Config = {}
Config.Core = "qb-core" -- Your qb-core folder name
Config.Notify = "qb" -- "qb" or "okok" or "ox" ( open code on config_functions.lua )
Config.Display = "3dtext" -- "target" or "3dtext"
Config.Target = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.Inventory = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.HelpText = "ox" -- "qb" or "ox" ( open code on config_functions.lua )
Config.VehicleKeys = "qb" -- "qb" or "qs" or "renewed" or "jaksam" or "wasabi" ( open code on config_functions.lua )
Config.Fuel = "LegacyFuel" -- "LegacyFuel" or "okokFuel" or "ox_fuel" or "ti_fuel" or "qs-fuel" ( open code on config_functions.lua )
Config.mInsurance = false -- Use m-Insurance? ( Give registration when player buy vehicle )
Config.AutoUpdate = false -- Auto update vehicles from qb-core/shared/vehicles.lua
Config.AutoBuySystem = false -- If false, only people with the job can buy vehicles and sell to players
Config.Email = {
enable = true, -- Enable email to player when buy a new vehicle?
phone = "qb-phone", -- Phones: "qb-phone" or "qs-smartphone" or "gksphone" ( open code on config_functions.lua )
Config.VehicleshopLocations = { -- Possible locations where ped can sapwn
[1] = { coords = vector3(-30.82, -1096.48, 27.27), heading = 101.40, pedModel = "s_m_m_fiboffice_01", blipScale = 0.8, blipSprite = 225, blipColour = 42, blipName = "Car Dealer" },
Config.BuyVehicle = { -- Location where vehicle spawn when player buy
vehicles = vector4(-23.37, -1093.73, 27.31, 340.24),
planes = vector4(-996.36, -2995.72, 13.95, 59.98),
boats = vector4(-729.61, -1356.57, -0.56, 157.92),
-- Test Drive Options
Config.TestDriveTime = 10 -- 10 Seconds
Config.TestDriveLocations = { -- Possible spawn points
Vehicles = {
[1] = vector4(-1694.55, -2927.08, 13.94, 238.9),
[2] = vector4(-1698.62, -2930.15, 13.94, 242.36),
[3] = vector4(-1700.33, -2935.44, 13.94, 242.78),
Boats = {
[1] = vector4(-724.21, -1328.56, 0.12, 231.87),
[2] = vector4(-729.92, -1335.81, 0.16, 228.36),
[3] = vector4(-735.91, -1342.03, 0.14, 228.66),
Airplanes = {
[1] = vector4(-1621.95, -2978.66, 13.94, 240.65),
[2] = vector4(-1589.64, -2997.49, 13.95, 238.86),
[3] = vector4(-1557.59, -3015.9, 13.95, 238.89)
Config.EnableShowroom = true -- Enable showroom?
Config.BuyVehiclesShowroom = true -- Enable players buy vehicles on showroom?
Config.Showroom = {
[1] = { coords = vector3(-37.12, -1093.36, 27.30), heading = 112.58, vehicle = "t20"},
[2] = { coords = vector3(-42.25, -1101.61, 27.30), heading = 291.36, vehicle = "baller7"},
[3] = { coords = vector3(-47.73, -1091.57, 27.30), heading = 187.34, vehicle = "windsor"},
[4] = { coords = vector3(-54.74, -1096.86, 27.30), heading = 297.38, vehicle = "dominator7"},
[5] = { coords = vector3(-49.80, -1083.54, 27.30), heading = 158.57, vehicle = "warrener"},
Config.SellingVehicles = {
enable = true, -- Enable sell vehicles to npc?
location = { coords = vector3(-7.83, -1096.46, 27.01), heading = 71.16, pedModel = "s_m_m_fiboffice_01" },
sellingPercentage = 20, -- 20% Player lose if sells to this npc
paymentType = "bank", -- "bank" or "cash" player receive the money
Config.Categories = {
{ value = "vans", label = "Vans", category = "vehicles" },
{ value = "suvs", label = "Suvs", category = "vehicles" },
{ value = "super", label = "Super", category = "vehicles" },
{ value = "sportsclassics", label = "Classic", category = "vehicles" },
{ value = "sedans", label = "Sedans", category = "vehicles" },
{ value = "planes", label = "Planes", category = "planes" },
{ value = "offroad", label = "Offroad", category = "vehicles" },
{ value = "muscle", label = "Muscle", category = "vehicles" },
{ value = "motorcycles", label = "Motorcycles", category = "motorcycle" },
{ value = "industrial", label = "Industrial", category = "vehicles" },
{ value = "helicopters", label = "Helicopters", category = "planes" },
{ value = "cycles", label = "Cycles", category = "vehicles" },
{ value = "coupes", label = "Coupes", category = "vehicles" },
{ value = "compacts", label = "Compacts", category = "vehicles" },
{ value = "commercial", label = "Commercial", category = "vehicles" },
{ value = "boats", label = "Boats", category = "boats" },
-- { value = "custom", label = "Custom", category = "vehicles" }, -- Example how to add "custom" addon vehicles open html and un-comment the line 49
-- List of all commands available
Config.Commands = {
[1] = {
command = "addvehicletoshop",
description = "Add a vehicle to shop",
[2] = {
command = "importvehicle",
description = "Import vehicles from qb-core vehicles"
[3] = {
command = "createcode",
description = "Create a code to player get a vehicle"
[4] = {
command = "reedemcode",
description = "Reedem a code to get a vehicle"
[5] = {
command = "transfervehicle",
description = "Transfer a vehicle to another player"
Last updated