
Config = {}

Config.Core = "qb-core" -- Your qb-core folder
Config.HelpText = "qb" -- "qb" | "ox"
Config.Inventory = "qb" -- "qb" | "ox"
Config.InvLink = "qb-inventory/html/images/" -- Your directory folder images
Config.JobsLocked = false -- If true, you can set the jobs can use it on Config.Jobs
Config.MaxDistance = 10.0 -- Maximum distance the player can be from the machine to receive items
Config.CustomSounds = true -- Use customs sounds?
Config.RemoveItem = true -- Remove the grinder when use it? ( only use one time each item )

Config.Animations = { -- Animation to placing & saving the grinder
    animDict = "amb@prop_human_bum_bin@idle_a",
    anim = "idle_a"

Config.Particles = {
    particleDict = "core",
    particleName = "ent_brk_gate_smoke",

Config.Jobs = {  -- List of jobs that can use the grinder if you have Config.JobsLocked = true

Config.GrinderSettings = {
    TimeProgress = 1000, -- 1 Second for each item, example: If the player puts 20x metalscrap then the progressbar will be 20 seconds long
    Itens = { -- List of items people can insert into the grinder
        -- item: Item that will be used and removed when placed in the grinder
        -- minAmount: Minimum amount of this item
        [1] = { item = "metalscrap", minAmount = 5 },
        [2] = { item = "steel", minAmount = 15 },
        [3] = { item = "glass", minAmount = 8 },
        -- You can add more items below
    PossibleRewards = { -- List of possible items received after the grinder has finished
        -- item: Item that will be given to the player
        -- minAmount: Minimum amount of the item
        -- maxAmount: Maximum amount of the item
        -- chance: Chance of dropping this item
        [1] = { item = "phone", minAmount = 1, maxAmount = 2, chance = 100 },
        [2] = { item = "lockpick", minAmount = 1, maxAmount = 2, chance = 60 },
        [3] = { item = "advancedlockpick", minAmount = 1, maxAmount = 2, chance = 80 },
        [4] = { item = "electronickit", minAmount = 1, maxAmount = 2, chance = 90 },
        [5] = { item = "screwdriverset", minAmount = 1, maxAmount = 2, chance = 25 },
        -- You can add more items below

Config.RandomLocations = false -- If true, the props has gona spawn on Config.Locations below
Config.Locations = {
    [1] = { coords = vector3(-446.88, -1664.95, 19.03), heading = 213.23},

Last updated