
Language = {
    noMoney = "You do not have enough experience for this purchase.",
    itemExists = "The item %s already exists in the Blackmarket.",
    itemAddedSuccess = "item %s successfully added to the Blackmarket.",
    itemAddedFail = "Failed to add the item %s to the Blackmarket.",
    itemRemovedSuccess = "Removed item %s from Blackmarket.",
    itemNotFound = "Item %s not found in the Blackmarket.",
    itemRestockedSuccess = "Item %s restocked successfully.",
    restockFailed = "Failed to restock the item %s.",
    giveExperienceSuccess = "You added %s experience to %s %s.",
    receiveExperienceSuccess = "You received %s experience from %s %s.",
    removeExperienceSuccess = "You removed %s experience from %s %s.",
    loseExperienceFailure = "You lost %s experience to %s %s.",
    playerNotOnline = "Player not online",
    openBlackmarket = "Open Blackmarket",
    restricAcess = "Acesso restrito.",

Last updated