
Config = {}

Config.Framework = "qb" -- "qb" or "esx"
Config.Core = "qb-core" -- "qb-core" or "es_extended"
Config.Notify = "qb" -- "qb" or "okok" or "ox" ( open code on config_functions.lua )
Config.Debug = true -- If you want to see debug messages
Config.AutoDatabase = true -- If you want to automatically create the database table

Config.DefaultReputations = { -- Default reputations when a player joins the server and doesn't have any reputations
    [1] = {
        repName = "garbage", -- Reputation name
        repLabel = "Garbage", -- Reputation label
        currentXp = 0, -- Current XP
        currentLvl = 1, -- Current level
        type = "legal", -- Reputation type (legal or illegal)
        icon = "fas fa-trash", -- Font Awesome icon
    [2] = {
        repName = "police",
        repLabel = "Police",
        currentXp = 0,
        currentLvl = 1,
        type = "legal",
        icon = "fa-solid fa-shield",
    [3] = {
        repName = "robbery",
        repLabel = "Robbery",
        currentXp = 0,
        currentLvl = 1,
        type = "illegal",
        icon = "fa-solid fa-gun",
    [4] = {
        repName = "medic",
        repLabel = "Medic",
        currentXp = 0,
        currentLvl = 1,
        type = "legal",
        icon = "fa-solid fa-suitcase-medical",
    [5] = {
        repName = "mechanic",
        repLabel = "Mechanic",
        currentXp = 0,
        currentLvl = 1,
        type = "legal",
        icon = "fas fa-tools",
    [6] = {
        repName = "taxi",
        repLabel = "Taxi",
        currentXp = 0,
        currentLvl = 1,
        type = "legal",
        icon = "fas fa-taxi",
    [7] = {
        repName = "drugs",
        repLabel = "Drugs",
        currentXp = 0,
        currentLvl = 1,
        type = "illegal",
        icon = "fa-solid fa-seedling",
    [8] = {
        repName = "blackmarket",
        repLabel = "Black Market",
        currentXp = 0,
        currentLvl = 1,
        type = "illegal",
        icon = "fa-solid fa-square-xmark",
    [9] = {
        repName = "fishing",
        repLabel = "Fishing",
        currentXp = 0,
        currentLvl = 1,
        type = "legal",
        icon = "fa-solid fa-fish",
    [10] = {
        repName = "farming",
        repLabel = "Farming",
        currentXp = 0,
        currentLvl = 1,
        type = "legal",
        icon = "fa-solid fa-leaf",
    [11] = {
        repName = "stamina",
        repLabel = "Stamina",
        currentXp = 0,
        currentLvl = 1,
        type = "skills",
        icon = "fa-solid fa-running",
    [12] = {
        repName = "strength",
        repLabel = "Strength",
        currentXp = 0,
        currentLvl = 1,
        type = "skills",
        icon = "fa-solid fa-dumbbell",
    [13] = {
        repName = "lungcapacity",
        repLabel = "Lung Capacity",
        currentXp = 0,
        currentLvl = 1,
        type = "skills",
        icon = "fa-solid fa-swimmer",
    [14] = {
        repName = "driving",
        repLabel = "Driving",
        currentXp = 0,
        currentLvl = 1,
        type = "skills",
        icon = "fa-solid fa-car",

Last updated