Language = {
-- General
["ErroAplicarTurbo"] = "Unsuccessful turbo installation.",
["SucessoAplicarTurbo"] = "Turbo installation successful!",
["NenhumVeiculoPerto"] = "No vehicles nearby.",
["DentroDoVeiculoNao"] = "You cannot do this inside a vehicle.",
["SemChavesCoilovers"] = "You don't have the coilover keys with you.",
["PrecisasEstarDentro"] = "You need to be inside a vehicle.",
["SemPermissoes"] = "You don't have permissions to do this.",
["VeiculoLimpoComSucesso"] = "Successfully cleaned vehicle.",
["Estaslonge"] = "You are too far from the vehicle!",
["ReplacingTire"] = "Replacing Tire..",
["NoNitrous"] = "You dont have any nitro with you.",
["NoEmptyNitrous"] = "You dont have any empty bottle of nitro with you.",
["Dead"] = "You are dead you can't do that.",
["Water"] = "You are in the water you can't do that.",
["EngineRepaired"] = "Engine repaired",
["BodyRepaired"] = "Body repaired",
["NoKit"] = "You dont have the repair kit.",
["NotAdvancedKit"] = "You dont have the advanced repair kit",
["NoTintSupplies"] = "You dont have tint supplies",
-- Nitro
["wrongseat"] = 'You cannot do that from this seat!',
["notincar"] = 'You have to be in vehicle',
["nosactive"] = 'This vehicle already have Nitro',
["drivetoofast"] = 'You driving too fast. Slow down and do what u want',
["needturbo"] = 'Vehicle need to have a Turbo to install Nitro',
["notthatfast"] = 'Not that FAST!',
["nitroflowrate"] = 'Nitro Flowrate: ',
["nitroflowratemax"] = 'Nitro is on maximum Flowrate',
["nitroflowratemin"] = 'Nitro is on minimum Flowrate',
["purgeflowrate"] = 'Purge Spray Flowrate: ',
["purgeflowratemax"] = 'Purge Spray is on maximum Flowrate',
["purgeflowratemin"] = 'Purge Spray is on minimum Flowrate',
["purgemode"] = 'Smoke Extraction Mode',
["nitromode"] = 'Nitro Mode',
["emptysystem"] = 'Your Nitro System is Empty! Its time for REFILL',
["conecting"] = 'Conecting the nitrous...',
-- Engines
["E0"] = "Engine Upgrade Stock Successfully installed",
["E0Installed"] = "Engine Upgrade Stock Already Installed",
["E1"] = "Engine Upgrade Level 1 Successfully installed",
["E1Installed"] = "Engine Upgrade Level 1 Already Installed",
["E2"] = "Engine Upgrade Level 2 Successfully installed",
["E2Installed"] = "Engine Upgrade Level 2 Already Installed",
["E3"] = "Engine Upgrade Level 3 Successfully installed",
["E3Installed"] = "Engine Upgrade Level 3 Already Installed",
["E4"] = "Engine Upgrade Level 4 Successfully installed",
["E4Installed"] = "Engine Upgrade Level 4 Already Installed",
-- Brakes
["B0"] = "Stock Brakes Successfully installed",
["B0Installed"] = "Stock Brakes Already Installed",
["B1"] = "Brakes Upgrade Level 1 Successfully installed",
["B1Installed"] = "Brakes Upgrade Level 1 Already Installed",
["B2"] = "Brakes Upgrade Level 2 Successfully installed",
["B2Installed"] = "Brakes Upgrade Level 2 Already Installed",
["B3"] = "Brakes Upgrade Level 3 Successfully installed",
["B3Installed"] = "Brakes Upgrade Level 3 Already Installed",
["T0"] = "Stock Transmission Successfully installed",
["T0Installed"] = "Stock Transmission Already Installed",
["T1"] = "Transmission Upgrade Level 1 Successfully installed",
