
Language = {
    truckerJob = "Trucker Job",
    truckerMenu = "Trucker Menu",
    experience = "Experience",
    level = "Level",
    startDelivery = "Start Delivery",
    yourInfo = "Your Info:",
    truckerDelivery = "Trucker Delivery",
    deliver = "Deliver:",
    deliveryDescription = "Start a delivery of: %s \nRequired Level: %s \nAverage Payment: $%s ~ $%s",
    stealTrailer = "Steal Trailer",
    stealVehile = "Steal Vehicle",
    returnTruck = "[E] - Return Truck",
    fuelTruck = "[E] - Fuel Truck",
    getMerchandise = "[E] - Get Merchandise",
    refuelGasStation = "[E] - Refuel Gas Station",
    deliverOrder = "[E] - Deliver Order",
    wrongVehicle = "You are not using the provided vehicle!",
    noTrailer = "Where is the trailer?",
    placingMerchandise = "Placing the merchandise...",
    refuelingTruck = "Refueling the truck...",
    merchandiseDone = "All merchandise is on your trailer! Go deliver it!",
    tankFull = "The tank is full! Go deliver it!",
    gasStationProgress = "Refueling the gas station...",
    gasStationNotify = "Fuel delivered successfully!",
    generalProgress = "Deliver order...",
    generalNotify = "Order delivered successfully!",
    carDeliverProgress = "Deliver cars...",
    carDeliverNotify = "Cars delivered successfully!",
    returnBase = "Return to base, GPS set!",
    openingDoors = "Opening doors...",
    stealingTrailer = "Stealing trailer...",
    noCopsAround = "No cops around!",
    youEarn = "You earn: $",
    needCrowbar = "You need a crowbar to open the truck doors!",
    foundMaterials = "You received illegal materials!",
    notFoundMaterials = "You did not find any illegal materials.",
    alreadySpawned = "You already have a truck or trailer spawned, return it and try again!",
    sellCarDescription = "Sell this car (%s) for a price between $%s and $%s.",
    stealVehicle = "Steal Vehicle",
    sellCar = "Sell",
    wrongCar = "The car you want to sell is not the one you selected.",
    insideVeh = "You must be inside a vehicle.",
    youSellCar = "You sold the car for: $",
    whereCar = "Where is the car?"

Last updated