
Config = {}

-- Settings
Config.CoreName = 'qb-core' -- Your qb-core folder
Config.StartJob = vector3(78.57, 111.86, 81.17) -- Location where start the job
Config.PedStart = "a_m_m_farmer_01" -- Ped on start job location
Config.Display = "target" -- "target" or "showText"
Config.KeySystem = "qb" -- "qb" or "qs"
Config.FuelSystem = "LegacyFuel" -- "LegacyFuel" or "okokGasStation"
Config.Target = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.Notify = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.Inventory = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.EmoteMenu = "rp" -- "dp" or "rp"
Config.HelpText = "qb" -- "qb" / "ox"
Config.Vehicle = "boxville2" -- https://wiki.rage.mp/index.php?title=Vehicles
Config.MaxDeliveries = 10 -- 10 Stops max 
Config.Language = "en" -- "en" or "pt"
Config.Blip = { name = "Deliveries", sprite = 408, colour = 5, scale = 1.0} -- Blip settings
Config.PedModels = { -- List of possible peds spawn to deliver the box's

-- Payments
Config.PaymentByStep = true -- If true, each delivery the player receives a payment
Config.StepPayment = { -- If you use Config.PaymentByStep
    min = 10, -- Min cash player receive
    max = 20, -- Max cash player receive
Config.FinalPayment = { -- This is the payment when player stop working, the script makes the total deliveries x the value
    min = 20,
    max = 30,

-- Experience
Config.ExpByStep = true -- If true, each delivery the player receives % of experience
Config.ExpValue = { -- If you use Config.ExpByStep
    min = 1, -- Min exp player receive
    max = 2, -- Max exp player receive
Config.FinalExperience = { -- This is the payment when player stop working, the script makes the total deliveries x the value
    min = 1, -- Min exp player receive
    max = 2, -- Max exp player receive

-- Exp = Experience player need to obtain the multiplier
-- Multiplier = Is the amount of cash x that number
Config.ExperiencePayment = {
    [1] = { exp = 0, multiplier = 0.2, level = "1" },
    [2] = { exp = 150, multiplier = 0.3, level = "2" },
    [3] = { exp = 350, multiplier = 0.4, level = "3" },
    [4] = { exp = 500, multiplier = 0.5, level = "4" },
    [5] = { exp = 850, multiplier = 0.6, level = "5" },
    -- You can add more levels

-- Vehicle
Config.Vehicle = {
    spawnCoords = {
        [1] = { coords = vector3(62.37, 126.12, 79.21), heading = 155.04 },
        [2] = { coords = vector3(65.71, 124.47, 79.16), heading = 155.04 },
        [3] = { coords = vector3(70.04, 122.60, 79.17), heading = 155.04 },
        [4] = { coords = vector3(73.73, 120.97, 79.19), heading = 155.04 },

-- Locations
Config.Locations = {
    [1] = vector3(206.52, -85.84, 69.38),
    [2] = vector3(89.04, -222.28, 54.64),
    [3] = vector3(-96.74, 42.91, 71.66),
    [4] = vector3(-197.08, 139.63, 70.15),
    [5] = vector3(-281.67, -63.9, 49.37),
    [6] = vector3(-212.92, -40.52, 50.05),
    [7] = vector3(-119.89, -74.36, 56.3),
    [8] = vector3(-5.83, -74.7, 61.52),
    [9] = vector3(173.11, -26.34, 68.35),
    [10] = vector3(175.53, -226.66, 54.18),
    [11] = vector3(5.96, -9.16, 70.12),
    [12] = vector3(3.45, 36.78, 71.53),
    [13] = vector3(-60.4, 24.82, 72.23),
    [14] = vector3(-348.15, 143.04, 66.7),
    [15] = vector3(-725.08, 124.14, 56.57),

Last updated