
Config = {}

-- Utility
Config.CoreName = "qb-core" -- Core name
Config.Job = "pondcoffee" -- Job
Config.Target = "qb-target" -- "qb-target" or "ox_target"
Config.Menu = "qb-menu" -- "qb-menu" or "ox_lib"
Config.Progress = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.Inventory = "qb" -- "qb" , "ox"
Config.Input = "qb-input" -- Name of your resource qb-input
Config.InvLink = "qb-inventory/html/images/" -- "qb-inventory/html/images/" | "ox_inventory/web/images/"
Config.Bossmenu = "qb-bossmenu:client:OpenMenu" -- Your event of bossmenu
Config.ToggleDuty = "QBCore:ToggleDuty" -- Your event of duty

-- Blip
Config.Blip = {
	Enable = true,
	Location = vector3(1117.98, -644.55, 56.82),
	Sprite = 266,
	Display = 2,
	Scale = 0.8,
	Colour = 44,
	Name = "Pond Cafe",

-- Stash
Config.Stash = {
	StashInvTrigger = "inventory:client:SetCurrentStash",
	OpenInvTrigger = "inventory:server:OpenInventory",
	NameOfStash = "Pond_Cafe_Storage",
	MaxWeighStash = 50000,
	MaxSlotsStash = 50,

-- Billing
Config.Billing = {
    Type = "okok", -- "qb", "jim", "okok"
	EnableCommand = true,
	Command = "billingpond",

-- CraftCupcakes
Config.CraftCupcakes = {
    ["m_cupcake_love"] = { 
        hash = "m_cupcake_love", 
        label = "Cupcake Love",
        materials = {
            [1] = { item = "m_chocolate",   amount = 2 },
            [2] = { item = "m_sugar",       amount = 1 },
            [3] = { item = "m_strawberry",  amount = 1 },
    ["m_cupcake_magic"] = { 
        hash = "m_cupcake_magic", 
        label = "Cupcake Magic",
        materials = {
            [1] = { item = "m_chocolate",   amount = 2 },
            [2] = { item = "m_sugar",       amount = 1 },
            [3] = { item = "m_caramel",     amount = 2 },
    ["m_cupcake_magic_strong"] = { 
        hash = "m_cupcake_magic_strong", 
        label = "Cupcake Magic Strong",
        materials = {
            [1] = { item = "m_chocolate",   amount = 2 },
            [2] = { item = "m_sugar",       amount = 1 },
            [3] = { item = "m_caramel",     amount = 2 },
    ["m_cupcake_princess"] = { 
        hash = "m_cupcake_princess", 
        label = "Cupcake Princess",
        materials = {
            [1] = { item = "m_chocolate",   amount = 2 },
            [2] = { item = "m_sugar",       amount = 1 },
            [3] = { item = "m_caramel",     amount = 2 },
            [4] = { item = "m_strawberry",  amount = 1 },
    ["m_cupcake_star"] = { 
        hash = "m_cupcake_star", 
        label = "Cupcake Star",
        materials = {
            [1] = { item = "m_chocolate",   amount = 2 },
            [2] = { item = "m_sugar",         amount = 1 },
    ["m_cupcake_strong"] = { 
        hash = "m_cupcake_strong", 
        label = "Cupcake Strong",
        materials = {
            [1] = { item = "m_chocolate",   amount = 2 },
            [2] = { item = "m_sugar",         amount = 1 },

-- Juices
Config.CraftJuices = {
    ["m_apple_juice"] = { 
        hash = "m_apple_juice", 
        label = "Apple Juice",
        materials = {
            [1] = { item = "m_apple",   amount = 1 },
    ["m_kiwi_juice"] = { 
        hash = "m_kiwi_juice", 
        label = "Kiwi Juice",
        materials = {
            [1] = { item = "m_kiwi",   amount = 1 },
    ["m_strawberry_juice"] = { 
        hash = "m_strawberry_juice", 
        label = "Strawberry Juice",
        materials = {
            [1] = { item = "m_strawberry",   amount = 1 },
    ["m_orange_juice"] = { 
        hash = "m_orange_juice", 
        label = "Orange Juice",
        materials = {
            [1] = { item = "m_orange",   amount = 1 },

-- Fruits
Config.Items = {
    [1] = { name = "m_orange", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 1, },
    [2] = { name = "m_strawberry", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 2, },
    [3] = { name = "m_kiwi", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 3, },
    [4] = { name = "m_apple", price = 0, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 4, },

Config.PedList = { 
    { model = `s_m_y_baywatch_01`, coords = vector4(1104.28, -644.95, 55.82, 257.99), gender = "male", scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD" },

-- Rent a Jetski
Config.Rent = {
    Model = "seashark", -- Model of vehicle
    Plate = "Pond", -- Plate
    Location = vector3(1102.4, -648.91, 54.7), -- Location to spawn the vehicle
    Keys = "vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner", -- Your trigger to give keys to player
    Fuel = "LegacyFuel", -- Your trigger fuel

Last updated