["T1Installed"] = "Transmission Upgrade Level 1 Already Installed",
["T2"] = "Transmission Upgrade Level 2 Successfully installed",
["T2Installed"] = "Transmission Upgrade Level 2 Already Installed",
["T3"] = "Transmission Upgrade Level 3 Successfully installed",
["T3Installed"] = "Transmission Upgrade Level 3 Already Installed",
-- Xenon Headlight
["XenonSemSucesso"] = "Installation of xenon lights unsuccessful",
["XenonComSucesso"] = "Successful installation of xenon lights",
["WithoutXenon"] = "This car don't have xenon lights",
["PertoDeVeiculo"] = "You need to be inside the vehicle to use.",
-- License Plates
["MatriculaInstalada"] = "License plate successfully installed.",
-- Windows
["Installed"] = "Success! Tint Installed..",
["Failed"] = "Tint installation failed!",
["HeaderWindows"] = "Window Tints",
["currentlyInstalled"] = "Currently Installed âī¸",
["Removal"] = "Tint Removal",
["Limo"] = "Limo",
["Green"] = "Green",
["LightSmoke"] = "Light Smoke",
["DarkSmoke"] = "Dark Smoke",
["PureBlack"] = "Pure Black",
-- Suspension
["Level0"] = "Level 0 (Stock) suspension successfully installed.",
["Level1"] = "Level 1 suspension successfully installed.",
["Level2"] = "Level 2 suspension successfully installed.",
["Level3"] = "Level 3 suspension successfully installed.",
["Level4"] = "Level 4 suspension successfully installed.",
-- Chop Chop
["CHTensDeEsperar"] = "There is currently a cooldown for you, You must wait longer before doing this again.",
["CHInside"] = "You need to be inside the vehicle.",
["CHVeiculoErrado"] = "This vehicle cannot be dismantled",
["CHSuccessfullyChopped"] = "Part Successfully Chopped",
["CHTakeOfDoor"] = "Taking off Door...",
["CHDoorRemoved"] = "Door removed",
["CHTakeOfHood"] = "Taking off Hood...",
["CHHoodRemoved"] = "Hood removed",
["CHTakeOfTunk"] = "Taking off Trunk...",
["CHTrunkRemoved"] = "Trunk removed",
["CHTakeOfRadio"] = "Taking off radio...",
["CHRadioRemoved"] = "Radio removed",
["CHChoppingVehicle"] = "Chopping vehicle...",
["CHChopping"] = "Sucessfully Chopped The Vehicle",
["CHReset"] = "Chop chop is now available",
["CHFarAway"] = "You moved to far away",
-- Craft
["NoMaterials"] = "You do not have enough materials.",
["CraftCanceled"] = "You have cancelled the crafting process.",
["Crafted"] = "Crafted ",
["Crafting"] = "Crafting...",
-- Diagonostic
headerDiagonostic = "Car Diagonostic",
carModel = "Car Model: ",
carPlate = "Plate: ",
carWindows = "Windows Tint: ",
carBrakes = "Brakes: ",
carEngine = "Engine: ",
carSuspension = "Suspension: ",
carTransmission = "Transmission: ",
carTurbo = "Turbo: ",
carXenons = "Xenons: ",
-- Engines
carEngine100 = "Engine Health: đĸđĸđĸđĸđĸ<br>Value: ",
carEngine75 = "Engine Health: đĄđĄđĄđĄđĄ<br>Value: ",
carEngine50 = "Engine Health: đ đ đ đ đ <br>Value: ",
carEngine25 = "Engine Health: đ´đ´đ´đ´đ´<br>Value: ",
carEngine0 = "Engine Health: â",
fixEngine = "â
Click here to fix the engine",
-- Body Damage
carBody100 = "Body Damage: đĸđĸđĸđĸđĸ<br>Value: ",
carBody75 = "Body Damage: đĄđĄđĄđĄđĄ<br>Value: ",
carBody50 = "Body Damage: đ đ đ đ đ <br>Value: ",
