🐟[QB] Fishing
Highly Optimized
Many Features
Full and easy customization
Drops configured for each fishing rod
Drops configured for each fishing net
Compatible with qb/ox target
Compatible with qb/ox inventory
Compatible with qb/ox menu
Compatible with qb/qs/renewed vehicle keys
Minigame on normal fishing. ( optional )
Configurable zones with radius, type of zone
Experience system
Boats are rented depending on the experience of the player
Custom fishingrod props
Custom fishingnet props
Custom shell's props
Custom coral's props
Illegal bait can only be obtained with a specific fish.
Illegal bait can only be created in illegal zones. ( optional )
Minigame on creating illegal bait. ( optional )
Webhooks on all events server-side
Crafting system to upgrade the fishingnet / fishingrod.
Protected server-side events.
Treasure chests
Fishing license
Fishing tournaments
Illegal selling corals
Illegal fishing
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