Config = {}
-- General Settings
Config.Core = "qb-core" -- qb-core folder name
Config.HelpText = "qb" -- qb, ox
Config.Notify = "ox" -- "qb" or "okok" or "ox"
Config.Inventory = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox"
Config.Display = { type = "helpText", target = "qb-target" } -- "target" or "helpText" | "qb-target" or "ox_target"
Config.Fuel = "LegacyFuel" -- "LegacyFuel" or "okokFuel" or "ox_fuel" or "ti_fuel" or "qs-fuel"
Config.VehicleKeys = "qb" -- "qb" or "qs" or "renewed"
Config.Management = "qb-banking" -- "qb-management" or "qb-banking" or "okokBanking" or "snipe-banking"
Config.InventoryDirectory = "qb-inventory/html/images/" -- This is the directory where the images are stored for the inventory ( "qb-inventory/html/images/" or "ox_inventory/web/images/ )
Config.MinigameType = "ps-ui" -- "ps-ui" or "bl_ui" or "ox_lib" ( open code on config_functions.lua )
Config.EmoteSystem = "scully_emotemenu" -- "dpemotes" or "rpemotes" or "scully_emotemenu"
Config.Debug = true -- Set this to true if you want to see the debug messages in the console
Config.SpawnAutomaticCarLift = false -- Set this to true if you want to spawn the car lift automatically ( when server start )
-- Mileage Settings
Config.Mileage = {
mileageNeedRepair = 1000, -- Every 1000 km the vehicle needs parts
disableEngine = true, -- Set this to true if you want to stop the engine when the vehicle is damaged and need a repair
itemsNeed = { -- Items needed to maintenance the vehicle
[1] = { item = "airfilter", amount = 1 },
[2] = { item = "brakepad", amount = 1 },
[3] = { item = "sparkplugs", amount = 1 },
[4] = { item = "fuelfilter", amount = 1 },
[5] = { item = "engineoil", amount = 1 }
-- Command Settings (This is for the commands that are registered)
Config.Commands = {
["diagonostic"] = { command = "diagonostic", help = "Open the diagnostic menu" },
["repairbody"] = { command = "repairbody", help = "Repair the body of the vehicle" },
["repairengine"] = { command = "repairengine", help = "Repair the engine of the vehicle" },
["cleanvehicle"] = { command = "cleanvehicle", help = "Clean the vehicle" },
["spawncarlift"] = { command = "spawncarlift", help = "Spawn car lift (MECHANICS ONLY)" },
["checkcarlifts"] = { command = "checkcarlifts", help = "Check all carlifts on the server (ADMIN ONLY)"}
-- Emails Settings (This is for the emails that are sent to the player)
Config.Emails = {
enable = true, -- Set this to true if you want to use the email system
phone = "qb-phone", -- "qb-phone" or "qs-smartphone" or "gksphone" or "yseries"
-- Vehicle Settings
Config.HeatEngine = {
enable = false, -- Set this to true if you want to use the engine heating system
maxSpeed = 150.0, -- Minimum speed at which the engine will start to heat up
maxTemp = 120.0, -- Minimum temperature at which the engine starts to degrade
degradeSpeed = 2.0, -- Degradation per 2.0 seconds. (Engine has 1000 health by default, 2.0 means it will remove 2.0 health per 2.0 seconds.)
