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-- Blueprints
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["bpspecialcarbinemk2"]     = {["name"] = "bpspecialcarbinemk2",    ["label"] = "BP: Special Carbine Mk2",      ["weight"] = 50,    ["type"] = "item",  ["image"] = "bpspecialcarbinemk2.png",  ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,    ["shouldClose"] = false,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},



Config.Skills = {
    ["AmmuNation"] = {
        ["Current"] = 0,
        ["RemoveAmount"] = 0,
        ["Stat"] = "AmmuNation",
        ['icon'] = 'fas fa-wrench',

Setup Images

  • Copy all images inside of : m-AmmunationJob/images

  • Open your inventory and inside of folder html/images drop it


  • qb-core

  • qb-target

  • qb-menu

Last updated