Insurance Settings --
-- Home Insurance Settings --
Config.homeInsurance = {
needJob = false, -- If you want to use this script with a job, set it to true. If you want to use it without a job, set it to false
menuZone = vector3(-168.09, 6331.38, 31.63), -- This is the settings for the insurance menu if you use needJob = true
blipSettings = { enable = true, sprite = 350, color = 1, scale = 0.7, name = "Home Insurance" }, -- This is the settings for the blip
job = "realestate", -- If you want to use this script with a job, add the job name here
society = {
enable = false, -- If you want to use this script with a job, set it to true
name = "society_police", -- If you want to use this script with a job, add the society name here
pedSettings = { pedModel = "s_m_y_dealer_01", pedCoords = vector4(-168.09, 6331.38, 31.63, 317.6) }, -- Only spawn if you use without job
stash = { weight = 25000, slots = 20, name = "Home Insurance" },
recoverDocumentation = { -- This is the settings for the recover documentation
insurance = 500, -- This is the price for the insurance documentation
insuranceTypes = { -- This is the settings for the insurance types
[1] = { type = "home", price = 500, days = { 30, 60, 90 } },
-- Home Insurance Settings --
local QBCore = exports[Config.Core]:GetCoreObject()
function Notify(text, type, time)
if Config.Notify == "standalone" then
EndTextCommandThefeedPostTicker(true, true)
elseif Config.Notify == "qb" then
QBCore.Functions.Notify(text, type, time)
elseif Config.Notify == "okok" then
exports['okokNotify']:Alert('Notification', text, time, type, true)
elseif Config.Notify == "ox" then
lib.notify({ title = 'Notification', description = text, type = type })
function OpenStash(weight, slots, name)
if Config.Inventory == "oldqb" then
TriggerEvent("inventory:client:SetCurrentStash", name)
TriggerServerEvent("inventory:server:OpenInventory", "stash", name, {
maxweight = weight,
slots = slots,
elseif Config.Inventory == "newqb" or Config.Inventory == "qs" then
TriggerServerEvent("m-Insurance:Server:OpenStash", weight, slots, name)
elseif Config.Inventory == "ox" then
exports.ox_inventory:openInventory('stash', name)
function MakeAnimation(animation)
if Config.EmoteMenu == "dp" then
TriggerEvent('animations:client:EmoteCommandStart', {animation})
elseif Config.EmoteMenu == "rp" then
elseif Config.EmoteMenu == "scully" then
elseif Config.EmoteMenu == "aty_emote" then
elseif Config.EmoteMenu == "cylex_animmenuv2" then
elseif Config.EmoteMenu == "r_animations" then
print("Missing or write wrong on: Config.EmoteMenu")
function CancelAnimation()
if Config.EmoteMenu == "dp" then
TriggerEvent('animations:client:EmoteCommandStart', {"c"})
elseif Config.EmoteMenu == "rp" then
elseif Config.EmoteMenu == "scully" then
elseif Config.EmoteMenu == "aty_emote" then
elseif Config.EmoteMenu == "cylex_animmenuv2" then
elseif Config.EmoteMenu == "r_animations" then
print("Missing or write wrong on: Config.EmoteMenu")
Language = {
["pt"] = {
-- Targets
openInsuranceMenu = "Abrir Menu do Seguro",
openHealthInsuranceMenu = "Abrir Menu do Seguro de Saúde",
openHomeInsuranceMenu = "Abrir Menu do Seguro de Casa",
-- Notificações
vehicleAlreadyRegisted = "Este veículo já está registado.",
vehicleRegistedSuccessfully = "Veículo registado com sucesso.",
vehicleFailedRegisted = "Falha ao registar o veículo.",
vehicleAlreadyInsured = "Este veículo já está segurado.",
vehicleInsuredSuccessfully = "Seguro do veículo concluído com sucesso.",
vehicleFailedInsured = "Falha ao realizar o seguro do veículo.",
insuranceDocumentsRecover = "Documentação do seguro recuperada com sucesso!",
vehicleDontHaveInsurance = "Este veículo não possui seguro.",
registrationDocumentsRecover = "Documentação de registo recuperada com sucesso!",
vehicleDontHaveRegistration = "Este veículo não possui registo.",
noMoneyToRecoverDocuments = "Não tens dinheiro suficiente para recuperar os documentos.",
invalidDocumentType = "Tipo de documento inválido.",
invalidAccidentData = "Dados do relatório de acidente inválidos recebidos.",