shutdownTemp = 140.0, -- Maximum engine temperature if the engine stops
blackListedVehicles = { -- These vehicles will not be able to heat up
-- Repair Settings
Config.RepairSettings = {
minigame = false, -- Set this to true if you want to use the minigame
Body = {
item = "advancedrepairkit", -- This is the item needed to repair the body
price = 1000, -- This is the price for repairing the body
time = 5000, -- This is the time it takes to repair the body
customTime = true, -- Set this to true if you want to use custom repair times based on the body damage levels
timePerLevel = 1000, -- This is the time per level of body damage
points = math.random(1,5) -- This is the amount of points the player will receive for repairing the body
Engine = {
item = "repairkit", -- This is the item needed to repair the engine
price = 100, -- This is the price for repairing the engine
time = 5000, -- This is the time it takes to repair the engine
customTime = true, -- Set this to true if you want to use custom repair times based on the engine damage levels
timePerLevel = 1000, -- This is the time per level of engine damage
points = math.random(1,5) -- This is the amount of points the player will receive for repairing the engine
-- Vehicle Wheels Presets
Config.WheelsPresets = {
enable = true, -- Set this to true if you want to use the wheels presets system
saveInDatabase = true, -- Set this to true if you want to save the wheels presets in the database
maxPresets = 5, -- This is the maximum amount of presets that the player can save on the vehicle
commandOpenPresets = "wheelspresets", -- This is the command to open the wheels presets menu
speedMax = 20.0, -- This is the maximum speed at which the player can change the wheels preset
-- Parts Settings --
-- price = Price of the part when you order it
-- orderTime = Time it takes to order and receive the part
-- installingTime = Time it takes to install the part
-- progressBar = The text that will be displayed in the progress bar
-- anim = The animation dictionary that will be played when installing the part
-- propModel = The prop model that will be displayed when installing the part
-- tier = The tier/level of the part ( don't touch this )
-- type = The type of part ( don't touch this )
Config.CarParts = {
["brake0"] = { price = 500, orderTime = 5000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing brake lv0...", anim = "mechanic", propModel = "prop_m_brake_caliper", tier = -1, type = "brakes"},
["brake1"] = { price = 1000, orderTime = 7000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing brake lv1...", anim = "mechanic", propModel = "prop_m_brake_caliper", tier = 0, type = "brakes" },
["brake2"] = { price = 1500, orderTime = 9000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing brake lv2...", anim = "mechanic", propModel = "prop_m_brake_caliper", tier = 1, type = "brakes" },
["brake3"] = { price = 2000, orderTime = 11000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing brake lv3...", anim = "mechanic", propModel = "prop_m_brake_caliper", tier = 2, type = "brakes" },
["brake4"] = { price = 2500, orderTime = 12000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing brake lv4...", anim = "mechanic", propModel = "prop_m_brake_caliper", tier = 3, type = "brakes" },
["engine0"] = { price = 500, orderTime = 5000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing engine lv0...", anim = "mechanic", propModel = "prop_car_engine_01", tier = -1, type = "engine" },
["engine1"] = { price = 1000, orderTime = 7000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing engine lv1...", anim = "mechanic", propModel = "prop_car_engine_01", tier = 0, type = "engine" },
["engine2"] = { price = 1500, orderTime = 9000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing engine lv2...", anim = "mechanic", propModel = "prop_car_engine_01", tier = 1, type = "engine" },
["engine3"] = { price = 2000, orderTime = 11000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing engine lv3...", anim = "mechanic", propModel = "prop_car_engine_01", tier = 2, type = "engine" },
["engine4"] = { price = 2500, orderTime = 13000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing engine lv4...", anim = "mechanic", propModel = "prop_car_engine_01", tier = 3, type = "engine" },
