Config = Config or {}
-- Utility
Config.Framework = "NEW" -- "NEW" -> New qbcore | "OLD" -> Old qbcore
Config.MechanicJob = "mechanic"
Config.MechanicJob2 = "police"
Config.MechanicJob3 = "mechanic" -- You dont need 3 mechanics, delete the line 9 and 8 and go to server lua line: 14 and remove the config.
Config.MechanicNecessary = 2
Config.OnlyUseWithMechanicOFF = true
-- Stations
Config["Repairs"] = {
vector3(734.93, -1088.77, 21.17),
-- You can add more locations
Config.Function = 'all' -- Functions: "repair" - Only repair vehicle. | "colour" - Only change a colour. | "all" - Repair & Colour
Config.Payment = 'cash' -- You can put: OFF or cash
Config.Amount = 500 -- Paymant amount if you use 'cash'
-- Language
Config["Language"] = {
["QBTarget"] = {
["Falar"] = "Speak",
["Reparar"] = "Repair",
["Pintar"] = "Paint",
["Icon"] = "fas fa-car",
["ProgressBars"] = {
["Reparar"] = "Repairing the vehicle...",
["Pintar"] = "Painting the car..."
['Notificacoes'] = {
["SemGuita"] = "You don't have enough money"
-- Blip
Config.BlipRepair = {
Enable = false,
Name = "Repairs",
Sprite = 253,
Scale = 0.6,
Colour = 4,
-- Peds
Config.PedListRepairs = { -- Peds that will be spawned in
model = "s_m_y_armymech_01",
coords = vector3(734.93, -1088.77, 21.17),
heading = 88.45,
gender = "male",
Last updated