Impound & Auctions
Police can impound players' vehicles. The auction system works as follows: if a player does not retrieve their impounded vehicle within a set time, the vehicle is transferred to the police department. The police can then go to the auction location and start an auction for that vehicle, selecting a custom duration for the bidding.
All players on the server can place bids on the vehicle, and the highest bidder wins ownership.
If no one places a bid and the auction time expires, the no_bidders_action option determines the outcome, which can be set to either:
"destroy" – The vehicle is permanently removed.
"award_to_job" – The vehicle is transferred to a specific job.
Configuration of impound auctions
menu_location: The location where police can interact to start an impound auction.
auction_spots: The number of available spots, determining how many vehicles can be auctioned at once.
auction_duration: Duration of each auction (in milliseconds).
no_bidders_action: Defines what happens if there are no bidders:
"destroy" – The vehicle is permanently removed.
"award_to_job" – The vehicle is sent to a job garage as a spawner with a maximum stock of 1.
default_recipient_job: The job that will receive the vehicle if the auction ends without bidders.
retrieval_expiration: The number of days a vehicle remains in the impound before it can be auctioned off.
min_bid_increment: The minimum bid increment to prevent spam.
buttons: Five default values created when opening the auction UI.
open_text: The text displayed where police can interact to open the menu.
auction_effects: Various effects triggered when someone wins a vehicle.
Demonstration Video
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