
Config = {};

-- Utility
Config.CoreName = "qb-core" -- Core name
Config.Notify = "qb" -- "qb" | "okok" | "ox"
Config.Job = "vanilla" -- Name for the job that can access the target etc
Config.Target = "qb-target" -- Name of your target
Config.Input = "qb-input" -- Your qb-input name
Config.BillingType = "qb" -- "qb" / "okok" / "jim"
Config.DrinkAlcohol = "consumables:client:DrinkAlcohol"
Config.EnableCommand = true -- Enable command to billing?
Config.CommandBilling = "fatvanilla" --  Command to billing
Config.MLO = "gabz" -- If you use gabz MLO put "gabz" if you use default vanilla put, "default"
Config.KeyStandUp = 186 -- Default is "X" -- Key to stand up of the chair
Config.EnableCallEmployment = true -- Enable call emloyes? If true, people can call with target on tables, and the emplyes get a notify.
Config.PayWhenDance = true -- Pay the player when dance?
Config.Inventory = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"

Config.Pay = { -- Money earn when dance
    MinPay = 50,
    MaxPay = 100,

-- Blips
Config.Blips = {
    Enable = true,
    Zone = vector3(132.03, -1303.96, 29.22),
    Name = "Vanilla",
    Colour = 61,
    Icon = 121,

-- Targets
Config["Locations"] = {
    ["OnDuty"] = { 
        vector3(106.58, -1299.39, 28.77),
    ["Fridge"] = {
        vector3(132.78, -1286.9, 29.27),
    ["Storage"] = {
        vector3(130.21, -1285.34, 29.27),
    ["Fruit"] = {
        vector3(130.52, -1281.72, 30.35),
    ["Ice"] = {
        vector3(127.77, -1281.96, 29.27),
    ["Drinks"] = {
        vector3(129.02, -1280.33, 29.27),
    ["Dance"] = {
        vector3(108.84, -1289.26, 30.25),
        vector3(104.77, -1294.43, 30.25),
        vector3(102.23, -1290.14, 30.25)
    ["Mesa1"] = {
        vector3(115.96, -1286.76, 28.88),
    ["Mesa2"] = {
        vector3(112.81, -1283.11, 28.88),
    ["Mesa3"] = {
        vector3(117.47, -1282.91, 29.16),
    ["Mesa4"] = {
        vector3(120.99, -1285.15, 28.68),
    ["Mesa5"] = {
        vector3(123.32, -1294.96, 29.69),
    ["Mesa6"] = {
        vector3(120.01, -1296.7, 29.99),
    ["Billing"] = {
        vector3(129.2, -1284.94, 30.39),
    ["BossMenu"] = {
        vector3(95.01, -1292.76, 29.27),

-- Stash
Config.Stash = {
    Name = "VanillaStorage",
    MaxWeight = 1500,
    Slots = 40,

