Config.ShellCollectTime = 5000 -- Time of progressbar when player are collecting
Config.ShellMinigame = false --
Config.ShellAnimation = "world_human_gardener_plant" -- Animation collecting seashell
Config.SeashellLocations = {
--[1] = { coords = vector3(-1812.87, -923.98, 2.6), prop = "prop_m_shell_01" },
--[2] = { coords = vector3(-1817.07, -918.73, 2.58), prop = "prop_m_shell_02" },
--[3] = { coords = vector3(-1817.99, -911.1, 2.63), prop = "prop_m_shell_01" },
--[4] = { coords = vector3(-1823.53, -904.14, 2.46), prop = "prop_m_shell_02" },
--[5] = { coords = vector3(-1826.76, -895.23, 2.54), prop = "prop_m_shell_02" },
--[6] = { coords = vector3(-1832.54, -888.54, 2.7), prop = "prop_m_shell_01" },
-- Settings rewards
Config.SeashellRewards = {
[1] = { item = "conch", amount = math.random(1,2) },
[2] = { item = "sea_snail", amount = math.random(1,2) },
[3] = { item = "conch_shell", amount = math.random(1,2) },
[4] = { item = "conch", amount = math.random(1,2) },
-- Selling Seashells
Config.SeashellsBlip = { enable = true, sprite = 108, colour = 3, scale = 0.8, name = "Sell Seashell" }
Config.SeashellsPed = vector3(-1665.74, -979.0, 8.16) -- Location of the ped fishing shop
Config.SeashellsPedHeading = 50.39 -- Heading of the ped
Config.SeashellsPedModel = "a_m_m_hillbilly_01" -- Ped model
Config.SeashellsType = "cash" -- "cash" or "bank"
Config.SeashellsSell = {
[1] = { item = "conch", priceMin = 2, priceMax = 4 },
[2] = { item = "shell", priceMin = 2, priceMax = 4 },
[3] = { item = "sea_snail", priceMin = 2, priceMax = 4 },
[4] = { item = "starfish", priceMin = 2, priceMax = 4 },
Last updated