
Config = {}

-- Utility
Config.Framework = "NEW" -- "NEW" - New QBCore | "OLD" - Old QBCore
Config.CoreName = "qb-core" -- Core name
Config.Job = "beanmachine" -- Job
Config.Target = "qb-target" -- Name of your resource qb-target
Config.Input = "qb-input" -- Name of your resource qb-input
Config.RefreshPhone = "qb-phone:RefreshPhone"
Config.InvLink = "qb-inventory/html/images/"
Config.Bossmenu = "qb-bossmenu:client:OpenMenu"
Config.ToggleDuty = "QBCore:ToggleDuty"
Config.CustomSounds = true -- Enable custom sounds? Example: Coffee
Config.TriggerSound = "InteractSound_SV:PlayOnSource"
Config.VolumeSound = 0.5
Config.Stress = math.random(2, 4)
Config.JimPayments = false -- Use jim payments?

-- Blip
Config.Blip = {
	Enable = true,
	Location = vector3(120.43, -1032.02, 29.28),
	Sprite = 266,
	Display = 2,
	Scale = 0.8,
	Colour = 44,
	Name = "BeanMachine",

-- Stash
Config.Stash = {
	NameOfStash = "beanmachinestash",
	MaxWeighStash = 50000,
	MaxSlotsStash = 50,

-- Billing
Config.Billing = {
	EnableCommand = true,
	Command = "billingbean",

-- Language
Language = {
	Targets = {
		Coffee = {
			Icon = "fas fa-box-open",
			Label = "Coffee",
			Location = vector3(124.6, -1036.86, 29.28),
		NaturalJuices = {
			Icon = "fas fa-box-open",
			Label = "Natural Juices",
			Location = vector3(126.06, -1036.57, 29.28),
		Juices = {
			Icon = "fas fa-box-open",
			Label = "Juices",
			Location = vector3(123.57, -1042.66, 29.28),
		WashHandes = {
			Icon = "fa-solid fa-hands",
			Label = "Wash Handes",
			Location = vector3(123.92, -1039.34, 29.28),
		Fruits = {
			Icon = "fas fa-box-open",
			Label = "Fruits",
			Location = vector3(119.99, -1043.67, 29.28),
		AirConditioning = {
			Icon = "fa-solid fa-temperature-low",
			Label = "Manage Temperature",
			Location = vector3(127.97, -1032.52, 29.28),
		Duty ={
			Icon = "fa-solid fa-clipboard",
			Label = "On/off Duty",
			Location = vector3(126.95, -1035.58, 29.28),
		Boss ={
			Icon = "fa-solid fa-clipboard",
			Label = "Boss Menu",
		Billing = {
			Icon = "fa-solid fa-money-bill",
			Label = "Invoices",
			Location = vector3(122.19, -1036.56, 29.28),
		Billing2 = {
			Icon = "fa-solid fa-money-bill",
			Label = "Invoices",
			Location = vector3(120.79, -1040.12, 29.28),
		Donuts = {
			Icon = "fa-solid fa-d",
			Label = "Donuts",
			Location = vector3(121.4, -1038.43, 29.28),
		Chocolate = {
			Icon = "fa-solid fa-d",
			Label = "Chocolate",
			Location = vector3(120.4, -1042.05, 29.28),
		Armario = {
			Icon = "fas fa-box-open",
			Label = "ArmÃĄrio",
			Location = vector3(124.16, -1037.84, 29.28),
		Menu = {
			Icon = "fas fa-bars",
			Label = "Menu",
	ProgressBars = {
		TakeCoffee = {
			Label = "Having a coffee...",
			Time = 7000,
			Animation = "anim@amb@nightclub@mini@drinking@drinking_shots@ped_a@normal",
			SubAnimation = "pour_one",
		Temperature = {
			Label = "Checking the temperature...",
			Time = 4000,
			Animation = "anim@amb@nightclub@mini@drinking@drinking_shots@ped_a@normal",
			SubAnimation = "pour_one",
		RaiseTemperature = {
			Label = "Increasing the temperature...",
			Time = 4000,
			Animation = "anim@amb@nightclub@mini@drinking@drinking_shots@ped_a@normal",
			SubAnimation = "pour_one",
		DecreaseTemperature = {
			Label = "Lowering the temperature...",
			Time = 4000,
			Animation = "anim@amb@nightclub@mini@drinking@drinking_shots@ped_a@normal",
			SubAnimation = "pour_one",
		WashHandes = { 
			Label = "Washing hands...",
			Time = 4000,
			Animation = "mp_arresting",
			SubAnimation = "a_uncuff",
		MilkaOreo = {
			Label = "Picking up a milka oreo...",
			Time = 2000,
			Animation = "anim@amb@clubhouse@bar@drink@idle_a",
			SubAnimation = "idle_a_bartender",
		MilkaCaramelo = {
			Label = "Picking up a caramel milka...",
			Time = 2000,
			Animation = "anim@amb@clubhouse@bar@drink@idle_a",
			SubAnimation = "idle_a_bartender",
		MilkaChocolateBranco = {
			Label = "Picking up a white chocolate milka...",
			Time = 2000,
			Animation = "anim@amb@clubhouse@bar@drink@idle_a",
			SubAnimation = "idle_a_bartender",
	QBMenu = {
		AirConditioning = {
			Header = "🌡ī¸ Temperature",
			CheckAir = "[🌡ī¸] Check Temperature",
			UpAir = "[đŸ”Ĩ] Raise Temperature",
			DownAir = "[❄ī¸] Decrease Temperature",
			Close = "[❌] Close",
		Chocolate = {
			Header = "đŸĢ Chocolates",
			SimpleMilka = "Milka Oreo",
			MilkaCaramel = "Milka Caramel",
			MilkaChocWhite = "Milka Chocolate Branco",
			Close = "[❌] Close",
	QBInput = {
		Billing = {
			Header = "Billing",
			Submit = "Send Invoice",
			ID = "Paypal ID",
			Amount = "Amount",
	Notify = {
		Billing = {
			Send = "Invoice sent successfully.",
			HigherValue = "Must be a valid value above 0.",
	        InvoiceOwn = "You can't bill yourself.",
	        PlayerOffline = "Player unavailable.",
	        NoPermission = "You don't have permissions.",
	        InvoiceReceived = "New invoice received.",
	    General = {
	        MissingIngredients = "You don't have the ingredients.",
	        Canceled = "Canceled.",
	        WashedHands = "Washed hands!",

