
Language = {
    -- Progressbars
        acceptJob = "Obtaining the job...",
        placingToolbox = "Placing the toolbox...",
        savingToolbox = "Saving the toolbox...",
        obtaingScrewdriver = "Taking the screwdriver...",
        removingHood = "Removing the hood...",
        removingRightFDoor = "Removing the door...",
        removingLeftFDoor = "Removing the door...",
        removingTrunk = "Removing the trunk...",
        removingTyre = "Removing the tyre...",
        removingAllCar = "Dismanting all car...",
        tradingHood = "Trading the hood...",
        tradingDoor = "Trading the door...",
        tradingTrunk = "Trading the trunk...",
        tradingTyre = "Trading the tyre...",
        searching = "Searching...",
        tryingBreakDoor = "Trying to break the door...",
        breakingDoor = "Breaking the door...",

    -- Notifys
        screwdriver = "You already have one screwdriver with you.",
        canceled = "Canceled.",
        hoodRemoved = "Hood removed successeful!",
        doorRemoved = "Door removed successeful!",
        trunkRemoved = "Trunk removed successeful!",
        tyreRemoved = "Tyre removed successeful!",
        carDismanteled = "The car was successfully dismantled!",
        wrongTyre = "That tire has already been taken off.",
        tradeHood = "Successeful trade the hood!",
        tradeDoor = "Successeful trade the door!",
        tradeTrunk = "Successeful trade trunk!",
        tradeTyre = "Successeful trade tyre!",
        alertPolice = "You need to be quick, the police will be alerted!",
        callPolice = "Someone saw you and called the police!",
        noItem = "You dont have the necessary item",
        cooldown = "You can't do that now",
        insideVehicleNo = "You can't do that inside the vehicle",
        noHood = "You don't have any hood with you.",
        noDoorL = "You don't have any passager door with you.",
        noDoorR = "You don't have any driver door with you.",
        noTrunk = "You don't have any trunk with you.",
        noTyre = "You don't have any tyre with you.",
        noIllegalSells = "Illegal sell's dont available, try later!",
        dismantAll = "You need to dismantle the entire vehicle first.",
        tyreAlready = "The tyre of the car has already been removed.",
        trunkAlready = "The trunk of the car has already been removed.",
        doorAlready = "The door of the car has already been removed.",
        hoodAlready = "The hood of the car has already been removed.",
        alreadySearched = "Already searched.",
        noPolice = "There are not enough police online.",

    -- Menus
        headToolboxMenu = "[⚙ī¸] Tool Box",
        screwdriverOption = "[đŸĒ›] Screwdriver",
        headScrewdriverMenu = "[đŸĒ›] Screwdriver",
        dismantOption = "[⚙ī¸] Dismant Vehicle",
        infoDismantOption = "[❓] This is where you'll have access to <br>dismantle parts from a vehicle and resell them.",
        dismantHeader = "[⚙ī¸] Dismant Vehicle",
        car = "Car: ",
        removeHood = "Remove hood",
        removeRightFDoor = "Remove passager door",
        removeLeftFDoor = "Remove driver door",
        removeTrunk = "Remove trunk",
        removeTyre = "Remove tyre",
        dismantAllCar = "Dismant all car",
        traderHeader = "Trade Pieces of Car",
        traderHood = "Trade hood",
        traderDoor = "Trade doors",
        traderTrunk = "Trade trunk",
        traderTyre = "Trade tyre",
        illegalHeader = "[💸] Illegal Selling",
        illegalHood = "[🔹] Trade hood",
        illegalRDoor = "[🔹] Trade passager door",
        illegalLDoor = "[🔹] Trade driver door",
        illegalTrunk = "[🔹] Trade trunk",
        illegalTyre = "[🔹] Trade tyre",
        closeMenu = "[❌] Close",

Last updated