

["icedcup"]                     = {["name"] = "icedcup",                    ["label"] = "Iced Cup",                     ["weight"] = 25,    ["type"] = "item",    ["image"] = "icedcup.png",                    ["unique"] = false,    ["useable"] = true,      ["shouldClose"] = true,     ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["ice"]                         = {["name"] = "ice",                        ["label"] = "Ice",                          ["weight"] = 25,    ["type"] = "item",    ["image"] = "ice.png",                        ["unique"] = false,    ["useable"] = true,      ["shouldClose"] = true,     ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},

['beer']                        = {['name'] = "beer",                       ['label'] = "beer",                         ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "beer.png",                       ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['bkamikaze']                   = {['name'] = "bkamikaze",                  ['label'] = "B Kamikaze",                   ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "bkamikaze.png",                  ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['brussian']                    = {['name'] = "brussian",                   ['label'] = "brussian",                     ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "brussian.png",                   ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['cappucc']                     = {['name'] = "cappucc",                    ['label'] = "Cappucc",                      ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "cappucc.png",                    ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['dvrcocktail']                 = {['name'] = "dvrcocktail",                ['label'] = "DVR Cocktail",                 ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "dvrcocktail.png",                ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['hulkcocktail']                = {['name'] = "hulkcocktail",               ['label'] = "Hulk Cocktail",                ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "hulkcocktail.png",               ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['iflag']                       = {['name'] = "iflag",                      ['label'] = "iFlag",                        ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "iflag.png",                      ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['jbcocktail']                  = {['name'] = "jbcocktail",                 ['label'] = "JB Cocktail",                  ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "jbcocktail.png",                 ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['kamikaze']                    = {['name'] = "kamikaze",                   ['label'] = "Kamikaze Cocktail",            ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "kamikaze.png",                   ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['marvelcocktail']              = {['name'] = "marvelcocktail",             ['label'] = "Marvel Cocktail",              ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "marvelcocktail.png",             ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['milkdragon']                  = {['name'] = "milkdragon",                 ['label'] = "Milk Dragon",                  ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "milkdragon.png",                 ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['scarcolada']                  = {['name'] = "scarcolada",                 ['label'] = "Scarcolada",                   ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "scarcolada.png",                 ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['voodoo']                      = {['name'] = "voodoo",                     ['label'] = "Voodoo",                       ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "voodoo.png",                     ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['woowoo']                      = {['name'] = "woowoo",                     ['label'] = "Woowoo",                       ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "woowoo.png",                     ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['yoshishooter']                = {['name'] = "yoshishooter",               ['label'] = "Yoshishooter",                 ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "yoshishooter.png",               ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['vitodaiquiri']                = {['name'] = "vitodaiquiri",               ['label'] = "Vito Daiquiri",                ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "vitodaiquiri.png",               ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},

-- Non - Alcoholic
['caremel_frappucino']          = {['name'] = "caremel_frappucino",         ['label'] = "Caramel Frappucino",           ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "caremel_frappucino.png",         ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['chocolate_frappuccino']       = {['name'] = "chocolate_frappuccino",      ['label'] = "Chocolate Frappucino",         ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "chocolate_frappuccino.png",      ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['double_choc_frappuccino']     = {['name'] = "double_choc_frappuccino",    ['label'] = "Double Chocolate Frappucino",  ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "double_choc_frappuccino.png",    ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['coffee_frappuccino']          = {['name'] = "coffee_frappuccino",         ['label'] = "Coffee Frappucino",            ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "coffee_frappuccino.png",         ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['cookies_frappuccino']         = {['name'] = "cookies_frappuccino",        ['label'] = "Cookies Frappucino",           ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "cookies_frappuccino.png",        ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['cold_brew_coffee']            = {['name'] = "cold_brew_coffee",           ['label'] = "Cold Brew Coffee",             ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "cold_brew_coffee.png",           ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['cold_brew_latte']             = {['name'] = "cold_brew_latte",            ['label'] = "Cold Brew Lattee",             ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "cold_brew_latte.png",            ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['iced_caffe']                  = {['name'] = "iced_caffe",                 ['label'] = "Iced Caffee",                  ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "iced_caffe.png",                 ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['green_tea_lemonade']          = {['name'] = "green_tea_lemonade",         ['label'] = "Iced Green Tea Lemonade",      ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "green_tea_lemonade.png",         ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['pink_coconut']                = {['name'] = "pink_coconut",               ['label'] = "Pink Coconut",                 ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "pink_coconut.png",               ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
['strawberry_juice']            = {['name'] = "strawberry_juice",           ['label'] = "Strawberry Juice",             ['weight'] = 100,   ['type'] = "item",    ['image'] = "strawberry_juice.png",           ['unique'] = false,    ['useable'] = true,       ['shouldClose'] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},


['bahamas'] = {
    label = 'Bahamas',
    defaultDuty = true,
    offDutyPay = false,
    grades = {
        ['0'] = {
            name = 'Recruit',
            payment = 50
        ['1'] = {
            name = 'Employee',
            payment = 75
        ['2'] = {
            name = 'Manager',
            payment = 100
        ['3'] = {
            name = 'Chief',
            isboss = true,
            payment = 150


Config.ConsumablesAlcohol = {
    ["dvrcocktail"] = math.random(20, 20),
    ["kamikaze"] = math.random(30, 30),
    ["jbcocktail"] = math.random(40, 40),
    ["marvelcocktail"] = math.random(50, 50),
    ["vitodaiquiri"] = math.random(60, 60),
    ["yoshishooter"] = math.random(20, 40),
    ["iflag"] = math.random(20, 40),
    ["hulkcocktail"] = math.random(20, 40),
    ["voodoo"] = math.random(20, 40),
    ["cappucc"] = math.random(20, 40),
    ["beer"] = math.random(20, 40),
    ["milkdragon"] = math.random(20, 40),
    ["bkamikaze"] = math.random(20, 40),
    ["scarcolada"] = math.random(20, 40),

Config.ConsumablesDrink = {
    ["caremel_frappucino"] = math.random(20, 20),
    ["chocolate_frappuccino"] = math.random(30, 30),
    ["coffee_frappuccino"] = math.random(40, 40),
    ["cold_brew_coffee"] = math.random(50, 50),
    ["cold_brew_latte"] = math.random(60, 60),
    ["cold_brew_latte"] = math.random(20, 40),
    ["double_choc_frappuccino"] = math.random(20, 40),
    ["green_tea_lemonade"] = math.random(20, 40),
    ["iced_caffe"] = math.random(20, 40),


    gang = "Bahamas",
    enableBooth = true,
    DefaultVolume = 0.1,
    radius = 20,
    coords = vector3(-1376.72, -607.62, 31.32),
    soundLoc = vector3(988.79, -131.62, 78.89), -- Add sound origin location if you don't want the music to play from the dj booth

Last updated