Config = {}
Config.CoreName = "qb-core" -- Your qb-core name folder
Config.Progressbar = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.Inventory = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.Notify = "ox" -- "qb" , "okok" or "ox"
Config.Menu = "qb-menu" -- "qb-menu" or "ox_lib"
Config.Target = "qb-target" -- "qb-target" or "ox_target"
Config.Emotes = "rpemotes" -- "dpemotes" or "rpemotes"
Config.InvLink = "qb-inventory/html/images/" -- Your directory images on inventory
-- Object of the table to craft potions
Config.Objects = {
["table"] = { model = `bkr_prop_coke_table01a`, freeze = true },
-- Keys to position the table on the ground
Config.Keys = {
Up = 111, -- NUMPAD 8
Down = 110, -- NUMPAD 5
Front = 172, -- ARROW UP
Back = 173, -- ARROW DOWN
Left = 174, -- ARROW LEFT
Right = 175, -- ARROW RIGHT
RotationL = 117, -- NUMPAD 7
RotationR = 118, -- NUMPAD 8
-- Ped where you have a shop
Config.Peds = {
{ type = 4, hash = GetHashKey("a_m_y_genstreet_01"), vector4 = vector4(3311.18, 5176.09, 18.61, 232.78) },
-- Items selling on shop
Config.Shop = {
[1] = { name = "emptybottle", price = 5, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 1 },
[2] = { name = "potiontable", price = 500, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 2 },
-- Settings of the potions
-- item -> item name
-- notify -> notification when you use the item
-- label -> label of progressbar when you use the item
-- value -> value of the effect when you use the item
Config.Potions = {
["Armour"] = {
[1] = { item = "potionarmour1", notify = "+25% Armour", label = "Drinking armour potion...", value = "25" },
[2] = { item = "potionarmour2", notify = "+50% Armour", label = "Drinking armour potion...", value = "50" },
[3] = { item = "potionarmour3", notify = "+75% Armour", label = "Drinking armour potion...", value = "75" },
[4] = { item = "potionarmour4", notify = "+100% Armour", label = "Drinking armour potion...", value = "100" },
["Life"] = {
[1] = { item = "potionlife1", notify = "+25% Life", label = "Drinking life potion...", value = "25" },
[2] = { item = "potionlife2", notify = "+50% Life", label = "Drinking life potion...", value = "50" },
[3] = { item = "potionlife3", notify = "+75% Life", label = "Drinking life potion...", value = "75" },
[4] = { item = "potionlife4", notify = "+100% Life", label = "Drinking life potion...", value = "100" },
["Nightvision"] = {
[1] = { item = "potionnightvision1", notify = "10s Nightvision", label = "Drinking nightvision potion...", value = "10" },
[2] = { item = "potionnightvision2", notify = "20s Nightvision", label = "Drinking nightvision potion...", value = "20" },
[3] = { item = "potionnightvision3", notify = "30s Nightvision", label = "Drinking nightvision potion...", value = "30" },
[4] = { item = "potionnightvision4", notify = "40s Nightvision", label = "Drinking nightvision potion...", value = "40" },
["Speed"] = {
[1] = { item = "potionspeed1", notify = "10s Speedrun", label = "Drinking speedrun potion...", value = "10" },
[2] = { item = "potionspeed2", notify = "20s Speedrun", label = "Drinking speedrun potion...", value = "20" },
[3] = { item = "potionspeed3", notify = "30s Speedrun", label = "Drinking speedrun potion...", value = "30" },
[4] = { item = "potionspeed4", notify = "40s Speedrun", label = "Drinking speedrun potion...", value = "40" },
Last updated