
Config = {}

Config.Core = "qb-core" -- Your qb-core folder name
Config.Notify = "qb" -- "qb" or "okok" or "ox" ( open code on config_functions.lua )
Config.Target = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.Inventory = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox" or "qs"
Config.WeaponsSerial = true -- If true, the weapons buyed receive a serial number

Config.Restrict = {
    enable = false, -- Enable acess to restrict jobs or gangs?
    category = "jobs", -- "jobs" or "gangs"
    list = { -- List jobs or gangs can acess it

Config.LuxuCEX = { -- https://fivem.luxu.gg/package/5225579
    enabled = false, -- Enable LuxuCEX?
    crypto = 'BTC' -- Crypto

Config.Payments = {
    type = "cash", -- "cash" or "bank" or "blackmoney" | Valid only Config.Inventory == "qb"
    item = "cash", -- "cash" or "money" or "markedbills"
    metadata = true, -- If your blackmoney have metadata ( qb-inventory | worth value )

Config.Experience = {
    General = { min = 2, max = 10 }, -- Amount experience player earn after buy general items
    Guns = { min = 12, max = 25 }, -- Amount experience player earn after buy weaopns

Config.BlackmarketLocations = { -- Possible locations where ped can sapwn
    [1] = { coords = vector3(1744.07, -1623.1, 112.62), heading = 101.40, pedModel = "s_m_m_fiboffice_01"},
    --[2] = { coords = vector3(1737.72, -1624.94, 112.42), heading = 101.40, pedModel = "s_m_m_fiboffice_01"},
    -- You can add un-limited zones, and every restart he spawn in different locations

-- Commands Options
Config.Commands = {
    newItem = {
        command = "bmaddnewitem", -- Command to add a new item to the blackmarket
        description = "Add a new item to blackmarket", -- Description of the command
        permissions = "admin", -- Permissions needed to use the command
    removeItem = {
        command = "bmremoveitem", -- Command to remove an item from the blackmarket
        description = "Remove an item from blackmarket", -- Description of the command
        permissions = "admin", -- Permissions needed to use the command
    checkItem = {
        command = "bmcheckitem", -- Command to check items/restock on the blackmarket
        description = "Check an item on blackmarket", -- Description of the command
        permissions = "admin", -- Permissions needed to use the command
    giveExperience = {
        command = "bmgiveexperience", -- Command to give experience to a player
        description = "Give experience to a player", -- Description of the command
        permissions = "admin", -- Permissions needed to use the command
    removeExperience = {
        command = "bmremoveexperience", -- Command to remove experience from a player
        description = "Remove experience from a player", -- Description of the command
        permissions = "admin", -- Permissions needed to use the command

Last updated