Config = {}
-- General Settings
Config.Core = "qb-core" -- qb-core folder name
Config.Debug = true -- Enable console debug prints
Config.Notify = "qb" -- Notification system: "qb" / "okok" / "ox"
Config.HelpText = "qb" -- Help text style: "qb" / "okok"
Config.Inventory = "qb" -- Inventory style: "qb" / "ox"
Config.CaptureTime = 100 -- Time to conquer each territory (1 second per 1%) [1-100]
Config.MinimumMembers = 0 -- Minimum number of online gang members to conquer
Config.Radius = 10.0 -- Radius around the Ped that cannot exit during conquest
Config.MGangs = false -- Use m-Gangs?
Config.Points = 10 -- Points for each conquest (if using m-Gangs)
Config.Webhook = "" -- Webhook URL for notifications
-- Commands and Permissions
Config.CommandsRank = "admin" -- Minimum rank to use the commands
Config.Commands = {
create = "createterritory",
infoCreate = "Create a new territory",
delete = "deleteterritory",
infoDelete = "Delete the nearest territory",
-- Map Blips
Config.Blips = {
sprite = 437,
scale = 1.0,
-- Territory Colors
Config.Colours = {
ballas = 7,
triads = 22,
vagos = 46,
aztecas = 10,
lostmc = 40,
altruists = 62,
marabunta = 41,
families = 21,
-- Black Market Access Time
Config.Timer = {
enable = true, -- Enable access to black market at specific hours?
min = 21, -- Minimum hour
max = 24, -- Maximum hour
-- Black Market Items
Config.Blackmarket = {
[1] = { name = "weapon_pistol", price = 50000, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 1 },
[2] = { name = "pistol_ammo", price = 2500, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 2 },
[3] = { name = "weapon_assaultrifle", price = 100000, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 3 },
[4] = { name = "rifle_ammo", price = 5000, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 4 },
-- Conquest Reward
Config.ConquerReward = {
item = "markedbills", -- Item received after conquering the territory
valueMin = 2500, -- Min value of markedbills
valueMax = 5000, -- Max value of markedbills
-- Language Messages
Config.Language = {
openBlackmarket = "[E] - Open Blackmarket",
dominate = "[E] - Dominate",
territory = "Territory:",
progress = "Progress:",
neutral = "Neutral Territory",
capturedSuccess = "Capture complete!",
noMembers = "Not enough online gang members",
alertGangs = "Your gang's zone is being captured!",
terriUpdate = "Territory updated successfully. New territory name:",
pointsUpdate = "Points updated successfully. New points:",
terriCreated = "Territory created successfully!",
terriFailed = "Failed to create territory.",
terriDeleted = "Nearest territory deleted successfully!",
terriDelFailed = "Failed to delete nearest territory.",
noTerritory = "No territories found.",
neutralTerritory = "Neutral Territory",
noWeapon = "You need a weapon on hand!"
Last updated