Config = {}
Config.Core = "qb-core" -- Your qb-core folder
Config.Notify = "ox" -- Choose between "qb", "okok" or "ox" notify
Config.Dispatch = "ps-dispatch" -- Choose between "ps-dispatch" or "cd_dispatch"
Config.CallCops = 60 -- 60% Chance on calling the cops
Config.Inventory = "qb" -- Choose between "qb" or "ox" inventory
Config.Target = "qb" -- Choose between "qb" or "ox" target
Config.Menu = "qb" -- Choose between "qb" or "ox" menu
Config.TargetName = "qb-target" -- If you use other name for qb-target
Config.MenuName = "qb-menu" -- If you use other name for qb-menu
Config.Debug = true -- If true, some prints actived on console
Config.CommandRanking = "runsleader" -- Command to open a menu where it shows the TOP 5
Config.PoliceBlip = true -- If true, the police can see a blip over the player indicating the path they are taking
Config.PoliceJob = "police" -- Name of your police job
Config.Cooldown = 60 -- 60 = 1 Hour
Config.StartMission = {
Item = nil, -- Need item to talk the first guy? | If you want item make: Item = "item you want" | ** This only works if you use qb-target **
Ped = "a_m_m_hillbilly_01", -- Type of ped |
Blip = { enable = true, id = 126, colour = 1, scale = 0.9, name = 'Run It!' }, --
Locations = { -- List of possible spawn's npc
vector4(-1291.66, -280.22, 38.68, 29.03),
-- You can add more locations
Config.GetBoxes = {
Ped = "a_m_m_hillbilly_01", -- Type of ped |
Locations = { -- List of possible spawn's npc
vector4(-1082.51, -1631.17, 4.74, 123.66),
-- You can add more locations
Items = {
-- minXp = Minimum experience to get the item behind.
-- maxXP = Experience needed to go to the second level (new box) Example: If you have 32 XP only receive weedbox, if you have 120 XP you can receive weedbox and methbox
-- amountMin = Minimum amount of boxes the player receives
-- amountMax = Maximum amount of boxes the player receives
-- xpGive = Experience that the player earns on each delivery.
-- maxXP on guns box, not necessary as it is the last level.
weedbox = { minXP = 0, maxXP = 100, amountMin = 1, amountMax = 3, xpGive = 1, },
methbox = { minXP = 100, maxXP = 300, amountMin = 2, amountMax = 6, xpGive = 2, },
cokebox = { minXP = 300, maxXP = 500, amountMin = 3, amountMax = 9, xpGive = 3,},
gunsbox = { minXP = 650, amountMin = 4, amountMax = 12 },
Config.DeliveryBoxes = {
Ped = "a_m_m_hillbilly_01", -- Type of ped |
Weed = {
Time = 2, -- Maximum time to deliver, if it takes longer, you do not receive any payment. | 2 = 2 Minutes
Locations = {
vector4(-573.07, -442.54, 34.34, 180.43),
vector4(-1161.17, -217.89, 37.96, 332.33),
vector4(-1453.49, -387.02, 38.19, 33.43),
vector4(-1790.54, -400.75, 46.48, 323.15),
vector4(-133.11, -1563.59, 34.25, 48.57),
vector4(12.48, -1605.96, 29.4, 139.62),
vector4(180.28, -1638.06, 29.29, 216.82),
vector4(1337.48, -1525.66, 54.16, 161.98),
vector4(1520.01, -1752.89, 78.65, 219.47)
Payments = {
min = 100, -- Min payment for each box
max = 200, -- Max payment for each box
Coke = {
Time = 2, -- Maximum time to deliver, if it takes longer, you do not receive any payment. | 2 = 2 Minutes
Locations = {
vector4(-573.07, -442.54, 34.34, 180.43),
vector4(-1161.17, -217.89, 37.96, 332.33),
vector4(-1453.49, -387.02, 38.19, 33.43),
vector4(-1790.54, -400.75, 46.48, 323.15),
vector4(-133.11, -1563.59, 34.25, 48.57),
vector4(12.48, -1605.96, 29.4, 139.62),
vector4(180.28, -1638.06, 29.29, 216.82),
vector4(1337.48, -1525.66, 54.16, 161.98),
vector4(1520.01, -1752.89, 78.65, 219.47)
Payments = {
min = 300, -- Min payment for each box
max = 550, -- Max payment for each box
Meth = {
Time = 2, -- Maximum time to deliver, if it takes longer, you do not receive any payment. | 2 = 2 Minutes
Locations = {
vector4(-573.07, -442.54, 34.34, 180.43),
vector4(-1161.17, -217.89, 37.96, 332.33),
vector4(-1453.49, -387.02, 38.19, 33.43),
vector4(-1790.54, -400.75, 46.48, 323.15),
vector4(-133.11, -1563.59, 34.25, 48.57),
vector4(12.48, -1605.96, 29.4, 139.62),
vector4(180.28, -1638.06, 29.29, 216.82),
vector4(1337.48, -1525.66, 54.16, 161.98),
vector4(1520.01, -1752.89, 78.65, 219.47)
Payments = {
min = 700, -- Min payment for each box
max = 1250, -- Max payment for each box
Guns = {
Time = 2, -- Maximum time to deliver, if it takes longer, you do not receive any payment. | 2 = 2 Minutes
Locations = {
vector4(-573.07, -442.54, 34.34, 180.43),
vector4(-1161.17, -217.89, 37.96, 332.33),
vector4(-1453.49, -387.02, 38.19, 33.43),
vector4(-1790.54, -400.75, 46.48, 323.15),
vector4(-133.11, -1563.59, 34.25, 48.57),
vector4(12.48, -1605.96, 29.4, 139.62),
vector4(180.28, -1638.06, 29.29, 216.82),
vector4(1337.48, -1525.66, 54.16, 161.98),
vector4(1520.01, -1752.89, 78.65, 219.47)
Payments = {
min = 1500, -- Min payment for each box
max = 2750, -- Max payment for each box
-- This is the blip that the police can see on the map when the player is delivering
Config.BlipPolice = {
Display = 2,
Sprite = 1,
Colour = 3,
Scale = 1.5,
Name = "Run It"
-- This is the drops if player decide to open the boxe's
Config.Boxes = {
Weed = {
enable = true, -- Enable open the box?
item = "weapon_crowbar", -- Weapon need to open the box
time = 5000, -- Time of progressbar
prop = "prop_cs_box_clothes", -- You can check other props on
dropList = {
{ item = "weed", amount = math.random(1,2)},
--{ item = "weed_seeds", amount = math.random(1,2)}
Coke = {
enable = true, -- Enable open the box?
item = "weapon_crowbar", -- Weapon need to open the box
time = 5000, -- Time of progressbar
prop = "prop_cs_box_clothes", -- You can check other props on
dropList = {
{ item = "coke", amount = math.random(1,2)},
{ item = "coke_seeds", amount = math.random(1,2)}
Meth = {
enable = true, -- Enable open the box?
item = "weapon_crowbar", -- Weapon need to open the box
time = 5000, -- Time of progressbar
prop = "prop_cs_box_clothes", -- You can check other props on
dropList = {
{ item = "meth", amount = math.random(1,2)},
{ item = "meth_seeds", amount = math.random(1,2)}
Guns = {
enable = true, -- Enable open the box?
item = "weapon_crowbar", -- Weapon need to open the box
time = 5000, -- Time of progressbar
prop = "prop_box_ammo03a", -- You can check other props on
dropList = {
{ item = "meth", amount = math.random(1,2)},
{ item = "meth_seeds", amount = math.random(1,2)}
Last updated