["transmission0"] = { price = 500, orderTime = 5000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing transmission lv0...", anim = "mechanic", propModel = "prop_m_transmission", tier = -1, type = "transmission" },
["transmission1"] = { price = 1000, orderTime = 5000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing transmission lv1...", anim = "mechanic", propModel = "prop_m_transmission", tier = -1, type = "transmission" },
["transmission2"] = { price = 1500, orderTime = 5000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing transmission lv2...", anim = "mechanic", propModel = "prop_m_transmission", tier = -1, type = "transmission" },
["transmission3"] = { price = 2000, orderTime = 5000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing transmission lv3...", anim = "mechanic", propModel = "prop_m_transmission", tier = -1, type = "transmission" },
["turbo"] = { price = 500, orderTime = 5000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing turbo...", anim = "mechanic", propModel = "prop_m_turbo", tier = 18, type = "turbo" },
["suspension0"] = { price = 500, orderTime = 5000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing suspension lv0...", anim = "mechanic4", propModel = "prop_m_suspension", tier = 4, type = "suspension" },
["suspension1"] = { price = 1000, orderTime = 5000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing suspension lv1...", anim = "mechanic4", propModel = "prop_m_suspension", tier = 0, type = "suspension" },
["suspension2"] = { price = 1500, orderTime = 5000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing suspension lv2...", anim = "mechanic4", propModel = "prop_m_suspension", tier = 1, type = "suspension" },
["suspension3"] = { price = 2000, orderTime = 5000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing suspension lv3...", anim = "mechanic4", propModel = "prop_m_suspension", tier = 2, type = "suspension" },
["windowtint0"] = { price = 500, orderTime = 5000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing window tint...", anim = "maid", propModel = "prop_m_window_tint", tier = 0, type = "windowtint" },
["windowtint1"] = { price = 1000, orderTime = 5000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing window tint...", anim = "maid", propModel = "prop_m_window_tint", tier = 3, type = "windowtint" },
["windowtint2"] = { price = 1500, orderTime = 5000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing window tint...", anim = "maid", propModel = "prop_m_window_tint", tier = 2, type = "windowtint" },
["windowtint3"] = { price = 2000, orderTime = 5000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing window tint...", anim = "maid", propModel = "prop_m_window_tint", tier = 1, type = "windowtint" },
["carplate0"] = { price = 500, orderTime = 5000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing car plate...", anim = "mechanic4", propModel = "p_num_plate_01", tier = 2, type = "carplate" },
["carplate1"] = { price = 1000, orderTime = 5000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing car plate...", anim = "mechanic4", propModel = "p_num_plate_02", tier = 3, type = "carplate" },
["carplate2"] = { price = 1500, orderTime = 5000, installingTime = 5000, progressBar = "Installing car plate...", anim = "mechanic4", propModel = "p_num_plate_03", tier = 1, type = "carplate" },
-- Painting settings
Config.Painting = {
item = "paintcan", -- This is the item needed to paint the vehicle
remove = true, -- Set this to true if you want to remove the item after painting the vehicle
checkJob = true, -- Set this to true if you want to check the job of the player to use the item
-- Wheel stancer settings
Config.WheelStancer = {
item = "wheelstancer", -- This is the item needed to use the wheel stancer
remove = true, -- Set this to true if you want to remove the item after using the wheel stancer
checkJob = true, -- Set this to true if you want to check the job of the player to use the item
-- Repair Stations
Config.RepairStations = {
[1] = {
coords = vector3(441.73, -1014.82, 28.66), -- This is the location of the repair station
