Config = {}
-- Utility
Config.InvLink = "qs-inventory/html/images/"
Config.Target = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.VehicleKeys = "qb" -- "qb" or "qs"
Config.Utility = {
CoreName = "qb-core", -- qb-core
InventoryTrigger = "inventory:client:ItemBox",
Target = "qb-target",
OpenInvTrigger = "inventory:server:OpenInventory",
OX = false, -- Use ox_inventory?
Peds = {
{type = 4, hash= GetHashKey("ig_floyd"), x = 287.68, y = 2843.82, z = 43.70, h = 120.48},
{type = 4, hash= GetHashKey("ig_floyd"), x = -622.15, y = -232.19, z = 37.06, h = 130.31}
Blip = {
Main = {
Enable = true,
Zone = vector3(286.6, 2843.83, 44.7),
Sprite = 467,
Display = 4,
Colour = 25,
Scale = 0.7,
Name = "Gold Rush",
Sell = {
Enable = true,
Zone = vector3(-622.09, -232.18, 38.06),
Sprite = 467,
Display = 4,
Colour = 25,
Scale = 0.7,
Name = "Sell Gold",
CollectGravel = {
Enable = true,
Zone = vector3(-182.28, 3039.09, 19.28),
Sprite = 467,
Display = 4,
Colour = 25,
Scale = 0.7,
Name = "Collect Gravel",
SeparateGravel = {
Enable = true,
Zone = vector3(1077.16, -1984.45, 31.01),
Sprite = 467,
Display = 4,
Colour = 21,
Scale = 0.7,
Name = "Separate Gravel",
Locations = {
Main = { -- This is for qb-target / qtarget location
Name = "Target1",
Zone = vector3(287.61, 2843.81, 44.7),
Length = 0.6,
Width = 0.6,
Heading = 300,
MinZ = 41.7,
MaxZ = 45.7,
Distance = 2.0,
Event = "m-GoldRush:Client:MenuGeral",
Icon = "fas fa-male",
Label = "Talk",
Sell = { -- This is for qb-target / qtarget location
Name = "Target2",
Zone = vector3(-622.09, -232.18, 38.06),
Length = 0.6,
Width = 1.0,
Heading = 306,
MinZ = 35.06,
MaxZ = 39.06,
Distance = 2.0,
Event = "m-GoldRush:Client:MenuVenda",
Icon = "fas fa-money-bill",
Label = "Sell",
CollectGravel = { -- This is for qb-target / qtarget location
Name = "Target3",
Zone = vector3(-193.88, 3028.41, 19.32),
Length = 72,
Width = 5,
Heading = 139,
MinZ = 16.32,
MaxZ = 20.32,
Distance = 2.0,
Event = "m-GoldRush:Client:CollectingGravel",
Icon = "fas fa-axe",
Label = "CollectGravel",
SeparateGravel = {
Name = "Target4",
Zone = vector3(1076.34, -1983.81, 31.01),
Length = 3.4,
Width = 1.0,
Heading = 329,
MinZ = 27.61,
MaxZ = 31.61,
Distance = 2.0,
Event = "m-GoldRush:Client:SeparateGravel",
Icon = "fas fa-car",
Label = "Separate Gravel",
BurnGold = {
Name = "Target5",
Zone = vector3(1111.42, -2009.16, 31.04),
Length = 4.0,
Width = 3.0,
Heading = 325,
MinZ = 28.84,
MaxZ = 32.84,
Distance = 2.0,
Event = "m-GoldRush:Client:BurnGold",
Icon = "fas fa-car",
Label = "Burn Gold",
MakeItems = {
Name = "Target6",
Zone = vector3(1072.57, -1987.86, 30.91),
Length = 3.2,
Width = 1.0,
Heading = 325,
MinZ = 27.31,
MaxZ = 31.31,
Distance = 2.0,
Event = "m-GoldRush:Client:MenuItems",
Icon = "fas fa-car",
Label = "Make Items",
DeleteVehicle = { -- This is for qb-target / qtarget location
Name = "Target7",
Zone = vector3(277.64, 2840.01, 43.53),
Length = 16.0,
Width = 5.0,
Heading = 30,
MinZ = 41.33,
MaxZ = 45.33,
Distance = 5.0,
Event = "m-GoldRush:Client:ApagarCarro",
Icon = "fas fa-car",
Label = "Delete Vehicle",
SpawnCar = {
Fuel = "LegacyFuel", -- Your trigger fuel
Car = "biff", -- Car name
Locations = {
[1] = {x = 279.27, y = 2837.19, z = 43.57, h = 31.67}, -- Location car spawn
Rewards = {
CollectGravel = {
Min = 2, -- Min collecting
Max = 4, -- Max collecting
SeparateGravel = {
Drops = {
[1] = "1ql_pieceofgold",
[2] = "10ql_pieceofgold",
[3] = "12ql_pieceofgold",
[4] = "14ql_pieceofgold",
[5] = "16ql_pieceofgold",
Min = 2,
Max = 4,
BurnGold = {
Requirement = { -- Amount of piece of gold needed to burn one gold bar
Piece16QL = 1,
Piece14QL = 2,
Piece12QL = 3,
Piece10QL = 4,
Piece1QL = 5,
Drops = {
[1] = "m_gold", -- Drops after burning the piece of gold
Min = 2, -- Min. Amount of drops after burning
Max = 4, -- Max. Amount of drops after burning
Accessories = {
Ring = { -- Gold Ring
AmountOfGold = 1, -- Amount of gold necessary to make 1 ring
AmountOfRing = 1, -- Amount of ring received with 1 gold
Chain = { -- Gold Chain
AmountOfGold = 1, -- Amount of gold necessary to make 1 chain
AmountOfChain = 1, -- Amount of chain received with 1 gold
Bracelet = { -- Gold Bracelet
AmountOfGold = 1, -- Amount of gold necessary to make 1 bracelet
AmountOfBracelet = 1, -- Amount of bracelet received with 1 gold
Sell = {
Type = "cash", -- "bank" or "cash"
Gold = { -- Price of each gold
Value = {
Min = 5,
Max = 8,
Ring = { -- Price of each gold ring
Value = {
Min = 5,
Max = 8,
Chain = { -- Price of each gold chain
Value = {
Min = 5,
Max = 8,
Bracelet = { -- Price of each gold bracelet
Value = {
Min = 5,
Max = 8,
-- Shop
Config.Items = {
[1] = {
name = "water_bottle",
price = 0,
amount = 10,
info = {},
type = "item",
slot = 1,
[2] = {
name = "weapon_bread",
price = 0,
amount = 10,
info = {},
type = "item",
slot = 2,
[3] = {
name = "m_goldpan",
price = 0,
amount = 10,
info = {},
type = "item",
slot = 3,
Last updated