
Config = {}

-- Utility
Config.CoreName = "qb-core" -- qb-core or esx:getSharedObject
Config.Target = "qb-target" -- Your target name
Config.QBMenu = "qb-menu" -- Your qb-menu name
Config.Job = "all" -- Allow only one job
Config.InvLink = "qs-inventory/html/images/" -- Set this to your inventory Directory
Config.PoliceJob = "police" -- For search tent's

-- Objects
Config.Objects = {
    ["box"] = { model = `prop_weed_tub_01b`, freeze = true },
    ["fire"] = { model = `prop_beach_fire`, freeze = true },
    ["tent"] = { model = `prop_skid_tent_01`, freeze = true },
    ["chair"] = { model = `prop_table_03b_chr`, freeze = true },
    ["table"] = { model = `prop_table_03b_cs`, freeze = true },
    ["yoga3"] = { model = `prop_yoga_mat_03`, freeze = true },
    ["yoga2"] = { model = `prop_yoga_mat_02`, freeze = true },
    ["yoga1"] = { model = `prop_yoga_mat_01`, freeze = true },

-- Keys
Config.Keys = {
    Up = 111, -- NUMPAD 8
    Down = 110, -- NUMPAD 5
    Front = 172, -- ARROW UP
    Back = 173, -- ARROW DOWN
    Left = 174, -- ARROW LEFT
    Right = 175, -- ARROW RIGHT
    RotationL = 117, -- NUMPAD 7
    RotationR = 118, -- NUMPAD 8

-- Zones
Config.CampingZones = {
    EnableZones = false, -- Enable specific zones to camping?
    CampingZones = { -- Zone available to camping if enbalezones true -- https://forums.gta5-mods.com/topic/5749/reference-map-zone-names-and-zone-labels

-- Yoga
Config.Yoga = {
    EnableZones = false, -- Enalbe specific zones to yoga?
    YogaZones = { -- Zone available to make yoga -- https://forums.gta5-mods.com/topic/5749/reference-map-zone-names-and-zone-labels
    RelieveStress = "hud:server:RelieveStress", -- Your trigger to relieve stress
    Amount = math.random(2,4), -- Amount relieve

Config.Skillbar = {
    duration = math.random(7500, 15000), -- Duration
    pos = math.random(10, 30), -- Position
    width = math.random(10, 20), -- Width

-- Chairs
Config.Chairs = {

Config.Position = {
    prop_table_03b_chr = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_SEAT_BENCH', verticalOffset = -0.5, forwardOffset = 0.0, leftOffset = 0.0},

-- Cooking
Config.CallCops = true -- Call cops when people cooking?
Config.Percentage = 5 -- 1-10 | 5 = 50%
Cooking = {
    ['grilledmeat'] = { -- Item name
        menuLabel = 'Grilled Meat', -- Item name (Label)
        itemName = 'grilledmeat', -- Item name
        xpNeed = 0, -- XP need to cooking
        xpEarn = 1, -- XP Earn after cooking
    ['grilledfish'] = {
        menuLabel = 'Grilled Fish',
        itemName = 'grilledfish',
        xpNeed = 5,
        xpEarn = 1,
    ['grilledcutlets'] = {
        menuLabel = 'Grilled Cutlets',
        itemName = 'grilledcutlets',
        xpNeed = 10,
        xpEarn = 1,
    ['grilledskewers'] = {
        menuLabel = 'Grilled Skewers',
        itemName = 'grilledskewers',
        xpNeed = 15,
        xpEarn = 1,

-- Shop 
Config.Peds = { 
    {type = 4, hash = GetHashKey("s_m_m_gaffer_01"), x = -555.63,  y = -618.76,  z = 33.68, h = 180.61}, -- Los Santos

Config.Blips = {
    Enable = true, -- Enable blips?
    Sprite = 441, -- Blip Sprite
    Scale = 0.8, -- Blip Scale
    Colour = 35, -- Blip Colour
    Name = "Camping Shop", -- Name of the blip
    Location = vector3(-555.63, -618.76, 33.68) -- Blip Location

Config.Items = {
    [1] = { name = "box", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 1 },
    [2] = { name = "fire", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 2, },
    [3] = { name = "tent", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 3, },
    [4] = { name = "table", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 4, },
    [5] = { name = "chair", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 5, },
    [6] = { name = "yoga1", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 6, },
    [7] = { name = "yoga2", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 7, },
    [8] = { name = "yoga3", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 8, },

-- Shower 
Config.Shower = {
    Command = "shower", -- Command to have a bath on ocean
    Probability = 10, -- 1-10 | 5 = 50% -- Probability of player gaining smell after cooking
    WaitingTime = math.random(10000,25000), -- Waiting time until dirt appears on the player
    ProgBarTime = math.random(7500, 12500), -- Time it takes the player to bathe in the water/sea
    QtyGained = { -- Amount of dirt the player receives after cooking something
        Min = 1,
        Max = 5,

-- Commands
Config.Commands = {
    ["Points"] = {
        Enable = true, -- Enable Command for checking points?
        Command = "cookingpoints" -- Command to check points available to cooking

function CallCops()
    -- Your trigger event

Last updated