Config = {}
Config.Settings = {
Core = "qb-core", -- Your core name / folder
Target = "qb-target", -- "qb-target" or "ox_target"
Menu = "qb-menu", -- "qb-menu" or "ox_lib"
Notify = "QBCore", -- "QBCore" / "ox" / okok
Progress = "qb", -- "qb" or "ox"
Inventory = "qb", -- "qb" or "ox"
InvLink = "qb-inventory/html/images/", -- Your directory images inventory
BreakAxe = true, -- Break axe when chopping trees?
Chance = 10, -- Chance to break the axe | 10 = 10%
Webhook = "", -- Your webhook for logs
Skills = false, -- If you want to add your skills, go to server/s_utils.lua
QuasarKeys = false, -- Use qs-vehiclekeys?
NeedJob = false, -- Need job?
Job = "lumberjack", -- Job Needed
Config.Peds = {
[1] = {type = 4, hash= GetHashKey("a_m_m_farmer_01"), x = -568.03, y = 5253.20, z = 69.49, h = 77.16}, -- Starting the job
Config.Zones = {
["Trees"] = { -- Zones to chop trees
vector3(-510.88, 5388.94, 72.52),
vector3(-505.14, 5391.08, 75.43),
vector3(-492.71, 5394.9, 77.26),
vector3(-499.98, 5400.61, 75.24),
vector3(-557.72, 5418.73, 63.24),
vector3(-562.07, 5421.19, 62.1),
vector3(-501.86, 5380.23, 75.88),
vector3(-501.78, 5377.01, 75.8),
vector3(-501.51, 5374.06, 75.77)
["Process"] = { -- Zones to process wood or resin
vector3(-501.81, 5267.85, 80.61),
vector3(-500.97, 5269.91, 80.61),
vector3(-515.02, 5263.43, 80.65),
vector3(-517.05, 5257.44, 79.65),
vector3(-508.54, 5257.29, 80.62)
Config.Blips = {
[1] = { Enable = true, Location = vector3(-568.03, 5253.20, 69.49), Sprite = 77, Display = 2, Scale = 0.8, Colour = 31, Name = "Lumberjack",},
[2] = { Enable = true, Location = vector3(-516.58, 5257.02, 80.65), Sprite = 253, Display = 2, Scale = 0.8, Colour = 31, Name = "Process Wood",},
[3] = { Enable = true, Location = vector3(-486.15, 5383.42, 78.71), Sprite = 79, Display = 2, Scale = 0.8, Colour = 31, Name = "Trees",},
[4] = { Enable = true, Location = vector3(1202.3, -1316.73, 34.64), Sprite = 272, Display = 2, Scale = 0.8, Colour = 31, Name = "Warehouse Lumberjack",},
Config.Selling = {
NeedTruck = true, -- If true, only with the truck the NPC gives to you.
Location = vector3(1202.3, -1316.73, 34.64), -- Location to sell items to tickets
Payment = {
type = "cash", -- "cash" or "bank",
amount = { min = 5, max = 10 } -- Each ticket
Config.Rent = {
Model = "phantom", -- Model of vehicle
Trailer = "trailerlogs", -- Model of trailer
Plate = "Lumb", -- Plate
Location = vector4(-579.88, 5243.57, 70.47, 164.18), -- Location to spawn the vehicle
LocationTrailer = vector4(-577.47, 5252.38, 70.47, 164.18), -- Location to spawn the trailer
Delete = vector4(-576.71, 5252.24, 70.47, 338.94), -- Location to return / delete the truck
Keys = "vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner", -- Your trigger to give keys to player
Fuel = "LegacyFuel", -- Your trigger fuel | "ps-fuel" , "LegacyFuel"
Payment = 500, -- Payment to rent the truck
Config.Times = {
TakeJob = 5000, -- Time of progressbar when you are obtaining the job
Pickup = 3000, -- Time of progressbar when you are picking up
Packing = 5000, -- Time of progressbar when you go packing the wood/resin
Selling = 5000, -- Time of progressbar when you go selling wood/resin
Config.Drops = {
PickupDrop = { -- List of items received when chop tree's
pickup = { -- Amount received when chop tree's
level1 = { min = 1, max = 2 }, -- Axe level 1
level2 = { min = 2, max = 3 }, -- Axe level 2
level3 = { min = 3, max = 4 }, -- Axe level 3
level4 = { min = 4, max = 5 }, -- Axe level 4
level5 = { min = 5, max = 6 }, -- Axe level 5
Config.EnableMG = false -- Enable mini-game?
Config.Minigame = { -- ps-ui https://github.com/Project-Sloth/ps-ui
NumberOfCircles = 2,
MS = 20,
Config.Language = {
["TakeJob"] = "Taking the job...",
["Duty"] = "You're on duty! Go chop some trees!",
["Canceled"] = "Canceled",
["CollectWood"] = "Chopping...",
["PickUpSuccess"] = "You collected something!",
["Failed"] = "Failed",
["NoAxe"] = "You don't have any axe on your pockets.",
["SpawnBlocked"] = "Have some vehicle on spawnpoint",
["Axe"] = "You already have axe with you! Go work!",
["BrokeAxe"] = "Your axe broke!",
["ProcessMenu"] = "[âģī¸] Process Menu",
["Required"] = "Required:",
["Processing"] = "Processing...",
["NoMaterials"] = "You don't have the right materials",
["UpgradeMenu"] = "[â
] Upgrade Menu",
["Upgrading"] = "Upgrading...",
["ReturnVehicle"] = "[E] - Return Vehicle",
["VehicleReturned"] = "Vehicle returned",
["Waypoint"] = "The place to deliver the material has been marked on your GPS",
["SellMaterials"] = "[E] - Sell Materials",
["Selling"] = "Selling...",
["SucessSelling"] = "All material has been sold! You've received a check to deliver to the lumberjack!",
["NoTrailer"] = "You don't have any trailer.",
["NoTickets"] = "You don't have any ticket to sell.",
["NoMoney"] = "You don't have money to rent the truck",
Config.Process = {
["wood_packaged"] = {
hash = "wood_packaged",
label = "Packaged Wood",
materials = {
[1] = { item = "wood", amount = 5 },
["resin_packaged"] = {
hash = "resin_packaged",
label = "Packaged Resin",
materials = {
[1] = { item = "resin", amount = 5 },
Config.Upgrades = {
["axelevel2"] = {
hash = "axelevel2",
label = "Axe Level 2",
materials = {
[1] = { item = "axelevel1", amount = 1 },
[2] = { item = "wood", amount = 10 },
["axelevel3"] = {
hash = "axelevel3",
label = "Axe Level 3",
materials = {
[1] = { item = "axelevel2", amount = 1 },
[2] = { item = "wood", amount = 20 },
["axelevel4"] = {
hash = "axelevel4",
label = "Axe Level 4",
materials = {
[1] = { item = "axelevel3", amount = 1 },
[2] = { item = "wood", amount = 30 },
["axelevel5"] = {
hash = "axelevel5",
label = "Axe Level 5",
materials = {
[1] = { item = "axelevel4", amount = 1 },
[2] = { item = "wood", amount = 40 },
Last updated