vehicleHasBeenReportedStolen = "O veículo foi reportado como roubado.",
vehicleAlreadyReportedStolen = "O veículo já foi reportado como roubado.",
vehicleRecoveredSuccessfully = "O veículo foi recuperado com sucesso.",
failedToRecoverVehicle = "Falha ao recuperar o veículo.",
accidentReportSaved = "Relatório de acidente guardado com sucesso.",
accidentReportFailed = "Falha ao guardar o relatório de acidente.",
accidentReportUpdated = "Relatório de acidente atualizado com sucesso.",
accidentReportUpdateFailed = "Falha ao atualizar o relatório de acidente.",
accidentReportDeleted = "Relatório de acidente apagado com sucesso.",
accidentReportDeleteFailed = "Falha ao apagar o relatório de acidente.",
vehicleDocumentsSuspended = "Os documentos do veículo foram suspensos.",
vehicleDocumentsAlreadySuspended = "Os documentos do veículo já estão suspensos.",
vehicleDocumentsRecovered = "Os documentos do veículo foram recuperados.",
vehicleDocumentsAlreadyRecovered = "Os documentos do veículo já foram recuperados.",
playerDataNotFound = "Dados do jogador não encontrados.",
insuranceRemovedSuccessfully = "Seguro removido com sucesso.",
insuranceFailedRemove = "Falha ao remover o seguro.",
registrationRemoveSuccessfully = "Registo removido com sucesso.",
registrationFailedRemove = "Falha ao remover o registo.",
healthInsuranceAlreadyPurchased = "Já tens seguro de saúde.",
healthInsurancePurchasedSuccessfully = "Compraste o seguro de saúde com sucesso.",
healthInsuranceFailedToPurchase = "Ocorreu um erro ao comprar o seguro de saúde.",
healthInsuranceNotEnoughMoney = "Não tens dinheiro suficiente para comprar o seguro de saúde.",
healthInsurancePlayerAlreadyHasInsurance = "Esse jogador já tem seguro de saúde.",
healthInsuranceSuccessfullyPurchasedForPlayer = "Compraste com sucesso o seguro de saúde para %s.",
healthInsuranceRecoveryFailed = "Falha ao recuperar o seguro de saúde.",
healthInsuranceRecoverySuccessful = "Recuperaste com sucesso o seguro de saúde para %s.",
healthInsuranceNotFound = "Esse jogador não tem seguro de saúde.",
healthInsuranceDocumentationNotEnoughMoney = "Não tens dinheiro suficiente para recuperar a documentação do seguro de saúde.",
healthInsuranceDocumentationRecoveredSuccessfully = "Recuperaste com sucesso a documentação do seguro de saúde.",
healthInsuranceDocumentationRecoveryFailed = "Falha ao recuperar a documentação do seguro de saúde.",
homeInsuranceAlreadyPurchased = "Já tens seguro de casas.",
homeInsurancePurchasedSuccessfully = "Compraste o seguro de casa com sucesso.",
homeInsuranceFailedToPurchase = "Ocorreu um erro ao comprar o seguro de casa.",
homeInsuranceNotEnoughMoney = "Não tens dinheiro suficiente para comprar o seguro de casa.",
homeInsurancePlayerAlreadyHasInsurance = "Esse jogador já tem seguro de casa.",
homeInsuranceSuccessfullyPurchasedForPlayer = "Compraste com sucesso o seguro de casa para %s.",
homeInsuranceRecoveryFailed = "Falha ao recuperar o seguro de casa.",
homeInsuranceRecoverySuccessful = "Recuperaste com sucesso o seguro de casa para %s.",
homeInsuranceNotFound = "Esse jogador não tem seguro de casa.",
homeInsuranceDocumentationNotEnoughMoney = "Não tens dinheiro suficiente para recuperar a documentação do seguro de casa.",
homeInsuranceDocumentationRecoveredSuccessfully = "Recuperaste com sucesso a documentação do seguro de casa.",
homeInsuranceDocumentationRecoveryFailed = "Falha ao recuperar a documentação do seguro de casa.",
noMoney = "Não tens dinheiro suficiente.",
["en"] = {
-- Targets
openInsuranceMenu = "Open Insurance Menu",
openHealthInsuranceMenu = "Open Health Insurance Menu",
openHomeInsuranceMenu = "Open Home Insurance Menu",
-- Notifications
vehicleAlreadyRegisted = "This vehicle is already registered.",
vehicleRegistedSuccessfully = "Vehicle registered successfully.",
vehicleFailedRegisted = "Failed to register the vehicle.",
vehicleAlreadyInsured = "This vehicle is already insured.",
vehicleInsuredSuccessfully = "Vehicle insurance completed successfully.",
