
Config = {}

Config.CoreName = "qb-core" -- Your qb-core folder name

Config.LevelSystem = {
    [1] = { xp = 0 }, -- Level 1
    [2] = { xp = 100 }, -- Level 2
    [3] = { xp = 250 }, -- Level 3

Config.Robberys = {
    ["ParkingMeter"] = {
        EnableRobbery = true, -- Enable this robbery?
        EnableMinigame = true, -- Enable mini-game?
        Minigame = { circles = 2, time = 20 }, -- Settings of minigame
        Fingerprint = true, -- Configuration inside the config_functions.lua
        Props = { -- List of possible props 
        Progressbar = { time = 5000, label = "Stealing 24 parking..." }, -- Settings to progressbar
        Animation = { animDict = "mini@repair", anim = "fixing_a_ped" }, -- Settings to animations
        Target = { label = "Steal 24h Parking", icon = "fa-solid fa-hand"}, -- Settings to target
        CopsNeeded = { enable = true, copsAmount = 2, copsJobs = {"police", "lspd"}},
        CallingCops = { enable = true, chance = 50 }, -- Configuration inside the config_functions.lua
        CashReward = { enable = true, min = 20, max = 150, rewardType = "cash" }, -- Configuration to receive cash or not
        Rewards = {
            [1] = { -- Level 1
                [1] = { item = "phone",         amount = math.random(1,2), chance = 60 },
                [2] = { item = "metalscrap",    amount = math.random(1,2), chance = 60 },
                [3] = { item = "steel",         amount = math.random(1,2), chance = 60 },
                [4] = { item = "glass",         amount = math.random(1,2), chance = 60 },
            [2] = { -- Level 2
                [1] = { item = "phone",         amount = math.random(1,2), chance = 60 },
                [2] = { item = "metalscrap",    amount = math.random(1,2), chance = 60 },
                [3] = { item = "steel",         amount = math.random(1,2), chance = 60 },
                [4] = { item = "glass",         amount = math.random(1,2), chance = 60 },
                [5] = { item = "lockpick",      amount = math.random(1,2), chance = 20 },
    ["FoodShelf"] = {
        EnableRobbery = true, -- Enable this robbery?
        EnableMinigame = true, -- Enable mini-game?
        Minigame = { circles = 2, time = 20 }, -- Settings of minigame
        Fingerprint = true, -- Configuration inside the config_functions.lua
        Props = { -- List of possible props 
        Progressbar = { time = 5000, label = "Stealing shelf..." }, -- Settings to progressbar
        Animation = { animDict = "mini@repair", anim = "fixing_a_ped" }, -- Settings to animations
        Target = { label = "Steal Shelft", icon = "fa-solid fa-hand"}, -- Settings to target
        CopsNeeded = { enable = true, copsAmount = 2, copsJobs = {"police", "lspd"}},
        CallingCops = { enable = true, chance = 50 }, -- Configuration inside the config_functions.lua
        CashReward = { enable = true, min = 20, max = 150, rewardType = "cash" }, -- Configuration to receive cash or not
        Rewards = {
            [1] = { -- Level 1
                [1] = { item = "tosti",             amount = math.random(1,2), chance = 60 },
                [2] = { item = "twerks_candy",      amount = math.random(1,2), chance = 60 },
                [3] = { item = "snikkel_candy",     amount = math.random(1,2), chance = 60 },
                [4] = { item = "sandwich",          amount = math.random(1,2), chance = 60 },
            [2] = { -- Level 2
                [1] = { item = "beer",              amount = math.random(1,2), chance = 60 },
                [2] = { item = "whiskey",           amount = math.random(1,2), chance = 60 },
                [3] = { item = "vodka",             amount = math.random(1,2), chance = 60 },
                [4] = { item = "wine",              amount = math.random(1,2), chance = 60 },

Last updated