Config = {}
Config.InvLink = "qb-inventory/html/images/" -- Your inventory link to images
Config.Utility = {
CoreName = "qb-core", -- Core Name
ItemBox = "inventory:client:ItemBox",
ChanceCallCops = 60, -- Chance to call cops | 60 = 60%
ItemStartRobbery = "advancedlockpick", -- Item to start enter in house
Skillbar = "ps-ui", -- "qb-lock" or "ps-ui"
Mask = false, -- If true, you will only be able to acess it if you have a mask
Cooldown = true, -- Enable cooldown?
CooldownTime = 10, -- 10 Minutes
KeyToCombination = 38, -- [E]
Target = "qb", -- "qb" or "ox"
TargetName = "qb-target", -- Name of your qb-target folder | If use target == "ox" ignore this
WalkSlowly = true, -- If true, the player when using microwave, tv, whiteboard or safe, will walk slower
PoliceJob = { "police", "lspd", }, -- Your police job name
Amount = 0, -- Police amount needed online to start the heist
Fingerprint = true, -- If true, there will be a chance to leave a fingerprint
ChanceFingerprint = 50, -- Random at 1~100 if < 80 then create fingerprint
TriggerFingerprint = "evidence:server:CreateFingerDrop", -- Trigger to create fingerprint
Inventory = "qb", -- "qb" / "ox" / "qs"
Money = "cash", -- If you need change the money item
Config.Stress = {
Enable = true, -- Enable stress?
Hud = "qb", -- "qb" or "cd"
Amount = {
Min = 2, -- Min stress
Max = 4, -- Max stress
Config.Noise = {
enable = true, -- Enable noise when people stealing the house?
maxNoise = 0.30, -- If people make more then 1.0 noise he call's the police
Config.LevelSystem = {
Level_1 = {
XP_Need = 0, -- Don't touch
XP_Gained = 5, -- XP Gained after house robbery
Level_2 = {
XP_Need = 500, -- How much XP need to level 2
XP_Gained = 10, -- XP Gained after house robbery
Level_3 = {
XP_Need = 1000, -- How much XP need to level 3
XP_Gained = 15, -- XP Gained after house robbery
Config.PropChance = 10 -- 10% Get the drop like tv, microwave, painting and safe
Config.EnableProps = true -- If true you have drops like tv, microwave, painting and safe, if false only config_drops available
Config.Props = {
TV = "prop_tv_03",
Microwave = "prop_micro_01",
Painting = "hei_prop_heist_pic_12",
Safe = "p_v_43_safe_s",
Config.Selling = {
TV = {
Min = 2, -- Minimum selling price.
Max = 4, -- Maximum selling price.
Microwave = {
Min = 2, -- Minimum selling price.
Max = 4, -- Maximum selling price.
Painting = {
Min = 2, -- Minimum selling price.
Max = 4, -- Maximum selling price.
Safe = {
Min = 2, -- Minimum selling price.
Max = 4, -- Maximum selling price.
Config.SearchSpots = {
-- House 01 -> Interior: 346.52 -1013.19 -99.20
["Location01"] = { x = 342.23, y = -1003.29, z = -99.0, procurado = false},
["Location02"] = { x = 338.14, y = -997.69, z = -99.2, procurado = false},
["Location03"] = { x = 350.91 , y = -999.26 , z = -99.2, procurado = false},
["Location04"] = { x = 349.19, y = -994.83, z = -99.2, procurado = false},
["Location05"] = { x = 345.3, y = -995.76, z = -99.2, procurado = false},
["Location06"] = { x = 346.14, y = -1001.55, z = -99.2, procurado = false},
["Location07"] = { x = 347.23, y = -994.09, z = -99.2, procurado = false},
["Location08"] = { x = 339.23, y = -1003.35, z = -99.2, procurado = false},
-- House 02 -> Interior: -785.22 323.66 212.0
["Location09"] = { x = -769.63, y = 339.51, z = 211.40, procurado = false},
["Location10"] = { x = -780.35, y = 341.31, z = 211.20, procurado = false},
["Location11"] = { x = -786.37, y = 337.87, z = 211.20, procurado = false},
["Location12"] = { x = -790.81, y = 330.53, z = 210.80, procurado = false},
["Location13"] = { x = -789.80, y = 333.91, z = 210.83, procurado = false},
["Location14"] = { x = -792.34, y = 326.52, z = 210.80, procurado = false},
["Location15"] = { x = -794.36, y = 326.52, z = 210.80, procurado = false},
["Location16"] = { x = -798.27, y = 330.14, z = 210.80, procurado = false},
-- House 03 -> Interior: -786.9756 315.723 187.9134
["Location17"] = { x = -788.96, y = 320.82, z = 187.31, procurado = false},
["Location18"] = { x = -781.89, y = 330.02, z = 187.31, procurado = false},
["Location19"] = { x = -781.43, y = 337.98, z = 187.11, procurado = false},
["Location20"] = { x = -797.67, y = 333.40, z = 190.72, procurado = false},
["Location21"] = { x = -796.37, y = 328.50, z = 190.72, procurado = false},
["Location22"] = { x = -799.15, y = 328.25, z = 190.72, procurado = false},
["Location23"] = { x = -805.57, y = 332.41, z = 190.72, procurado = false},
["Location24"] = { x = -800.08, y = 338.42, z = 190.72, procurado = false},
-- If you want to add one more search sport do it like this:
-- ["Location25"] = { x = -800.08, y = 338.42, z = 190.72, procurado = false},
Config.PedList = {
{ model = `g_m_y_mexgang_01`, coords = vector4(1143.78, -299.5, 67.81, 123.23), gender = "male", scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD" },
{ model = `s_m_m_trucker_01`, coords = vector4(-1164.82, -2022.58, 12.16, 136.74), gender = "male", scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING" },
Config.Webhooks = true
Config.LogName = "houserobbery"
Config.LogColour = "lightgreen"
Last updated