
LanguageType = "en" -- "en" or "pt"

Language = {
	["en"] = {
		-- Notifys
		NoGas = "You dont have any gas granade with you",
		NoPolice = "Not enough Police are around",
		GasComplete = "The gas has been placed in the jewelry store, wait 1 minute they will come out!",
		Nothing = "You dont have anything to sell",
		Failed = "You failed",
		Sucess = "Success!",
		Face = "I can see your face, go get a mask!",
	    	Dead = "You cannot access while dead.",
	    	Water = "You cannot access in the water.",
	    	Veiculo = "You cannot do this inside a vehicle.",
	    	SmokeFirst = "You can't do that.",
	    	Sold = "You sold: ",
	    	For = " for ",
	    	Currency = "$",
	    	AlreadyOpen = "Safe already open",
	    	NoKeys = "You don't have the keys, search on guards",
	    	HaveKeys = "You already have the keys to open the door",
	    	Cooldown = "You have to wait to do it again.",
	   	NotDead = "The guard is not dead",
	   	SuccessBomb = "Smoke bomb successfully placed inside the jewelry store!",
	   	Canceled = "Canceled.",
		NoItem = "You dont have the right item.",
		ErrorSearch = "You didn't fint the keys.",
		GoJewelery = "Go to Jewelry and steal the showcases!",
		StartMission = "You need start the mission first",
		MissionStarted = "Mission already started the mission",

	    -- Progressbars
	    Robbing = "Robbing Case...",
	    Searching = "Searching the guard...",
	    InsertBomb = "Insert the smoke...",

	    -- Target
	    BreakShowcase = "Break Showcase",
	    Selling = "Sell Valuables",
	    Enter = "Enter Warehouse",
	    Exit = "Exit Warehouse",
	    Safe = "Open Safe",
	    Searching = "Search Guard",
		SellItems = "Sell Items",

Last updated