
Config = {}

Config.Core = "qb-core" -- Your core name / folder
Config.Target = "qb-target" -- Your target name / folder
Config.Menu = "qb-menu" -- Your menu name / folder
Config.InvLink = "qs-inventory/html/images/" -- Your directory images inventory

Config.BlipZones = {
	[1] = { Enable = true, Loc = vector3(181.46, -966.94, 30.09), Sprite = 89, Display = 2, Scale = 0.8, Colour = 1, Name = "Christmas Tree",},

Config.Trade = { 
    [1] = { item = "giftbox1", amount = 10 }, -- Item = Item player receive | Amount = amout of candys need
    [2] = { item = "giftbox2", amount = 20 }, -- Item = Item player receive | Amount = amout of candys need
    [3] = { item = "giftbox3", amount = 30 }, -- Item = Item player receive | Amount = amout of candys need

Config.Rewards = {
    Giftbox1 = { 
        Chance = 50, -- Chance to get rare drop 0~100
        Normal = { "metalscrap", "glass", "plastic", "stickynote", "firework1" },
        Rare = { "lockpick", "advancedlockpick", "drill" },
        QtyNormal = {min = 1, max = 2 },
        QtyRare = {min = 5, max = 8 },
    Giftbox2 = {
        Chance = 40, -- Chance to get rare drop 0~100
        Normal = { "metalscrap", "glass", "plastic", "stickynote", "firework1" },
        Rare = { "lockpick", "advancedlockpick", "drill", "electronickit", "thermite" },
        QtyNormal = {min = 1, max = 2 },
        QtyRare = {min = 5, max = 8 },
    Giftbox3 = {
        Chance = 30, -- Chance to get rare drop 0~100
        Normal = { "metalscrap", "glass", "plastic", "stickynote", "firework1" },
        Rare = { "lockpick", "advancedlockpick", "drill", "electronickit", "thermite", "weapon_pistol", "pistol_ammo" },
        QtyNormal = {min = 1, max = 2 },
        QtyRare = {min = 5, max = 8 },

Config.Language = {
    trade = "Trade",
    pick = "Pick Candy",
    christmas = "[🎁] Christmas",
    description = "[🍭] Here you can exchange your candys for gifts!",
    amount = "[❗ī¸] Amount:",
    close = "[❌] Close",
    collect = "Collecting the candy...",
    success = "You have successfully caught a candy!",
    canceled = "Canceled!",
    opening = "Opening the gift...",
    candy = "You don't have any candy to exchange!",
    snowball = "Collecting snowballs...",
    command = "snowball", -- Command to collect snowballs on the ground

Config.Objects = {
    -- Rich Zone
   { Location = vector4(170.93, -984.38, 30.09, 334.49), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-532.97, 464.34, 103.19, 329.56), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-595.24, 529.8, 107.76, 25.16), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-679.02, 511.95, 113.53, 21.52), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-762.24, 430.86, 100.2, 202.97), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-873.48, 562.65, 96.62, 312.66), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-952.16, 600.8, 109.3, 36.34), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-1095.53, 601.0, 103.06, 28.36), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-1307.76, 477.36, 97.65, 105.37), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-1455.21, 534.46, 119.37, 75.92), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-1500.42, 523.05, 118.27, 44.19), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },

   -- Los Santos
   { Location = vector4(308.73, -903.01, 29.29, 353.77), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(455.97, -967.81, 30.71, 83.02), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(452.99, -889.32, 28.22, 359.94), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(428.97, -799.06, 29.85, 311.39), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(383.7, -753.51, 29.29, 88.01), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(437.61, -623.04, 28.71, 270.51), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(142.55, -1044.5, 29.37, 342.46), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-175.52, -1288.56, 31.3, 277.43), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-314.19, -1340.8, 31.34, 278.55), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-302.32, -1461.67, 31.0, 32.01), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-318.0, -1542.91, 27.69, 162.72), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },

   -- Sandy Shores
   { Location = vector4(1697.98, 3584.13, 35.55, 34.77), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(1613.63, 3570.05, 35.43, 123.9), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(1408.3, 3619.55, 34.89, 103.2), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(1413.1, 3645.07, 34.42, 125.65), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(1279.35, 3624.8, 33.04, 183.05), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(1529.94, 3778.29, 34.51, 44.49), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(1708.6, 3845.01, 34.92, 229.03), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(1809.38, 3907.14, 33.76, 22.88), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(1841.58, 3926.71, 33.02, 285.29), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(1879.82, 3921.76, 33.21, 93.99), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(1987.91, 3791.03, 32.18, 301.4), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },

   -- Paleto Bay
   { Location = vector4(200.71, 6626.63, 31.56, 138.96), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(99.28, 6619.08, 32.48, 49.51), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(31.1, 6608.61, 32.45, 79.11), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-9.03, 6652.78, 31.11, 228.65), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-74.79, 6559.56, 31.49, 138.65), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-102.58, 6532.6, 29.81, 228.89), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-170.42, 6450.26, 31.5, 139.99), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-214.71, 6396.09, 33.09, 226.05), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-267.08, 6354.26, 32.49, 234.71), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-335.44, 6306.27, 32.48, 131.64), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },
   { Location = vector4(-403.06, 6163.31, 31.5, 150.62), ["model"] = "mscripts_gift_candy_a" },

Last updated