
Config = {}

Config.Core = "qb-core" -- Your qb-core folder name
Config.Notify = "ox" -- "qb" or "okok" or "ox" ( open code on config_functions.lua )
Config.Target = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.Inventory = "ox" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.HelpText = "ox" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.PlayerDistance = 10 -- This is the max distance player can run with crafig active

Config.Experience = { -- Settings of experience player earn after crafting
    generalItems = { min = 1, max = 5},
    weaponItems = { min = 5, max = 10 },

Config.CrafingLocations = {
    [1] = {
        props = true, -- If you want to use props ( table + ped )
        tableCoords = vector3(1569.59, 3688.11, 34.86), -- Coords of the table ( if you use props = false, use this to set the coords of target )
        tableHeading = 200.97, -- Heading of the table
        pedCoords = vector3(1572.89, 3682.91, 34.79), -- Coords of the ped
        pedHeading = 305.35, -- Heading of the ped
        pedModel = "s_m_m_fiboffice_01", -- Model of ped if you use type = "ped"
        propModel = "prop_tool_bench02", -- Model of prop if you use type = "prop"
        jobs = {""}, -- Jobs can acess it | if you dont any jobs use nil
        gangs = {"ballas", "vagos"}, -- Gangs can acess it | if you dont any gangs use nil
        craftingSettings = { -- All recipes
            [1] = {
                itemName = "lockpick", -- Item code ( name you use for spawn it )
                itemLabel = "Lockpick", -- Item label ( show's on UI )
                itemType = "general", -- Item category
                itemTime = 5000, -- Time of progressbar
                itemExperience = 0, -- Experience player need
                materials = {
                    [1] = { item = "glass", itemLabel = "Glass", amount = 2 },
                    [2] = { item = "steel", itemLabel = "Steel", amount = 1 },
            [2] = {
                itemName = "advancedlockpick",
                itemLabel = "Advanced Lockpick",
                itemType = "general",
                itemTime = 5000,
                itemExperience = 0,
                materials = {
                    [1] = { item = "glass", itemLabel = "Glass", amount = 2 },
                    [2] = { item = "steel", itemLabel = "Steel", amount = 1 },
            [3] = {
                itemName = "weapon_assaultrifle",
                itemLabel = "Assaultrifle",
                itemType = "weapon",
                itemTime = 5000,
                itemExperience = 500,
                materials = {
                    [1] = { item = "glass", itemLabel = "Glass", amount = 2 },
                    [2] = { item = "steel", itemLabel = "Steel", amount = 1 },
            [4] = {
                itemName = "weapon_pistol",
                itemLabel = "Pistol",
                itemType = "weapon",
                itemTime = 5000,
                itemExperience = 500,
                materials = {
                    [1] = { item = "glass", itemLabel = "Glass", amount = 2 },
                    [2] = { item = "steel", itemLabel = "Steel", amount = 1 },
            [5] = {
                itemName = "weapon_crowbar",
                itemLabel = "Crowbar",
                itemType = "weapon",
                itemTime = 5000,
                itemExperience = 500,
                materials = {
                    [1] = { item = "glass", itemLabel = "Glass", amount = 2 },
                    [2] = { item = "steel", itemLabel = "Steel", amount = 1 },
    [2] = {
        props = false, -- If you want to use props ( table + ped )
        tableCoords = vector3(1572.48, 3679.86, 34.79), -- Coords of the table ( if you use props = false, use this to set the coords of target )
        tableHeading = 200.97, -- Heading of the table
        pedCoords = vector3(1572.89, 3682.91, 34.79), -- Coords of the ped
        pedHeading = 305.35, -- Heading of the ped
        pedModel = "s_m_m_fiboffice_01", -- Model of ped if you use type = "ped"
        propModel = "prop_tool_bench02", -- Model of prop if you use type = "prop"
        jobs = {"mechanic"}, -- Jobs can acess it 
        gangs = {""}, -- Gangs can acess it
        craftingSettings = { -- All recipes
            [1] = {
                itemName = "lockpick", -- Item code ( name you use for spawn it )
                itemLabel = "Lockpick", -- Item label ( show's on UI )
                itemType = "general", -- Item category
                itemTime = 5000, -- Time of progressbar
                itemExperience = 0, -- Experience player need
                materials = {
