
Config = {}

-- Utility
Config.Framework = "NEW" -- NEW or OLD qbcore
Config.CoreName = "qb-core" -- Your Core
Config.Target = "qb-target" -- Your target name
Config.QBMenu = "qb-menu" -- Your qb-menu name
Config.Phone = "qb-phone" -- qb-phone / gksphone / qs-smartphone
Config.Washkey = "chavelavagem" -- Necessary item to enter on warehouse
Config.RemoveKey = true -- If true, when you enter on warehouse you lose the key
Config.BlipWarehouse = true -- If true when you get keys, get the blip an waypoint to the warehosue

Config.Markedbills = "markedbills" -- Item of markedbills
Config.IgnoreMetadata = false -- if your marked bills don't use metadata

Config.Cooldown = 15000 -- Cooldown to launder money again.
Config.Text3DToCollet = "~g~[E]~w~ - Collect"
Config.Skillbar = "qb-skillbar" -- qb-skillbar or ps-ui
Config.ExtractMoney = 5000  -- Time of the animation of takin washed money from machine
Config.Webhook = "YOUR_WEB_HOOK"

-- Wash
Config.Wash = { -- Washing Machine location vector3(1122.27, -3194.41, -40.4)
    Percentage = 10, -- Removes 10% of the washed money.
    Max = 10000, -- Max amount of money player can wash each time
    time = {
        min = 10000,
        max = 20000,

-- Mini-Game
Config.QBSkillbar = {
    duration = math.random(2500,5000),
    pos = math.random(10, 30),
    width = math.random(10, 20),

-- Locations
Config.EnterWarehouse = vector3(1197.16, -3253.59, 7.1)
Config.ExitWarehouse = vector3(1138.03, -3199.15, -39.67)

-- Ped
Config.PedInfo = {
    Model = "cs_bankman",
    Location = vector4(541.68, -2780.59, 5.1, 242.72),
} -- Location of Ped that give information [First Step]

Last updated