Config, Locales = {}, {}
Config.Locale = 'en' -- en
Config.Core = "qb-core" -- Your core folder name
Config.Display = 'qb-target' -- "okokTextUI" | "qb-target" | "ox_target" | "qbTextUI"
Config.Notify = "qb" -- Choose between "qb", "okok" or "ox" notify
Config.Currency = 'âŦ' -- Currency used on the script
Config.UseKMH = false -- Speed system used on the script
Config.MaxRentDays = 7 -- Max days that a vehicle can be rented
Config.OpenKey = 38 -- Key to open the UI
Config.HistoryLimit = 25 -- Limit of the rental history on history tab
Config.DateFormat = "%d/%m - %H:%M" -- Date format
Config.GarageToSend = 'pillboxgarage' -- Garage to send the rented vehicle
Config.vehicleNameFromFile = false -- If you want to use the vehicle name from the file, set to true
Config.VehicleFade = true -- Fade the vehicle when the rent is finished
Config.VehicleFadeTime = 60 -- Time to get the ped out of the vehicle in seconds
Config.BlipSprite = 523 -- The blip itself
Config.BlipDisplay = 4 -- Blip Display
Config.BlipScale = 0.8 -- Blip Scale
Config.BlipColour = 5 -- Blip Colour
Config.Categories = {
['coupes'] = 'Coupes',
['sedans'] = 'Sedans',
['compacts'] = 'Compacts',
['muscle'] = 'Muscle',
['sportsclassics'] = 'Sports Classics',
['sports'] = 'Sports',
['super'] = 'Super',
['motorcycles'] = 'Motorcycles',
['offroad'] = 'Off-Road',
['suvs'] = 'SUVs',
['vans'] = 'Vans',
Config.Locations = {
{coords = vector3(-41.1, -1675.02, 29.45)},
--{coords = vector3(1958.83, 4628.03, 41.07)},
-- Don't touch in this function
function _fx(id)
if Locales[Config.Locale][id] then
return Locales[Config.Locale][id]
print("The locale '""' doesn't exist!")
Last updated