
Config = {}

-- Zones
Config.CoreName = "qb-core" -- Your qb-core folder name
Config.PoliceOnline = true -- Need's police oline to sell drugs?
Config.JobPolice = 'police' -- Job Police
Config.AmountPolice = 0 -- Amount of police needed to sell drugs
Config.Dispatch = "ps-dispatch" -- "ps-dispatch" or "cd_dispatch"
Config.Inventory = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"

-- Commands

Config.CommandSellWeed  = { Enable = true, Command = 'sellweed'}  
Config.CommandSellCoke  = { Enable = true, Command = 'sellcoke'}
Config.CommandSellOpium = { Enable = true, Command = 'sellopium'}
Config.CommandSellMeta  = { Enable = true, Command = 'sellmeta'}

-- Zones
-- ====== Weed
Config.BlipWeed = {
    Enable = true,
    Icon = 437,
    Scale = 0.8,
    Colour = 2,
    Name = "Sell Weed",

Config.SellingWeed = {
    Enable = true, -- Enable selling Weed?
    zona = vector3(99.4, -1936.57, 20.8), -- Zone
    distance = 150, -- Distance
    percentageIgnore = 10, -- 10% Buyer ignore the sell and call cops
    RewardType = "cash", -- "cash" or "markedbills"
    AmountOfSellWeed = {
        Min = 1,
        Max = 5,
    ItemsWeed = {
        [1] = {item = 'package-weed-bad-ql', price = math.random(5,10)}, 
        [2] = {item = 'package-weed-med-ql', price = math.random(25,50)},
        [3] = {item = 'package-weed-max-ql', price = math.random(75,180)},
        -- You can add more here

-- ====== Coke
Config.BlipCoke = {
    Enable = true,
    Icon = 437,
    Scale = 0.8,
    Colour = 5,
    Name = "Sell Coke",

Config.SellingCoke = {
    Enable = true,  -- Enable selling Coke?
    zona = vector3(328.21, -2035.65, 20.92), -- Zone
    distance = 150, -- Distance
    percentageIgnore = 10, -- 10% Buyer ignore the sell and call cops
    RewardType = "cash", -- "cash" or "markedbills"
    AmountOfSellCoke = {
        Min = 1,
        Max = 5,
    ItemsCoke = {
        [1] = {item = 'package-coke-bad-ql', price = math.random(5,10)}, 
        [2] = {item = 'package-coke-med-ql', price = math.random(25,50)},
        [3] = {item = 'package-coke-max-ql', price = math.random(75,180)},

-- ====== Opium
Config.BlipOpium = {
    Enable = true,
    Icon = 437,
    Scale = 0.8,
    Colour = 56,
    Name = "Sell Opium",

Config.SellingOpium = {
    Enable = true, -- Enable selling Opium?
    zona = vector3(1281.97, -1733.7, 52.53), -- Zone
    distance = 150, -- Distance
    percentageIgnore = 10, -- 10% Buyer ignore the sell and call cops
    RewardType = "cash", -- "cash" or "markedbills"
    AmountOfSellOpium = {
        Min = 1,
        Max = 5,
    ItemsOpium = {
        [1] = {item = 'package-opium-bad-ql', price = math.random(5,10)}, 
        [2] = {item = 'package-opium-med-ql', price = math.random(25,50)},
        [3] = {item = 'package-opium-max-ql', price = math.random(75,180)},

-- ====== Meth
Config.BlipMeth = {
    Enable = true,
    Icon = 437,
    Scale = 0.8,
    Colour = 58,
    Name = "Sell Meth",

Config.SellingMeta = {
    Enable = true, -- Enable selling Meth?
    zona = vector3(1373.52, -1534.22, 56.18), -- Zone
    distance = 350, -- Distance
    percentageIgnore = 10, -- 10% Buyer ignore the sell and call cops
    RewardType = "cash", -- "cash" or "markedbills"
    AmountOfSellMeta = {
        Min = 1,
        Max = 5,
    ItemsMeta = {
        [1] = {item = 'package-meth-bad-ql', price = math.random(5,10)}, 
        [2] = {item = 'package-meth-med-ql', price = math.random(25,50)},
        [3] = {item = 'package-meth-max-ql', price = math.random(75,180)},

-- Language

Config["Language"] = {
    ["Notificaction"] = {
        ["Longe"] = "You are far way.",
        ["VendaErva"] = "Active weed sale.",
        ["VendaCoca"] = "Active cocaine sale.",
        ["VendaOpio"] = "Active opium sales.",
        ["VendaMeta"] = "Active methamphetamine sales.",
        ["EsPolicia"] = "The buyer has seen you before, they know you're a cop!",
        ["SaisteZona"] = "You moved far away and the buyer was no longer interested.",
        ["SemInteresse"] = "The buyer was not interested.",
        ["AlreadyInteracted"] = "You already interacted with him",
        ["NadaParaVender"] = "You have nothing to sell.",
        ["NotEnough"] = "You don't have enough quantity of %s", -- %s is the item name
        ["ChamarPolicia"] = "The buyer is calling the police!",
        ["YouGot"] = "You got: $",
        ["NoPolice"] = "There are not enough police.",
        ["VendaErvaDesligada"] = "Disabled weed sale.",
        ["VendaCocaDesligada"] = "Disabled cocaine sale.",
        ["VendaOpioDesligada"] = "Disabled opium sales.",
        ["VendaMetaDesligada"] = "Disabled methamphetamine sales.",
    ["ProgressBars"] ={
        ["Selling"] = "Selling drugs...",
    ["HelpText"] = {
        ["SellWeed"] = "[E] - Sell Weed",
        ["SellCoke"] = "[E] - Sell Coke",
        ["SellOpium"] = "[E] - Sell Opium",
        ["SellMeta"] = "[E] - Sell Meta",

function AlertCops()
    if Config.Dispatch == 'cd_dispatch' then
        local data = exports['cd_dispatch']:GetPlayerInfo()
        TriggerServerEvent('cd_dispatch:AddNotification', {
            job_table = {'police'}, 
            coords = data.coords,
            title = '10-15 - Selling Drugs',
            message = 'A '..data.sex..' selling drugs '..data.street, 
            flash = 0,
            unique_id = tostring(math.random(0000000,9999999)),
            blip = {
                sprite = 156, 
                scale = 1.2, 
                colour = 1,
                flashes = false, 
                text = '911 - Mugging In Progress',
                time = (5*60*1000),
                sound = 1,
    elseif Config.Dispatch == 'ps-dispatch' then
        local playerPos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), true)
            coords = playerPos,
            message = "911 - Selling Drugs",
            dispatchCode = "10-15 Mugging",
            description = "Selling Drugs",
            gender = true,
            radius = 0,
            sprite = 156,
            color = 1,
            scale = 1.2,
            length = 3,

Last updated