vehicleFailedInsured = "Failed to insure the vehicle.",
insuranceDocumentsRecover = "Insurance documents successfully recovered!",
vehicleDontHaveInsurance = "This vehicle does not have insurance.",
registrationDocumentsRecover = "Registration documents successfully recovered!",
vehicleDontHaveRegistration = "This vehicle does not have registration.",
noMoneyToRecoverDocuments = "You do not have enough money to recover the documents.",
invalidDocumentType = "Invalid document type.",
invalidAccidentData = "Invalid accident report data received.",
vehicleHasBeenReportedStolen = "The vehicle has been reported as stolen.",
vehicleAlreadyReportedStolen = "The vehicle has already been reported as stolen.",
vehicleRecoveredSuccessfully = "The vehicle was successfully recovered.",
failedToRecoverVehicle = "Failed to recover the vehicle.",
accidentReportSaved = "Accident report saved successfully.",
accidentReportFailed = "Failed to save the accident report.",
accidentReportUpdated = "Accident report updated successfully.",
accidentReportUpdateFailed = "Failed to update the accident report.",
accidentReportDeleted = "Accident report deleted successfully.",
accidentReportDeleteFailed = "Failed to delete the accident report.",
vehicleDocumentsSuspended = "Vehicle documents have been suspended.",
vehicleDocumentsAlreadySuspended = "Vehicle documents are already suspended.",
vehicleDocumentsRecovered = "Vehicle documents have been recovered.",
vehicleDocumentsAlreadyRecovered = "Vehicle documents have already been recovered.",
playerDataNotFound = "Player data not found.",
insuranceRemovedSuccessfully = "Insurance removed successfully.",
insuranceFailedRemove = "Failed to remove the insurance.",
registrationRemoveSuccessfully = "Registration removed successfully.",
registrationFailedRemove = "Failed to remove the registration.",
healthInsuranceAlreadyPurchased = "You already have health insurance.",
healthInsurancePurchasedSuccessfully = "You successfully purchased health insurance.",
healthInsuranceFailedToPurchase = "An error occurred while purchasing health insurance.",
healthInsuranceNotEnoughMoney = "You do not have enough money to purchase health insurance.",
healthInsurancePlayerAlreadyHasInsurance = "This player already has health insurance.",
healthInsuranceSuccessfullyPurchasedForPlayer = "You successfully purchased health insurance for %s.",
healthInsuranceRecoveryFailed = "Failed to recover health insurance.",
healthInsuranceRecoverySuccessful = "Successfully recovered health insurance for %s.",
healthInsuranceNotFound = "This player does not have health insurance.",
healthInsuranceDocumentationNotEnoughMoney = "You do not have enough money to recover health insurance documentation.",
healthInsuranceDocumentationRecoveredSuccessfully = "Successfully recovered health insurance documentation.",
healthInsuranceDocumentationRecoveryFailed = "Failed to recover health insurance documentation.",
homeInsuranceAlreadyPurchased = "You already have home insurance.",
homeInsurancePurchasedSuccessfully = "You successfully purchased home insurance.",
homeInsuranceFailedToPurchase = "An error occurred while purchasing home insurance.",
homeInsuranceNotEnoughMoney = "You do not have enough money to purchase home insurance.",
homeInsurancePlayerAlreadyHasInsurance = "This player already has home insurance.",
homeInsuranceSuccessfullyPurchasedForPlayer = "You successfully purchased home insurance for %s.",
homeInsuranceRecoveryFailed = "Failed to recover home insurance.",
homeInsuranceRecoverySuccessful = "Successfully recovered home insurance for %s.",
homeInsuranceNotFound = "This player does not have home insurance.",
homeInsuranceDocumentationNotEnoughMoney = "You do not have enough money to recover home insurance documentation.",
homeInsuranceDocumentationRecoveredSuccessfully = "Successfully recovered home insurance documentation.",
homeInsuranceDocumentationRecoveryFailed = "Failed to recover home insurance documentation.",
noMoney = "You do not have enough money.",
Last updated