
Config = {}

Config.Core = "qb-core" -- Your Core Name

Config.Target = "qb-target" -- Your Target Name

Config.QBMenu = "qb-menu" -- Your Menu Name

Config.Phone = "qs-smartphone" -- Your Phone // Available: qb-phone / gksphone / qs-smartphone

Config.Notify = "QBCore" -- "QBCore" or "okok"

Config.Payment = "cash" -- "cash" or "bank"

Config.Minigame = "qb-lock" -- "qb-lock" or "ps-ui"

Config.KeyExplosion = 47 -- Key to explosion the vehicle

Config.DurationPlantBomb = 5000 -- Time progressbar to plant bomb

Config.DurationRemoveBomb = 5000 -- Time progressbar to remove bomb

Config.JobPolice = "police" -- Your police job name to remove the bomb

Config.PriceBomb = 20000 -- Price of the bomb

Config.NeedJob = false -- Need job to start mission?

Config.JobName = "" -- Name of the job

Config.NeedGang = false -- Need gang to start mission?

Config.GangName = "" -- Name of the job

Config.CallCops = true -- Call cops when buy a bomb?

Config.Percentage = 50 -- Percentage to call cops

Config.StartMission = vector3(2221.96, 5614.72, 53.90) -- Target to start mission

Config.Trader = vector3(-280.75, 6405.00, 31.39) -- Target to buy a bomb

Config.Peds = {
	Ped = {type = 4, hash= GetHashKey("s_m_y_garbage"), x = 2221.96,  y = 5614.72,  z = 53.90, h = 105.17}, -- Start mission
	Ped2 = {type = 4, hash= GetHashKey("s_m_y_garbage"), x = -280.75,  y = 6405.00,  z = 30.39, h = 34.36}, -- Buy Bomb

Config.QBLock = {
    circles = math.random(2,4),
    time = math.random(7,10),

Lang = {
	PlacingBomb = "Placing bomb on vehicle...", -- Progressbar
	RemovingBomb = "Removing the bomb of the vehicle", -- Progressbar
	NoVehicle = "No vehicles nearby!",
	Out = "You have to be out of the vehicle!",
	BombPlanted = "You placed the bomb, to detonate press [G]",
	BombRemoved = "Bomb removed with sucesss!",
	BlipBuy = "Buy Bomb",
	Sender = "John",
	Subject = "Bomb Mission",
	Message = "Follow the GPS and get the bomb!",
	BombMission = "Bomb Mission",
	Help = "Hey, how can i help you?",
	NeedBomb = "[đŸ’Ŗ] I need a bomb for explosion a car!",
	Cancel = "[❌] Cancel the mission",
	MissonCanceled = "Mission Canceled",
	AnyMission = "You dont have any mission",
	BombSeller = "Bomb Seller",
	BuyBomb = "[đŸ’Ŗ] I want to buy a bomb !",
	NoBomb = "The car don't have bomb.",
	Failed = "Failed",
	StartMission = "You need start mission first.",
	ObtainInfo = "Obtaining the information...",
	WrongJob = "Wrong Job",
	WrongGang = "Wrong Gang",
	NoMoney = "You don't have money.",
	T_BuyBomb = "Buy Bomb", -- Target
	T_StartMission = "Start Mission", -- Target
	Quantity = "Quantity", -- QB-Input
	InvalidQty = "Invalid quantity", -- QB-Input
	Confirm = "Confirm", -- QB-Input
	Amount = "Amount", -- QB-Input

function CallCops()
	-- Trigger your dispatch

Last updated