Config = {}
Config.Core = "qb-core" -- Your Core Folder Name
Config.Notify = "qb" -- "qb" / "okok" / "ox"
Config.Display = "target" -- "target" / "helptext"
Config.Target = "qb" -- "qb" / "ox"
Config.JobCenterLocation = vector3(-269.27, -955.56, 31.22) -- Location of Job Center
Config.Webhook = "" -- Webhook for discord logs
Config.Blip = {
name = "Job Center",
sprite = 40,
display = 4,
scale = 0.8,
colour = 2,
Config.Peds = {
enable = true, -- Enable spawn the pd?
ped = {
{ hash = GetHashKey("a_m_y_genstreet_01"), vector4 = vector4(-269.27, -955.56, 30.22, 206.71) }
PedsAnim = {
enable = false, -- Enable ped animation?
scenario = "PROP_HUMAN_SEAT_CHAIR", -- Scenarios:
Config.AvailableJobs = {
label = "Fisherman", -- Label of job to show on UI
id = "fisherman", -- Code of job
image = "/web/img/fisherman.png", -- Directory of image to show on UI
location = vector3(-1816.62, -937.69, 1.9) -- Location of job if people click on set GPS
label = "Mechanic",
id = "mechanic",
image = "/web/img/mechanic.png",
location = vector3(-206.17, -1306.88, 31.29)
label = "Lumberjack",
id = "lumberjack",
image = "/web/img/lumberjack.png",
location = vector3(-569.04, 5253.51, 70.49)
label = "Police",
id = "police",
image = "/web/img/police.png",
location = vector3(429.17, -981.95, 30.71)
label = "Police",
id = "police",
image = "/web/img/police.png",
location = vector3(429.17, -981.95, 30.71)
Config.Language = {
newjob = "You got a new job:",
pressE = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to access the ~b~Job Center",
jobCenter = "Job Center",
iconTarget = "fas fa-male",
newLoc = "Location of work placed on GPS!"
Last updated