Config = {}
Config.Debug = true -- If true have some prints and you can make the command /veh for testing.
Config.Jobs = { "mechanic" } -- List of jobs available to use the run repair kit
Config.Item = "runrepairkit" -- Item used fo repairing
Config.Payment = { min = 25, max = 75 } -- Payment for each run
Config.Time = math.random(5000,7500) -- Time to wait new run
Config.RepairingTime = 12000 -- 12 Seconds to repair the vehicle
Config.Remove = 1 -- 1 = Vehicle delete when finish repair. | 2 = Vehicle delete after 20 seconds of repairing
Config.MechanicPed = { model = "s_m_m_gaffer_01", coords = vector4(169.70, -3018.20, 4.87, 141.78)}
Config.PossibleSpawnPoints = { -- Possible spawn points for cars
vector4(169.05, -3005.23, 5.80, 130.4)
Config.PossibleVehicles = { -- Possible models that can spawn
{ model = "cogcabrio"},
{ model = "oracle2"},
{ model = "zion"},
{ model = "panto"},
{ model = "felon"},
{ model = "jackal"},
{ model = "windsor2"},
{ model = "f620"},
{ model = "ruiner"},
{ model = "virgo2"},
{ model = "asea"},
{ model = "exemplar"}
Config.Language = {
dead = "You are dead you can't do that.",
water = "You are in the water you can't do that.",
inside = "You cannot do this inside a vehicle.",
noKit = "You dont have any run repair kit.",
wrong = "Something wrong.",
repairing = "Repairing the vehicle...",
blip = "Vehicle Run",
start = "Start Run",
repaired = "Vehicle repaired! You can leave and the client will come and collect it later.",
veh = "Vehicle:",
plate = "Plate:",
notify = "My vehicle is parked and has stopped working, can you come and help please?",
startRun = "You have started a run, wait for some call.",
wrongJob = "You are not a mechanic.",
Last updated