
Config = {}

Config.Framework = "esx" -- "qb" or "esx"
Config.Core = "qb-core" -- Your qb-core name , if you use ESX ignore this
Config.Notify = "ox" -- "qb" or "okok" or "ox" ( open code on config_functions.lua )
Config.DisableEngine = true -- Disable engine when player is AFK
Config.AFKTime = 300  -- Time in seconds to player be AFK ( 5 minutes )
Config.Debug = true -- Debug mode
Config.BlackBars = true -- Enable blacksbars when player is AFK
Config.Webhooks = true -- Enable or disable discord logs ( webhook can changed on s_utils.lua )
Config.Autodatabase = true -- Auto create database table

Config.CommandAFK = {
    enable = true, -- Enable command to set player AFK?
    command = "afk", -- Command to set player AFK

Config.CommandPermissions = {
    command = "checkafk",
    description = "Check all players with bypass to afk",
    permission = "admin", -- Permission to use command

Config.WarningAFK = {
    enable = true, -- Enable warning when player is AFK?
    warningMessage = "You will go to AFK in some seconds", -- Warning message
    timeWarning = 280, -- Time in seconds to warning player ( 20 seconds before Config.AFKTime )

Config.KickPlayer = {
    enable = true, -- Enable kick player when AFK?
    kickMessage = "You were kicked for being AFK", -- Kick message
    timeToKick = 600, -- Time in seconds to kick player ( 10 Minutes )
    timeWarning = 580, -- Time in seconds to warning player ( 20 seconds before Config.timeToKick )
    warningMessage = "You will be kicked for being AFK in 10 seconds", -- Warning message

Config.RemoveHud = {
    enable = false, -- Enable remove hud when player is AFK?
    removeHud = function ()
        -- You can trigger your hud code to disable it when AFK

Config.Animation = { -- This animation is only when the player is AFK outside the vehicle
    enable = true, -- Enable animation?
    animDict = "cellphone@", -- Animation dictionary
    animName = "cellphone_text_read_base", -- Animation name

Config.Text = {
    enable = true, -- Enable text above the player's head?
    text = "I'am AFK boyyyzzzzz", -- Text above the player's head

Last updated