Config = {}
-- Utility
Config.CoreName = "qb-core" -- Your qb-core folder name
Config.Menu = "qb-menu" -- Your qb-menu folder name
Config.Input = "qb-input" -- Your qb-input folder name
Config.Debug = true -- If true you have acess a command "debugoil" and he print the Capacity of boat and your level.
Config.Marker = 1 -- Marker on ocean https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/markers/
Config.Job = "all" -- "all" -> No work is required
Config.Distance = 10 -- Distanec of the helptext to collect oil
Config.Inventory = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.Target = {
option = "qb", -- "qb" or "ox"
name = "qb-target", -- Name of your target
-- Peds
Config.Peds = {
[1] = {type = 4, hash= GetHashKey("s_m_y_garbage"), x = 3866.43, y = 4463.61, z = 1.73, h = 89.92}, -- Rent a Boat
[2] = {type = 4, hash= GetHashKey("s_m_y_garbage"), x = 1471.45, y = -1905.05, z = 70.40, h = 330.82}, -- Rent a Vehicle
[3] = {type = 4, hash= GetHashKey("s_m_y_garbage"), x = 256.38, y = 2585.77, z = 43.91, h = 100.77}, -- Selling Burning Items
-- Blips
Config.Blip = {
Factory = {
Enable = true,
Location = vector3(1474.28, -1920.31, 71.83),
Sprite = 467,
Display = 2,
Scale = 0.8,
Colour = 14,
Name = "Oil Factory",
Boat = {
Enable = true,
Location = vector3(3866.43, 4463.61, 1.73),
Sprite = 467,
Display = 2,
Scale = 0.8,
Colour = 14,
Name = "Oil Boat",
Selling = {
Enable = true,
Location = vector3(256.38, 2585.77, 43.91),
Sprite = 207,
Display = 2,
Scale = 0.8,
Colour = 2,
Name = "Selling Items",
-- Rent a Boat
Config.Rent = {
General = {
Pay = true, -- Pay to rent a boat or vehicle?
Amount = 500, -- Amout of rent
Type = "cash", -- "cash" or "bank"
Keys = "vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner", -- Your trigger to give keys to player
Fuel = "LegacyFuel", -- "LegacyFuel" or "other"
Boat = {
Model = "tug", -- Model of vehicle
Plate = "Oil"..math.random(1,500), -- Plate
Location = vector4(3861.0, 4476.8, -0.47, 268.50), -- Location to spawn the boat
Delete = vector3(3862.19, 4446.92, 0.83), -- Location to delete the boat
Spawn = vector3(3855.13, 4459.96, 1.85), -- Location the ped goes after delete the boat
Capacity = 200, -- This is the boat's ability to avoid farm AFK. When the player reaches 200, he can't catch more in the same boat.
Vehicle = {
Model = "futo", -- Model of vehicle
Plate = "Oil"..math.random(1,500), -- Plate
Location = vector4(1476.2, -1907.96, 71.4, 210.50), -- Location to spawn the vehicle
Delete = vector3(1476.2, -1907.96, 71.4), -- Location to delete the boat
-- Level System
Config.EarnExperience = {
PickUp = 1, -- XP Gained after each pick up
Mixing = 1, -- XP Gained after each mixing
Config.Level = {
Level_5 = 500, -- Amount of pickups needed to go to level 5
Level_4 = 400, -- Amount of pickups needed to go to level 4
Level_3 = 300, -- Amount of pickups needed to go to level 3
Level_2 = 200, -- Amount of pickups needed to go to level 2
Level_1 = 0, -- Dont touch
Config.ProgressbarTimes = {
Level_5 = 15000, -- Time progressBars with level 5 | This progressbar will result in: picking, mixing and burning
Level_4 = 18500, -- Time progressBars with level 4 | This progressbar will result in: picking, mixing and burning
Level_3 = 20000, -- Time progressBars with level 3 | This progressbar will result in: picking, mixing and burning
Level_2 = 25000, -- Time progressBars with level 2 | This progressbar will result in: picking, mixing and burning
Level_1 = 30000, -- Time progressBars with level 1 | This progressbar will result in: picking, mixing and burning
Config.Rewards = {
PickUp = {
Level_5 = { min = 21, max = 32 }, -- Drop quantity when pick up oil in sea
Level_4 = { min = 15, max = 19 }, -- Drop quantity when pick up oil in sea
Level_3 = { min = 12, max = 14 }, -- Drop quantity when pick up oil in sea
Level_2 = { min = 6, max = 9 }, -- Drop quantity when pick up oil in sea
Level_1 = { min = 2, max = 4 }, -- Drop quantity when pick up oil in sea
Reward = "m_oil" -- This is the item you receive after collecting oil
RareDrops = { -- You will receive oil 100% times , this is another drop with chance to get it
Enable = true, -- Enable rare drops?
Chance = 100, -- Chance to get rare drops
Drops = { -- Here is the list of rare drops that can later be burned at the factory
MixingOil = {
Level_5 = { min = 9, max = 10 }, -- Drop quantity when you mix the oil
Level_4 = { min = 7, max = 8 }, -- Drop quantity when you mix the oil
Level_3 = { min = 5, max = 6 }, -- Drop quantity when you mix the oil
Level_2 = { min = 3, max = 4 }, -- Drop quantity when you mix the oil
Level_1 = { min = 1, max = 2 }, -- Drop quantity when you mix the oil
Reward = "m_gas_2l", -- This is the item you receive after mixing oil
Burning = {
Level_5 = { min = 9, max = 10 }, -- Drop quantity when you burn the rare drops
Level_4 = { min = 7, max = 8 }, -- Drop quantity when you burn the rare drops
Level_3 = { min = 5, max = 6 }, -- Drop quantity when you burn the rare drops
Level_2 = { min = 3, max = 4 }, -- Drop quantity when you burn the rare drops
Level_1 = { min = 1, max = 2 }, -- Drop quantity when you burn the rare drops
Reward = { -- This is the items you receive after burning the rare drops
-- Selling Items
Config.InvLink = "lj-inventory/html/images/" -- Set this to your inventory directory
Config.Payment = "cash" -- "cash" or "bank"
Config.SellingItems = {
[1] = { item = "m_gold", price = math.random(250, 300) },
[2] = { item = "m_stone", price = math.random(1990, 2250) },
[3] = { item = "m_silver", price = math.random(1990, 2250) },
[4] = { item = "m_diamond", price = math.random(1990, 2250) },
[5] = { item = "m_wood", price = math.random(1990, 2250) },
[6] = { item = "m_iron", price = math.random(1990, 2250) },
-- [7] = { item = "m_gas_2l", price = math.random(1990, 2250) }, -- If you also want to sell gasoline, leave a comment on this line.
-- Location to collect oil
Config.CollectOil = {
[1] = vector3(4646.02, 4228.8, 0.37),
[2] = vector3(4002.59, 4577.45, 1.07),
Last updated