Config.CraftNaturalJuices = {
    ["sumollaranja"] = { 
        hash = "sumollaranja", 
        label = "Orange Juice",
        materials = {
            [1] = { item = "laranjas",   amount = 1 },
            [2] = { item = "gelo",       amount = 1 },
    ["sumomaca"] = { 
        hash = "sumomaca", 
        label = "Apple Juice",
        materials = {
            [1] = { item = "macas",   	amount = 1 },
            [2] = { item = "gelo",      amount = 1 },
    ["sumolaranjamorango"] = { 
        hash = "sumolaranjamorango", 
        label = "Strawberry Juice with Orange",
        materials = {
            [1] = { item = "morangos",   amount = 1 },
            [2] = { item = "laranjas",   amount = 1 },
            [3] = { item = "gelo",       amount = 1 },
    ["sumomanga"] = { 
        hash = "sumomanga", 
        label = "Mango Juice",
        materials = {
            [1] = { item = "manga",   	amount = 1 },
            [2] = { item = "gelo",      amount = 1 },

Config.Juices = {
    [1] = { name = "cocacolalife", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 1 },
    [2] = { name = "cocacolalight", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 2 },
    [3] = { name = "cocacolanormal", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 3 },
    [4] = { name = "cocacolazero", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 4 },
    [5] = { name = "compalfrutosvermelhos", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 5 },
    [6] = { name = "compalmaca", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 6 },
    [7] = { name = "compalmangalaranja", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 7 },
    [8] = { name = "compalpessego", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 8 },
    [9] = { name = "icetealimao", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 9 },
    [10] = { name = "iceteamanga", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 10 },
    [11] = { name = "iceteapessego", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 11 },
    [12] = { name = "sumolananas", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 12 },
    [13] = { name = "sumollaranja", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 13 },
    [14] = { name = "sumollimao", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 14 },
    [15] = { name = "sumolmaracuja", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 15 },

Config.Fruits = {
    [1] = { name = "frutosvermelhos", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 1 },
    [2] = { name = "laranjas", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 2 },
    [3] = { name = "macas", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 3 },
    [4] = { name = "manga", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 4 },
    [5] = { name = "morangos", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 5 },

Config.Donuts = {
    [1] = { name = "donutschocolate", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 1 },
    [2] = { name = "donutsmorango", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 2 },
    [3] = { name = "donutssimples", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 3 },

Config.Coffees = {
    [1] = { name = "coffee", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 1 },

-- Shop
Config.Items = {
    [1] = { name = "sugar", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 1, },
    [2] = { name = "water_bottle", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 2, },
    [3] = { name = "gelo", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 3, },

Last updated