Config = {}
Config.Core = "qb-core" -- Your qb-core folder name
Config.Target = "qb-target" -- "qb-target" or "ox_target"
Config.Menu = "qb-menu" -- "qb-menu" or "ox_lib"
Config.Progressbar = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.Inventory = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.VehicleKeys = "qb" -- "qb" or "qs"
Config.EmoteMenu = "rpemotes" -- "rpemotes" or "dpemotes"
Config.SpawnVehicle = vector3(403.64, -1631.53, 29.29) -- Location when vehicle spawn after recover it
Config.Animation = "clipboard" -- Animation when you seize vehicle
Config.Webhook = ""
Config.Debug = true -- If true you receive some prints on console
Config.Peds = {
[1] = { type = 4, hash = GetHashKey("csb_tomcasino"), x = 406.86, y = -1625.41, z = 28.29, h = 231.66, animation = true, anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_LEANING" },
Config.PoliceJobs = { -- List of jobs can use the commands
Config.Commands = {
impound = "impoundveh",
descImpound = "Seize the nearest vehicle",
check = "checkseizedveh",
descCheck = "Check seized vehicles",
Last updated