
For a better configuration, the script has 6 configuration files.

1. config.lua

This file is where you will handle almost everything you need. You have all the script Utility available, SQL, Blips, Peds, GSR, Elevators, Food Store, Camera Position, Pharmacy and Garages.

2. config_armory

This is where you can add or remove weapons, as well as items to your weaponry.

3. config_commands

This is where you have access to all the commands available in the script. You can enable / disable commands from being used.

4. config_functions.lua

Here you will have access to all the functions that are needed, these are: GiveKeys, TrunkItems, Fuel, SpawnCar, DeleteCar, RepairVehicle, Duty, FadeElevator, Notify, DrawText3D.

5. config_language.lua

The script comes initially in English, this is where you can change the language to your own.

6. config_webhooks.lua

This is where you can access the script logs. You can activate and deactivate.

Config.Webhooks = { -- Here you can enable / disable the sending of logs to your discord.
    Complaines = {
        Enable = true, -- Enable or disable the log
        Webhook = "YOUR_WEBHOOK", -- Your webhook link
        Title = "**Complaint - Police Investigation**", -- Title of log
        Colour = 65280, -- GREEN = 65280 --- RED = 16711680 -- Colour
    Searchs = {
        Enable = true,
        Webhook = "YOUR_WEBHOOK",
        Title = "**Search People - Police Investigation**",
        Colour = 65280, -- GREEN = 65280 --- RED = 16711680
    GSR = {
        Enable = true,
        Webhook = "YOUR_WEBHOOK",
        Title = "**GSR - Police Investigation**",
        Colour = 65280, -- GREEN = 65280 --- RED = 16711680

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