đŸ”Ģ[QB] Gangs


Thank you for choosing our team! 
There's not much to teach, everything is configurable through config.lua, you can create infinite gangs, infinite peds, whatever you want. 
By default all gangs come with 4 identical cars, but the color is different, it also comes with the same craft for everyone so you will have to change it according to what you need :) 
You can also activate and deactivate the craft individually in each gang. I hope you like it!


  • Optimized

  • 0.00ms

  • Easy setup

  • All configurable

  • 8 Pre-configured gangs

  • Crafting System for each gang

  • Garage System for each gang

  • Infinite gangs

  • Enable/disable blips (Config.Blips)

  • Enable/disable crafting (Config.CraftingLocations)

  • Drug warehouses heist (Config.Warehouses)

  • Reputation System

  • Commands for giving reputation or set reputation on gangs

  • Doorlocks for all maps included

  • Selling drugs with spawn ped and custom item

  • Call to get a drug package delivery

  • Custom UI on crafting

Examples to reputation

RegisterCommand('testing', function()
    local gangname = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerData().gang.name
    TriggerServerEvent('m-Gangs:Server:updateReputation', gangname, value)

- Trigger Server Side: 

TriggerServerEvent('m-Gangs:Server:updateReputation', gangname, value)


Maps https://www.gabzv.com/

Last updated