jobsNeeded = { "police" }, -- This is the jobs that are needed to use the repair station
blip = { coords = vector3(441.73, -1014.82, 28.66), label = "Police Repair Station", sprite = 402, color = 3, scale = 0.8 }, -- This is the blip that will be displayed on the map
label = "[E] - Police Repair Station", -- This is the label that will be displayed when you are near the repair station
zoneRange = 3.5, -- This is the range of the zone
repairPrice = 100, -- This is the price to repair the vehicle
repairTime = 5000, -- This is the time it takes to repair the vehicle
cleanVehicle = true, -- Set this to true if you want to clean the vehicle
enableOnlyMecOff = false, -- Set this to true if you want to enable the repair station only if have mechanics online
specVehicles = {
enable = false, -- Set this to true if you want to enable the specific vehicles
vehicles = { -- These are the vehicles that are allowed to use the repair station
Config.BlacklistVehicles = { -- Vehicles that can't be dismantled
Config.TradingSettings = {
["brokenengine"] = { -- Item required
itemNeeded = "brokenengine", -- Item required
itemReward = {"engine0", "engine1", "engine2", "engine3", "engine4"}, -- Random items for reward
chance = {100, 70, 60, 50, 40}, -- Chance of ordered rewards
amount = {1, 2}, -- Quantity of rewards
["brokenbrakes"] = {
itemNeeded = "brokenbrakes",
itemReward = {"brake0", "brake1", "brake2", "brake3"},
chance = {100, 70, 60, 50},
amount = {1, 2},
["brokentransmission"] = {
itemNeeded = "brokentransmission",
itemReward = {"transmission0", "transmission1", "transmission2", "transmission3"},
chance = {100, 70, 60, 50},
amount = {1, 2},
["brokenturbo"] = {
itemNeeded = "brokenturbo",
itemReward = {"turbo0"},
chance = {100},
amount = {1, 2},
["brokensuspension"] = {
itemNeeded = "brokensuspension",
itemReward = {"suspension0", "suspension1", "suspension2", "suspension3"},
chance = {100, 70, 60, 50},
amount = {1, 2},
Config.DismantVehicles = {
Locations = {
[1] = {
coords = vector3(-182.94, -1286.31, 31.3), -- Dismantle Vehicle Location
pedCoords = vector3(-174.86, -1273.17, 32.6), -- Ped Location
pedModel = "s_m_m_autoshop_01", -- Ped Model
pedHeading = 88.58, -- Ped Heading
pedLabel = "Trade Broken Parts",-- Label on help text
label = "Dismantle Vehicle", -- Label on help text
zoneRange = 5.0, -- Range to show help text
jobNames = {"mechanic"}, -- Job names that can dismantle vehicles
timeProgressbar = 5, -- 5 Seconds
rewardAmountList = 1, -- 1 only of the list below
Rewards = {
[1] = { item = "brokenengine", amount = math.random(1,2) },
[2] = { item = "brokenbrakes", amount = math.random(1,2) },
[3] = { item = "brokentransmission", amount = math.random(1,2) },
[4] = { item = "brokenturbo", amount = math.random(1,2) },
[5] = { item = "brokensuspension", amount = math.random(1,2) },
Config.MechanicStations = {
[1] = {
jobName = "mechanic", -- This is the job name that the player needs to have to access the station
Blip = {
coords = vector3(-212.54, -1326.36, 30.89), -- This is the location of the blip
sprite = 402, -- This is the sprite of the blip
color = 5, -- This is the color of the blip
scale = 0.8, -- This is the scale of the blip
label = "Benny's", -- This is the label of the blip
Locations = {
Crafting = {
coords = vector3(-196.3, -1318.34, 31.09),
label = "Crafting", -- This is the target / help text label
zoneRange = 2.0,
icon = "fa-solid fa-tools",
Actions = {
coords = vector3(-206.6, -1341.71, 34.89), -- This is the location of the zone
label = "Boss Actions", -- This is the target / help text label
zoneRange = 2.0, -- This is the range of the zone
grade = 3, -- This is the grade required to access the boss actions
icon = "fas fa-box",
Vehicles = {
coords = vector3(-204.24, -1301.84, 31.3),
heading = 90.52,
label = "Vehicles", -- This is the target / help text label
zoneRange = 3.5,
icon = "fa-solid fa-car",
DeleteVehicles = {
coords = vector3(-190.56, -1290.09, 31.12),
label = "Delete Vehicle", -- This is the target / help text label
zoneRange = 2.0,
icon = "fa-solid fa-car-crash",
Warehouse = {
coords = vector3(-213.85, -1334.37, 30.89),
label = "Warehouse", -- This is the target / help text label
zoneRange = 2.0,