                    [1] = { item = "glass", itemLabel = "Glass", amount = 2 },
                    [2] = { item = "steel", itemLabel = "Steel", amount = 1 },
            [2] = {
                itemName = "advancedlockpick",
                itemLabel = "Advanced Lockpick",
                itemType = "general",
                itemTime = 5000,
                itemExperience = 0,
                materials = {
                    [1] = { item = "glass", itemLabel = "Glass", amount = 2 },
                    [2] = { item = "steel", itemLabel = "Steel", amount = 1 },
            [3] = {
                itemName = "weapon_assaultrifle",
                itemLabel = "Assaultrifle",
                itemType = "weapon",
                itemTime = 5000,
                itemExperience = 500,
                materials = {
                    [1] = { item = "glass", itemLabel = "Glass", amount = 2 },
                    [2] = { item = "steel", itemLabel = "Steel", amount = 1 },
            [4] = {
                itemName = "weapon_pistol",
                itemLabel = "Pistol",
                itemType = "weapon",
                itemTime = 5000,
                itemExperience = 500,
                materials = {
                    [1] = { item = "glass", itemLabel = "Glass", amount = 2 },
                    [2] = { item = "steel", itemLabel = "Steel", amount = 1 },
            [5] = {
                itemName = "weapon_crowbar",
                itemLabel = "Crowbar",
                itemType = "weapon",
                itemTime = 5000,
                itemExperience = 500,
                materials = {
                    [1] = { item = "glass", itemLabel = "Glass", amount = 2 },
                    [2] = { item = "steel", itemLabel = "Steel", amount = 1 },
    [3] = {
        props = false, -- If you want to use props ( table + ped )
        tableCoords = vector3(1573.61, 3684.75, 34.78), -- Coords of the table ( if you use props = false, use this to set the coords of target )
        tableHeading = 200.97, -- Heading of the table
        pedCoords = vector3(1572.89, 3682.91, 34.79), -- Coords of the ped
        pedHeading = 305.35, -- Heading of the ped
        pedModel = "s_m_m_fiboffice_01", -- Model of ped if you use type = "ped"
        propModel = "prop_tool_bench02", -- Model of prop if you use type = "prop"
        jobs = nil, -- Jobs can acess it 
        gangs = nil, -- Gangs can acess it
        craftingSettings = { -- All recipes
            [1] = {
                itemName = "lockpick", -- Item code ( name you use for spawn it )
                itemLabel = "Lockpick", -- Item label ( show's on UI )
                itemType = "general", -- Item category
                itemTime = 5000, -- Time of progressbar
                itemExperience = 0, -- Experience player need
                materials = {
                    [1] = { item = "glass", itemLabel = "Glass", amount = 2 },
                    [2] = { item = "steel", itemLabel = "Steel", amount = 1 },
            [2] = {
                itemName = "advancedlockpick",
                itemLabel = "Advanced Lockpick",
                itemType = "general",
                itemTime = 5000,
                itemExperience = 0,
                materials = {
                    [1] = { item = "glass", itemLabel = "Glass", amount = 2 },
                    [2] = { item = "steel", itemLabel = "Steel", amount = 1 },
            [3] = {
                itemName = "weapon_assaultrifle",
                itemLabel = "Assaultrifle",
                itemType = "weapon",
                itemTime = 5000,
                itemExperience = 500,
                materials = {
                    [1] = { item = "glass", itemLabel = "Glass", amount = 2 },
                    [2] = { item = "steel", itemLabel = "Steel", amount = 1 },
            [4] = {
                itemName = "weapon_pistol",
                itemLabel = "Pistol",
                itemType = "weapon",
                itemTime = 5000,
                itemExperience = 500,
                materials = {
                    [1] = { item = "glass", itemLabel = "Glass", amount = 2 },
                    [2] = { item = "steel", itemLabel = "Steel", amount = 1 },
            [5] = {
                itemName = "weapon_crowbar",
                itemLabel = "Crowbar",
                itemType = "weapon",
                itemTime = 5000,
                itemExperience = 500,
                materials = {
                    [1] = { item = "glass", itemLabel = "Glass", amount = 2 },
                    [2] = { item = "steel", itemLabel = "Steel", amount = 1 },

Last updated