
Config = {}

Config.EmoteMenu = "rp" -- "rp" or "dp"
Config.Debug = true -- If true, some prints happen on console
Config.SpacePlate = false -- Your plate have spaces? Example: QQS 243

-- Insurance & Registration Settings
Config.InsuranceBlip = { enable = true, sprite = 89, colour = 5, scale = 0.8, name = "Insurance" }
Config.InsurancePed = vector3(834.99, -813.01, 26.33) -- Location of the ped to insurance / registration
Config.InsurancePedHeading = 90.62 -- Heading of the ped
Config.InsurancePedModel = "s_m_m_fiboffice_01" -- Ped model https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models/
Config.InsuranceTypePayment = "cash" -- "cash" or "bank"
Config.RegistrationPrice = 500 -- Price of registration vehicle

Config.InsurancePrice = {
    [1] = 500, -- 1 Month
    [2] = 1000, -- 2 Month
    [3] = 1500, -- 3 Month

-- Health Insurance
Config.HealthInsuranceBlip = { enable = true, sprite = 107, colour = 5, scale = 0.8, name = "Health Insurance" }
Config.HealthInsurancePed = vector3(311.38, -594.21, 43.28) -- Location of the ped to health insurance
Config.HealthInsurancePedHeading = 341.31 -- Heading of the ped
Config.HealthInsurancePedModel = "s_m_m_doctor_01" -- Ped model https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models/
Config.HealthInsurancePayment = "cash" -- "cash" or "bank"
Config.HealthInsurancePrice = {
    [1] = 500, -- 1 Month
    [2] = 1000, -- 2 Month
    [3] = 1500, -- 3 Month

-- Home Insurance
Config.HomeInsuranceBlip = { enable = true, sprite = 107, colour = 5, scale = 0.8, name = "Home Insurance" }
Config.HomeInsurancePed = vector3(-698.25, 271.4, 83.11) -- Location of the ped to home insurance
Config.HomeInsurancePedHeading = 297.82 -- Heading of the ped
Config.HomeInsurancePedModel = "s_m_m_strpreach_01" -- Ped model https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models/
Config.HomeInsurancePayment = "cash" -- "cash" or "bank"
Config.HomeInsurancePrice = {
    [1] = 500, -- 1 Month
    [2] = 1000, -- 2 Month
    [3] = 1500, -- 3 Month

-- Commands
Config.Commands = {
    checkInsurance = {
        command = "checkinsurance",  -- Command to check insurance on specific plate
        needJob = true, -- Need job to execute the command?
        jobs = { -- List of jobs can execute the command
    removeInsurance = {
        command = "removeinsurance", -- Command to remove insurance on specific plate
        needJob = true, -- Need job to execute the command?
        jobs = { -- List of jobs can execute the command
    checkHealthInsurance = {
        command = "checkhealthinsurance",  -- Command to check health insurance on specific citizenid
        needJob = true, -- Need job to execute the command?
        jobs = { -- List of jobs can execute the command
    removeHealthInsurance = {
        command = "removehealthinsurance", -- Command to remove health insurance on specific citizenid
        needJob = true, -- Need job to execute the command?
        jobs = { -- List of jobs can execute the command
    checkHomeInsurance = {
        command = "checkhomeinsurance", -- Command to check home insurance on specific citizenid
        needJob = true, -- Need job to execute the command?
        jobs = { -- List of jobs can execute the command
    removeHomeInsurance = {
        command = "removehomeinsurance", -- Command to remove home insurance on specific citizenid
        needJob = true, -- Need job to execute the command?
        jobs = { -- List of jobs can execute the command

Last updated