carBody25 = "Body Damage: đ´đ´đ´đ´đ´<br>Value: ",
carBody0 = "Body Damage: â",
fixBody = "â
Click here to fix the body damage",
-- Fuel
carFuel100 = "Fuel: đĸđĸđĸđĸđĸ<br>Value: ",
carFuel75 = "Fuel: đĄđĄđĄđĄđĄ<br>Value: ",
carFuel50 = "Fuel: đ đ đ đ đ <br>Value: ",
carFuel25 = "Fuel: đ´đ´đ´đ´đ´<br>Value: ",
carFuel0 = "Fuel: â",
-- Mechanic Registration
["Header"] = "Mechanic Registration",
["Submit"] = "Submit Registration",
["NameClient"] = "Name of Client",
["PlateVehicle"] = "Plate of Vehicle",
["NameMechanic"] = "Name of Mechanic",
["BillPrice"] = "Bill Price ($)",
["IncludeTax"] = "Include Tax?",
["10tax"] = "10% incl.",
["15tax"] = "15% incl.",
["20tax"] = "20% incl.",
["ExteriorModification"] = "Exterior Modification",
["MotorModification"] = "Motor Modification",
["Observations"] = "Observations",
["None"] = "None",
["Yes"] = "Yes",
["No"] = "No",
-- Drift
["DriftON"] = "Drifting mode ON!",
["DriftOFF"] = "Drifting mode OFF!",
["Outside"] = "You must be outside the vehicle.",
-- Billing
["BillingHeader"] = "Billing",
["InvalidAmount"] = "Invalid amount",
["NobodyNear"] = "Nobody around you.",
-- Flat bed
LoweredCar = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to ~y~raise ~w~the bed.~n~Press ~INPUT_DETONATE~ to ~r~detach ~w~the vehicle.",
LoweredNoCar = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to ~y~raise ~w~the bed.~n~Press ~INPUT_DETONATE~ to ~g~attach ~w~a vehicle.",
Raised = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to ~y~lower ~w~the bed."
-- ProgressBars
ProgressBars = {
-- Turbo
["InstalarTurbo"] = "Installing the turbo..",
-- Engines
["InstalarMotor"] = "Installing Engine..",
-- Xenon Headlight
["InstalarXenonHeadlight"] = "Installing xenon lights..",
-- Install wraps
["InstalarWrap"] = "Installing the wrap...",
-- Coilovers
["InstallCoilover"] = "Installing the coilovers..",
-- Matriculas
["InstalarMatricula"] = "Placing the license plate...",
-- Brakes
["InstalarTravoes"] = "Installing Brakes...",
["TravoesOriginais"] = "Installing original brakes...",
-- Transmission
["TransmissaoOrignal"] = "Installing Stock Transmission...",
["InstalarTransmissao"] = "Installing Transmission...",
-- Clean Vehicle
["LimparVeiculo"] = "Cleaning the vehicle...",
-- Repair Vehicle
["RepararVeiculo"] = "Repairing the vehicle...",
-- Repair Vehicle
["LigarFichaOBD"] = "Connecting the OBD plug to the vehicle...",
-- Air Suspension
["UsarAirSuspension"] = "Using air suspension...",
-- Refill Nitro
["ReabastecerNitro"] = "Refilling nitrous...",
-- Install camber
["InstallCamber"] = "Installing camber arms...",
-- Chop CHop
["DriverDoor"] = "Removing the driver's door...",
["PassengerDoor"] = "Removing the passenger's door...",
["RearDriverDoor"] = "Removing the rear driver's door...",
["RearPassengerDoor"] = "Removing the rear passenger's door...",
["RemoveHood"] = "Removing the hood...",
["RemoveTrunk"] = "Removing the trunk...",
-- Nitro
["ConnectingNOS"] = "Connecting the nitrous..",
-- Mechanic Registration
["Writing"] = "Writing...",
-- Drift
["PutDriftTires"] = "Putting on the drift tires..",
["RemoveDriftTires"] = "Removing drift tires..",
Last updated