Garage and Vehicle System Features
Ownership and Transfer:
Transfer vehicles to another player.
Transfer vehicles to different garages.
Vehicle Interaction:
View vehicles with a Vehicle Visualizer pre-deployment.
Control the number of spawned vehicles based on point availability.
Engage in vehicle auctions.
Impound and Access Systems:
Use job-locked impound menus.
Implement an impound system for secure vehicle management.
Access livery and extras menus as needed.
Storage Solutions:
Store user-owned vehicles securely.
Access storage based on graded permissions.
Spawn Management:
Allow unlimited vehicle spawn points.
Garage Types:
Set up job and gang specific garages.
Utilize shared private garages for collaborative use.
Admin Tools:
Create private garages with admin commands.
Handle both public and private
Vehicle Keys Supported:
Framework Compatibility:
Vehicle & Garage Management Commands
: Display the impound vehicle menu./admincar
: Duplicate the current vehicle./dvdb
: Delete the current vehicle from the database./changeplate
: Update the current vehicle’s license plate in the database./vreturn
: Return the current vehicle to the garage./coordsmaker
: Generate a list of spawn coordinates for a garage./saveorgvehicle
: Duplicate the current vehicle and set it as a spawn option for a job or gang./privgarages
: Set up a private garage.
Security & Optimization
Server-Side Vehicle Spawning
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