
Config = {}

-- Utility
Config.Target = "qb-target" -- Your qb-target name

Config.QBMenu = "qb-menu" -- Your qb-menu name

Config.Core = "qb-core" -- Your core name

Config.Phone = "qb-phone" -- "qb-phone", "qs-smartphone", "gksphone", "renewed-phone", "jpr-phone"

Config.Skillbar = "ps-ui" -- "qb-lock" or "qb-skillbar" or "ps-ui"

Config.PoliceNeed = 0 -- Amount of police online to start the mission

Config.PoliceJob = { "police", "lspd", } -- Your job name police

Config.NeedMask = false -- Need mask to heist?

Config.TimeRob = 10000 -- Time to rob the register [10000 -> 10s]

Config.TimeOpen = 10000 -- Time to open the register [10000 -> 10s]

Config.TimeTrade = 10000 -- Time to trade the register [10000 -> 10s]

Config.ChanceCops = 50 -- Chance call cops [ 50 -> 50% ]

Config.CooldownTime = 45 -- 45 Minutes

Config.Item = "lockpick" -- Item to steal the register and safe

Config.Dispatch = 'ps-dispatch' -- "ps-dispatch" or "cd_dispatch" or "qs-dispatch"

-- Rewards

Config.Rewards = {
    StealRegister = { -- Settings when you steal the register on store
        AmountCash = {
            min = 2500, -- Min amount you earn when you steal the register on store
            max = 3500, -- Max amount you earn when you steal the register on store
    Register = { -- Settings when you trade register on the npc
        Type = "cash", -- "cash" or "blackmoney"
        AmountCash = {
            min = 2500, -- Min amount you receive in cash when you trade de register
            max = 3500, -- Max amount you receive in cash when you trade de register
        AmountBlackmoney = {
            min = 2500, -- Min amount you receive in blackmoney when you trade de register
            max = 3500, -- Max amount you receive in blackmoney when you trade de register
    Safe = { -- Settings when you open the safe inside the shop
        Type = "cash", -- "cash" or "blackmoney"
        AmountCash = {
            min = 2500, -- Min amount you receive in cash when you open the safe
            max = 3500, -- Max amount you receive in cash when you open the safe
        AmountBlackmoney = {
            min = 2500, -- Min amount you receive in blackmoney when you open the safe
            max = 3500, -- Max amount you receive in blackmoney when you open the safe
        DropItem = true, -- Enable drop items when you open the safe?
        Drops = {
            -- You can add more items
        AmountItem = { -- Min and max amount can receive the random item of the list on Drops
            min = 2,
            max = 4,

-- Outfit
Config.Outfit = {
    Trigger = "qb-clothing:client:loadOutfit", -- Your trigger 
    Man = 35, -- Number of the mask you want to appear on the player
    Woman = 2, -- Number of the mask you want to appear on the player

-- Animations
Config.AnimationRob = "amb@prop_human_bum_bin@idle_b"
Config.SubAnimationRob = "idle_d"

-- Peds
Config.Peds = {
	Ped = {type = 4, hash= GetHashKey("s_m_y_garbage"), x = 868.92,  y = -1056.06,  z = 28.44, h = 90.90}, -- Start mission

-- Shop with items, you can add more items if you want
Config.Shop = {
    [1] = { name = "lockpick", 			price = 500, 	amount = 10, 	info = {}, type = "item", slot = 1 },
    [2] = { name = "advancedlockpick", 	price = 1000, 	amount = 10, 	info = {}, type = "item", slot = 2 },
    [3] = { name = "mask", 				price = 250, 	amount = 200, 	info = {}, type = "item", slot = 3 },

-- Stores, you can add more items if you want
Config.Stores = {
    [1] = {
        Location = vector3(-47.24, -1757.65, 29.53),
    [2] = {
        Location = vector3(-1486.26, -378.0, 40.16),
    [3] = {
        Location = vector3(-1222.03, -908.32, 12.32),
    [4] = {
        Location = vector3(-706.09, -913.39, 19.22),
    [5] = {
        Location = vector3(24.89, -1345.7, 29.5),
    [6] = {
        Location = vector3(1134.15, -982.53, 46.41),

-- Safes
Config.Safes = {
    [1] = { x = -42.38,     y = -1749.22,   z = 29.42,  h = 320.15 },    
    [2] = { x = -1479.80,   y = -373.03,    z = 39.16,  h = 318.45 },
    [3] = { x = -1218.49,   y = -915.56,    z = 11.33,  h = 212.42 },
    [4] = { x = -708.44,    y = -904.42,    z = 19.22,  h = 356.90 },
    [5] = { x = 30.5,       y = -1339.41,   z = 29.50,  h = 268.00 },
    [6] = { x = 1126.16,    y = -982.54,    z = 45.42,  h = 100.81 },

-- Mini-Games
Config.QBSkillbar = {
    duration = math.random(2500,5000),
    pos = math.random(10, 30),
    width = math.random(10, 20),

Config.PSui = {
    NumberOfCircles = 2,
    MS = 20,

Config.QBLock = {
    circles = math.random(2,4),
    time = math.random(7,10),

-- Level System
Config.XPEarn = { min = 5, max = 10 } -- XP earn after each robbery
Config.LevelSystem = {
    Level_0 = 0,    -- x1 The Reward [ Example: Config.Reward x 1 ]
    Level_1 = 75,   -- x2 The Reward [ Example: Config.Reward x 2 ]
    Level_2 = 150,  -- x3 The Reward [ Example: Config.Reward x 3 ]
    Level_3 = 225,  -- x4 The Reward [ Example: Config.Reward x 4 ]
    Level_4 = 300,  -- x5 The Reward [ Example: Config.Reward x 5 ]
    Level_5 = 500,  -- x6 The Reward [ Example: Config.Reward x 6 ]

-- Blip to Store
Config.BlipStore = {
    blipSprite = 39,
    blipColour = 39,
    blipRoute = 39,
    blipName = "Store Robbery"
Config.Webhooks = true
Config.LogName = "storerobbery"
Config.LogColour = "lightgreen"

Last updated