
Config = {}

Config.Debug = true

Config.Prop = "prop_ing_camera_01" -- Prop name for spy cameras
Config.Language = "en" -- Language "pt" or "en" or "es" or "fr" or "de"
Config.Shooting = true -- If true, if people shoot on CCTV's cameras the camera destroy

Config.DistancePlacing = 10.0 -- Distance max when player are placing the camera
Config.DistanceUsing = 10.0 -- Distance max to player use cameras ( jobs and spy cams )
Config.DistanceDelete = 10.0 -- Distance to delete own cameras ( jobs and spy cams )

Config.PoliceDestroy = true -- If true, police job's can destroy the cameras
Config.PoliceJobs = { -- List of your police jobs to destroy spy cameras

Config.Keys = {
    Up = 208, -- PAGE UP
    Down = 207, -- PAGE DOWN
    Front = 27, -- ARROW UP
    Back = 173, -- ARROW DOWN
    Left = 174, -- ARROW LEFT
    Right = 175, -- ARROW RIGHT
    RotationL = 14, -- NUMPAD 7
    RotationR = 15, -- NUMPAD 8

Config.JobSettings = {
    Enable = true, -- Enable create cameras for jobs? Example: Create cameras for mechanic and mechanic can check own cameras
    jobName = "police", -- Job used to create cameras for jobs
    commandCreate = "createjobcamera", -- Command for people with jobName create cameras
    commandCheck = "checkcamerasjob", -- Command for all people with jobs can check cameras of own job
    CCTVsProps = { -- List of possible props can be used
    JobsCanReceive = { -- List of jobs can be installed CCTV's
        [1] = { name = "police", Label = "Police"},
        [2] = { name = "ambulance", Label = "Hospital"},
        [3] = { name = "mechanic", Label = "Mechanic"},
    Shutdown = true, -- Enable shutdown cameras?
    Chance = 5, -- 5% chance camera shutdown and you need call assistance to insert another one

Config.SpyCamsSettings = {
    enable = true, -- Enable spy cams?
    item = "spycam", -- Item to create a spy cam
    commandCheck = "checkspycams"

Config.Hacking = {
    enable = true, -- Enable hacking cameras?
    coords = vector3(1275.73, -1710.45, 54.77), -- Location to hacking cameras
    minigameType = "ps-ui", -- "ps-ui" or "bl_ui" or "ox_lib"

Config.LocateCameras = {
    enable = true, -- Enable using item to detect cameras near the ped?
    item = "cameradetector", -- Item used to detect cameras near the ped
    maxDistance = 5.0, -- Distance item can check cameras

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