-- Language
Config["Language"] = {
    ["Notifications"] = {
        ["Canceled"] = "Cancelded.",
        ["WithoutIngredients"] = "You don't have the ingredients with you.",
        ["OffDuty"] = "You have to go on duty.",
        ["EndDance"] = "You have to finish dancing.",
        ["Table1"] = "Employee called to table 1",
        ["Table2"] = "Employee called to table 2",
        ["Table3"] = "Employee called to table 3",
        ["Table4"] = "Employee called to table 4",
        ["Table5"] = "Employee called to table 5",
        ["Table6"] = "Employee called to table 6",
        ["FaturaEnviadaSucesso"] = "Invoice sent successfully.",
        ["ValorSuperior0"] = "Must be a valid value above 0.",
        ["FaturarProprio"] = "You can't bill yourself.",
        ["PlayerOffline"] = "Player unavailable.",
        ["NoPermission"] = "You don't have permissions.",
        ["FaturaRecebida"] = "New invoice received.",
        ["AlreadySit"] = "Someone is already sitting there.",
    ["QBTarget"] = {
        ["OnDutyLabel"] = "On/Off Duty",
        ["OnDutyIcon"] = "far fa-clipboard",
        ["FridgeLabel"] = "Shop",
        ["FridgeIcon"] = "fas fa-glass-cheers",
        ["StorageLabel"] = "Warehouse",
        ["StorageIcon"] = "fas fa-box",
        ["FruitLabel"] = "Fruits",
        ["FuirIcon"] = "fas fa-lemon",
        ["IceLabel"] = "Ice",
        ["IceIcon"] = "fas fa-cube",
        ["DrinksLabel"] = "Drinks",
        ["DrinkIcon"] = "fas fa-wine-glass",
        ["DanceLabel"] = "Dance",
        ["DanceIcon"] = "fas fa-person",
        ["CallEmplyementLabel"] = "Call Employee",
        ["CallEmplyementIcon"] = "fas fa-ring",
        ["BillingLabel"] = "Billing",
        ["BillingIcon"] = "fa-solid fa-money-bill-1",
        ["BossMenuLabel"] = "Boss Menu",
        ["BossMenuIcon"] = "fas fa-person",
        ["Sit"] = "Sit",
    ["QBMenu"] = {
        ["AvailableFruits"] = "🍉 | Available Fruits | 🍉",
        ["FruitBanana"] = "🍌 â€ĸ Banana",
        ["FruitApple"] = "🍏 â€ĸ Apple",
        ["FruitOrange"] = "🍊 â€ĸ Orange",
        ["FruitLime"] = "🍈 â€ĸ Lime",
        ["FruitStrawberries"] = "🍓 â€ĸ Strawberries",
        ["FruitRedFruit"] = "🍒 â€ĸ Red Fruit",
        ["AvailableDrinks"] = "🍷 | Available Drinks | 🍷",
        ["Cocktails"] = "🍸 â€ĸ Cocktails",
        ["CocktailsDesc"] = "Apple, Strawberry, Vodka...",
        ["Juices"] = "🍹 â€ĸ Drinks",
        ["JuicesDesc"] = "Apple, Strawberry, Banana...",
        ["AvailableJuices"] = "🍷 | Make Juices | 🍷",
        ["JuiceBanana"] = "đŸē â€ĸ Banana Juice",
        ["JuiceBananaRequired"] = "Banana, Ice...",
        ["JuiceApple"] = "🍸 â€ĸ Apple Juice",
        ["JuiceAppleRequired"] = "Apple, Ice...",
        ["JuiceOrange"] = "🍹 â€ĸ Orange Juice",
        ["JuiceOrangeRequired"] = "Orange, Ice...",
        ["AvailableCoktails"] = "🍸 | Make Cocktails | 🍸",
        ["CocktailApple"] = "â€ĸ Apple Cocktail",
        ["CocktailAppleRequired"] = "Ice, Apple, Ciroc",
        ["CocktailStrawberries"] = "â€ĸ Strawberries Cocktail",
        ["CocktailStrawberriesRequired"] = "Ice, Strawberries, Martini Rosato",
        ["CocktailVodka"] = "â€ĸ Vodka Cocktail",
        ["CocktailVodkaRequired"] = "Ice, Lime, Eristoff Black",
        ["CloseQBMenu"] = "Close",
    ["Progressbars"] = {
        ["TakeApple"] = "Picking up the apple...",
        ["TakeBanana"] = "Picking up the banana...",
        ["TakeOrange"] = "Picking up the orange...",
        ["TakeLime"] = "Picking up the lime...",
        ["TakeStrawberries"] = "Picking up a strawberry...",
        ["TakeRedFruit"] = "Picking up red fruits...",
        ["TakeIce"] = "Picking up the ice...",
        ["MakeAppleJuice"] = "Making an apple drink..",
        ["MakeBananaJuice"] = "Making a banana drink..",
        ["MakeOrangeJuice"] = "Making an orange drink..",
        ["MakeAppleCocktail"] = "Making an apple cocktail..",
        ["MakeStrawberriesCocktail"] = "Making a strawberry cocktail..",
        ["MakeVodkaCocktail"] = "Making a vodka cocktail..",
    ["QBInput"] = {
        ["BillingHeader"] = "Billing Vanilla",
        ["BillingSubmit"] = "Submit",
        ["BillingPaypal"] = "Paypal ID",
        ["BillingAmount"] = "Amount",

-- Shop
Config.Items = {
    [1] = { name = "beer", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 1 },
    [2] = { name = "whiskey", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 2, },
    [3] = { name = "vodka", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 3, },
    [4] = { name = "wine", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 4, },
    [5] = { name = "grapejuice", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 5, },
    [6] = { name = "cocacola", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 6, },
    [7] = { name = "absinthe", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 7, },
    [8] = { name = "baileys", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 8, },
    [9] = { name = "bombaysaphire", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 9, },
    [10] = { name = "brandy", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 10, },
    [11] = { name = "champagne", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 11, },
    [12] = { name = "ciroc", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 12, },
    [13] = { name = "cirocapple",price = 0,amount = 10,info = {},type = "item",slot = 13,},
    [14] = { name = "cirocred",price = 0,amount = 10,info = {},type = "item",slot = 14,},
    [15] = { name = "eristoffblack", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 15, },
    [16] = { name = "goldstrike", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 16, },
    [17] = { name = "jackdaniels", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 17, },
    [18] = { name = "jb", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 18, },
    [19] = { name = "martinibianco", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 19, },
    [20] = { name = "martiniextradry", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 20, },
    [21] = { name = "martinirosato", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 21, },
    [22] = { name = "martinirosso", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 22, },
    [23] = { name = "tequilagold", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 23, },
    [24] = { name = "vanillamenu", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 24, },

-- Strippers
Config.EnableStrippers = true -- Enable strippers?
Config.Model = "a_f_y_topless_01" -- Model of strippers
Config.Location01 = { 
    { x = 109.05, y = -1283.27, z = 27.75, heading = 212.67 }

Config.Location02 = { 
    { x = 105.9, y = -1291.02, z = 29.4, heading = 251.5 }

Config.Location03 = { 
    { x = 99.93, y = -1287.55, z = 28.27, heading = 275.89 }

Config.Location04 = { 
    { x = 105.96, y = -1297.26, z = 28.26, heading = 309.89 }

Config.Location05 = { 
    { x = 102.29, y = -1289.85, z = 29.30, heading = 292.55 }

Config.Location06 = { 
    { x = 104.82, y = -1294.20, z = 29.39, heading = 245.61 }

Config.Location07 = { 
    { x = 113.86, y = -1291.91, z = 27.75, heading = 9.04 }

Config.Location08 = { 
    { x = 108.88, y = -1289.0, z = 29.28, heading = 294.16 }

Last updated