Language = {
testDriveFinished = "Test drive finished",
testDriveFinishedVeh = "Test drive finished",
testDriveTime = "Test-Drive Time:",
openVehicleShop = "Open Vehicleshop",
openCarDealerOptions = "Car Dealer Options",
getTheVehicle = "Get the vehicle!",
attachVehicle = "Attach Vehicle",
loadingVehicle = "Loading vehicle...",
vehAttached = "Vehicle attached! Go back to PDM!",
deliverVehicle = "[E] - Deliver Vehicle",
whereTrucker = "Where is the trucker?",
whereVehicle = "Where is the vehicle?",
stockVehUpdated = "Stock of vehicle: %s updated!",
notEnoughtMoney = "You don't have enough money",
noValidJob = "You don't work at the car dealership!",
vehAlreadyExist = "This vehicle already exists in the store!",
vehAddedSuccess = "Vehicle added successfully!",
vehRemovedSuccess = "Vehicle removed successfully!",
vehReplaced = "Vehicle replaced!",
vehNotExists = "O veículo não existe na loja!",
boughtNewVehicle = "You bought a new vehicle!",
soldVehicle = "You sold the vehicle for $",
priceUpdated = "Vehicle price updated to $",
failedPriceUpdate = "Failed to update vehicle price.",
noSalesResults = "There are still no sales made to obtain these results.",
newSaleVehicleshop = "A new vehicle was sold in the vehicleshop",
codeRedeemedSuccess = "Code redeemed successfully! Vehicle added to your garage!",
somethingWentWrong = "Something went wrong, please try again!",
invalidOrUsedCode = "The code you entered does not exist or has already been used",
codeCreatedSuccess = "Code: [%s] created successfully",
allVehiclesUplode = "All vehicles from qb-core/shared/vehicles uploaded",
noPermissions = "You don't have permissions to open the business information",
vehicleAlreadyExists = "This vehicle already exists in the store!",
checkVehicle = "Check the vehicle",
sellVehicle = "Sell the vehicle",
vehicleTransferred = "Vehicle transferred successfully.",
vehicleReceived = "You received a vehicle.",
failedTransferVehicle = "Failed to transfer the vehicle.",
vehicleNotFound = "Vehicle not found.",
Last updated