icon = "fa-solid fa-box",
Shop = {
coords = vector3(-216.39, -1318.94, 30.89),
label = "Shop", -- This is the target / help text label
zoneRange = 2.0,
icon = "fa-solid fa-shopping-cart",
Diagnostic = {
coords = vector3(-222.04, -1329.99, 30.89),
label = "Diagnostic", -- This is the target / help text label
zoneRange = 3.5,
icon = "fa-solid fa-car-battery",
CarParts = {
coords = vector3(-205.9, -1327.65, 30.89),
label = "Car Parts", -- This is the target / help text label
zoneRange = 2.0,
dropStart = vector3(-244.15, -1305.11, 31.29),
dropEnd = vector3(-203.92, -1301.97, 31.3), -- Location you go to collect it
vehicle = "burrito",
icon = "fa-solid fa-car-battery",
ShopItems = { -- This is the items that are available in the shop
[1] = { name = "repairkit", price = 125, amount = 1, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 1 },
[2] = { name = "advancedrepairkit", price = 125, amount = 1, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 2 },
[3] = { name = "airfilter", price = 125, amount = 1, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 3 },
[4] = { name = "brakepad", price = 125, amount = 1, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 4 },
[5] = { name = "sparkplugs", price = 125, amount = 1, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 5 },
[6] = { name = "fuelfilter", price = 125, amount = 1, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 6 },
[7] = { name = "engineoil", price = 125, amount = 1, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 7 },
Vehicles = { -- This is the vehicles that are available in the shop
[1] = {
model = "blista", -- This is the model name of the vehicle
label = "Blista", -- This is the label that will be displayed in the menu
[2] = {
model = "flatbed", -- This is the model name of the vehicle
label = "Flatbed", -- This is the label that will be displayed in the menu
Crafting = {
[1] = {
item = "repairkit",
label = "Repair Kit",
icon = "fa-solid fa-tools",
time = 5,
image = "nui://"..Config.InventoryDirectory.."repairkit.png",
amount = 1,
requiredItems = {
[1] = { name = "iron", amount = 1 },
[2] = { name = "steel", amount = 1 },
[2] = {
item = "advancedrepairkit",
label = "Advanced Repair Kit",
icon = "fa-solid fa-tools",
time = 5,
image = "nui://"..Config.InventoryDirectory.."advancedrepairkit.png",
amount = 1,
requiredItems = {
[1] = { name = "iron", amount = 1 },
[3] = {
item = "cleaningkit",
label = "Cleaning Kit",
icon = "fa-solid fa-spray-can-sparkles",
time = 5,
image = "nui://"..Config.InventoryDirectory.."cleaningkit.png",
amount = 1,
requiredItems = {
[1] = { name = "iron", amount = 1 },
[4] = {
item = "cartire",
label = "Car Tire",
icon = "fa-solid fa-spray-can-sparkles",
time = 5,
image = "nui://"..Config.InventoryDirectory.."cartire.png",
amount = 1,
requiredItems = {
[1] = { name = "rubber", amount = 5 },
[5] = {
item = "paintcan",
label = "Paint Can",
icon = "fa-solid fa-spray-can-sparkles",
time = 5,
image = "nui://"..Config.InventoryDirectory.."paintcan.png",
amount = 1,
requiredItems = {
[1] = { name = "iron", amount = 1 },
Config.Towing = {
waitingTime = math.random(5000, 10000), -- Time to wait for receive a call ( in ms )
moneyPayment = math.random(100, 500), -- Payment for towing ( each vehicle )
deliverLocation = vector3(491.66, -1332.34, 29.34), -- Location to deliver the vehicle
randomNames = { -- Random names for the email
"John Doe",
"Jane Smith",
"Michael Johnson",
"Emily Davis",
"Chris Brown",
"Jessica Wilson",
"David Anderson",
"Amanda Thompson",
"Daniel Martinez",
"Sarah Lee"
randomTitles = { -- Random titles for the email
"Car Broke Down",
"Need a Tow",
"Car Won't Start",
"Vehicle Damaged",
"Car Stopped",
"Car Trouble",
"Car Needs Towing",
"Car Needs Assistance",
"Car Needs Repair",
"Car Needs Help"
randomMessages = { -- Random messages for the email
"I need a tow truck here, please.",
"We have a vehicle that needs towing.",
"Requesting a tow at this location.",
"Car broke down, need a tow truck.",
"Send a tow truck to my location.",
"Vehicle is damaged, need a tow.",
"Called for a tow, waiting here.",
"I need tow assistance here.",
"Tow truck required, car won't start.",
"Need a tow truck, the car stopped."
randomLocations = { -- Random locations
[1] = { coords = vector3(-252.77, -1341.04, 31.31), heading = 357.29 },
randomVehicles = { -- Random vehicles
local QBCore = exports[Config.Core]:GetCoreObject()
function Notify(msg, type, time)
if Config.Notify == "qb" then
QBCore.Functions.Notify(msg, type, time)
elseif Config.Notify == "okok" then
exports['okokNotify']:Alert('Notification', msg, time, type, true)
elseif Config.Notify == "ox" then
lib.notify({ title = 'Notification', description = msg, type = type })
function SendHelpText(msg, position)
if Config.HelpText == "qb" then
exports['qb-core']:DrawText(msg, position)
elseif Config.HelpText == "ox" then
lib.showTextUI(msg, position)
elseif Config.HelpText == "okok" then
exports['okokTextUI']:Open(msg, 'lightblue', position)
function RemoveHelpText()
if Config.HelpText == "qb" then
elseif Config.HelpText == "ox" then
elseif Config.HelpText == "okok" then
function SetVehicleFuel(vehicle, fuel)
if Config.Fuel == "LegacyFuel" then
exports["LegacyFuel"]:SetFuel(vehicle, 100.0)
elseif Config.Fuel == "okokFuel" then
exports['okokGasStation']:SetFuel(vehicle, 100.0)
elseif Config.Fuel == "ox_fuel" then
SetVehicleFuelLevel(vehicle, 100.0)
elseif Config.Fuel == "ti_fuel" then
exports["ti_fuel"]:setFuel(vehicle, 100.0, "RON91")
elseif Config.Fuel == "qs-fuel" then
exports['qs-fuelstations']:SetFuel(vehicle, 100.0)
function GiveKeys(vehicle)
local plate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle)
local model = GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(vehicle))
if Config.VehicleKeys == "qb" then
TriggerEvent("vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner", plate)
elseif Config.VehicleKeys == "qs" then
exports['qs-vehiclekeys']:GiveKeys(plate, model)
elseif Config.VehicleKeys == "renewed" then
elseif Config.VehicleKeys == "wasabi_carlock" then
function GetVehicleName(hash)
name = GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(hash)
return name
function Minigame(callback)
if Config.MinigameType == "ps-ui" then
if success then
Notify("You failed the minigame!", "error", 5000)
end, 2, 20)
elseif Config.MinigameType == "bl_ui" then
local success = exports.bl_ui:CircleProgress(1, 20)
if success then
Notify("You failed the minigame!", "error", 5000)
elseif Config.MinigameType == "ox_lib" then
local success = lib.skillCheck({'easy', 'easy', {areaSize = 60, speedMultiplier = 2}, 'hard'}, {'w', 'a', 's', 'd'})
if success then
Notify("You failed the minigame!", "error", 5000)
function SendEmail(sender, subject, message)
if == "qb-phone" then
TriggerServerEvent("qb-phone:server:sendNewMail", {
sender = sender,
subject = subject,
message = message,
elseif == "qs-smartphone" then
TriggerServerEvent("qs-smartphone:server:sendNewMail", {
sender = sender,
subject = subject,
message = message,
elseif == "gksphone" then
TriggerServerEvent("gksphone:NewMail", {
sender = sender,
subject = subject,
message = message,
elseif == "yseries" then
app = 'email',
title = subject,
text = message,
timeout = 3500,
icon = '',
}, source, sender)
function MakeAnimation(animation)
if Config.EmoteSystem == "dpemotes" then
TriggerEvent('animations:client:EmoteCommandStart', {animation})
elseif Config.EmoteSystem == "rpemotes" then
elseif Config.EmoteSystem == "scully_emotemenu" then
function CancelAnimation()
if Config.EmoteSystem == "dpemotes" then
TriggerEvent('animations:client:EmoteCommandStart', {"c"})
elseif Config.EmoteSystem == "rpemotes" then
elseif Config.EmoteSystem == "scully_emotemenu" then
Last updated